Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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This last one seems easy enough. I notice that the os.path.normpath function on line 519 incorrectly removes one of the forward slashes of the smb:// protocol indication. Could you try commenting that line out and report back to me if it works?
(2013-10-09, 22:43)Anthirian Wrote: This last one seems easy enough. I notice that the os.path.normpath function on line 519 incorrectly removes one of the forward slashes of the smb:// protocol indication. Could you try commenting that line out and report back to me if it works?

Sorry, no change after doing that:

23:13:49 T:2886079584  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Starting cleaning routine
23:13:49 T:2886079584  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Checking for disk space on path: smb://BT/D/Finished/
23:13:50 T:2886079584  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: We are checking disk space from a non-Windows file system
23:13:50 T:2886079584  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Stripping smb://BT/D/Finished/ of all redundant stuff.
23:13:50 T:2886079584  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: The path now is smb://BT/D/Finished/
23:13:50 T:2886079584   ERROR: XBMC File Cleaner: Could not check disk space. Access denied.
23:13:50 T:2886079584  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Free space: 100.00%
23:13:51 T:2919900256  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Abort requested. Terminating.
Ok, could you try and change the OSError exception clause around line 529 to this?

PHP Code:
except OSErrorose:
self.notify(self.translate(32512), 15000level=xbmc.LOGERROR)
self.debug("Error accessing '%s': %s" % (pathose)) 

I would love to know why it gives an error and forgot to add this debug statement.

Also, did you by any chance mount the smb share previously, but did not do that after the change to the RPi?
(2013-10-11, 12:39)Anthirian Wrote: Ok, could you try and change the OSError exception clause around line 529 to this?

PHP Code:
except OSErrorose:
self.notify(self.translate(32512), 15000level=xbmc.LOGERROR)
self.debug("Error accessing '%s': %s" % (pathose)) 

I would love to know why it gives an error and forgot to add this debug statement.

13:06:12 T:2775577696  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Starting cleaning routine
13:06:12 T:2775577696  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Checking for disk space on path: smb://BT/D/Finished/
13:06:12 T:2775577696  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: We are checking disk space from a non-Windows file system
13:06:12 T:2775577696  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Stripping smb://BT/D/Finished/ of all redundant stuff.
13:06:12 T:2775577696  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: The path now is smb://BT/D/Finished/
13:06:12 T:2775577696   ERROR: XBMC File Cleaner: Could not check disk space. Access denied.
13:06:12 T:2775577696  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner:[b] Error accessing 'smb://BT/D/Finished/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'smb://BT/D/Finished/'[/b]
13:06:12 T:2775577696  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Free space: 100.00%

Also, did you by any chance mount the smb share previously, but did not do that after the change to the RPi?

I was running XBMC on windows before, so I guess no, I didn't mount the share?
Okay that might be the cause of your issue. When checking for disk space on Windows I convert the path to a UNC format, since the C function that checks disk space only accepts such paths. I was hoping the statvfs method would not care for missing credentials, but I was wrong. Also, XBMC doesn't give me these credentials straight away from the file path, so it cannot use them without you manually specifying them. You can do this by mounting the network location right from within XBMC:

When you add a new source to XBMC and select Browse, you have the option to select "Add network location..." Please fill in the credentials as well as server name and share location, selecting Windows Network (SMB) as the protocol. If you've done all that, please try the disk space checks once more and post your findings here.
(2013-10-16, 14:04)Anthirian Wrote: When you add a new source to XBMC and select Browse, you have the option to select "Add network location..." Please fill in the credentials as well as server name and share location, selecting Windows Network (SMB) as the protocol. If you've done all that, please try the disk space checks once more and post your findings here.

OK, getting there Smile

20:42:30 T:2760926304  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Starting cleaning routine
20:42:30 T:2760926304  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Checking for disk space on path: smb://rick:snupple@BT/D/
20:42:30 T:2760926304  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: We are checking disk space from a non-Windows file system
20:42:30 T:2760926304  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Stripping smb://rick:snupple@BT/D/ of all redundant stuff.
20:42:30 T:2760926304  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: The path now is smb://rick:snupple@BT/D/
20:42:30 T:2760926304   ERROR: XBMC File Cleaner: Could not check disk space. Access denied.
20:42:30 T:2760926304  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Error accessing 'smb://rick:snupple@BT/D/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'smb://rick:snupple@BT/D/'
20:42:30 T:2760926304  NOTICE: XBMC File Cleaner: Free space: 100.00%
Thanks for the update, I forgot to tell you I'm looking into this. It appears to have to do with the mounting of the drive as I expected. Apparently asking for the disk space on smb://BT/D/ is not valid. It needs to be checked on the mount point, but since XBMC uses an internal mounting system it might be a bit harder than I thought.
When selecting what volume to measure space left, it only lets me view special:// folders. Only some of them are populated.

Media is not populated, which is where I would presume to find my USB disc mounted at /media/username/, so I would guess that it is not linked to that location.

Root is also not populated which i presume would house the contents of /
is possible to delete only tv shows and only the previous season?

if some series was season 10 script can delete season 9... is that possible??

It is possible with a workaround, yes. If you have the show in season folders on your hard drive, you can exclude the folder for the latest season from deletion. Keep in mind you can only have up to three excluded paths however, so this is not possible for every show you have. It would be a lot of work to implement this, and it will cause a lot of disk scans to find out if the episode to be deleted is in the latest season or not.
Hi, I was wondering, do you have an option of instead remove the file it can be moved to another directory? I want to have a "main" directory clean and have a Archive directory for old files
Is there any way to set this script to prompt for deletion ONLY after watching videos in certain folder(s)? I was hoping to easily add a TiVo style "delete after watching" feature to folders that aren't in the library, i.e. stuff I've backed up from my old satellite based DVR. Just something that would pop up a delete option via any skin's default Yes/No dialogue XML.
(2013-12-27, 10:07)JFDionne Wrote: Hi, I was wondering, do you have an option of instead remove the file it can be moved to another directory? I want to have a "main" directory clean and have a Archive directory for old files
I'm sorry for not answering your question earlier, I hadn't seen your post. It is indeed possible to do this. By default the addon permanently deletes files, but you can also disable this setting. You then have the option to select a destination folder where all watched videos will be moved to.

(2014-02-01, 15:47)zackpliskin Wrote: Is there any way to set this script to prompt for deletion ONLY after watching videos in certain folder(s)? I was hoping to easily add a TiVo style "delete after watching" feature to folders that aren't in the library, i.e. stuff I've backed up from my old satellite based DVR. Just something that would pop up a delete option via any skin's default Yes/No dialogue XML.
This is not possible at the moment, no. The main reason for this is the fact that the addon currently queries XBMC for videos that are in its library and then checks their watched status. I believe this method is not possible for files not in the library, and to add this would mean I first have to add the functionality to delete after playback, which would require a substantial overhaul of the current code. This is planned for a future release, but I simply don't have the time to do that yet. Your best bet is to add the backed up videos to the library, which will make browsing them easier too, and excluding the files already in the library from deletion.
Would it be possible to add the feature to move the destination folder for watched shows / movies to separate locations rather than all going to one folder...

Since I store my movies & TV shows on different drives this creates quite an overhead of work for my drives as it currently stands.

Thanks and keep up the great work!
It might be, but at the moment I do not have the slightest idea how that would have to be implemented. Maybe I could create a setting that allows you to manually type in a relative path that will hold the watched videos, but I'm not sure how this affects other settings like disk space checks. I plan to implement a few of the most requested features for the Gotham release, but I'm afraid this will probably have to wait a bit longer.
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