Is it possible to create a report from the library?
Basically, I seem to have a lot of duplicate entries in my library, from when I've moved files about and forgotten to remove older files etc...
I'd like to somehow have a complete list of library items, with their file locations, in excel format so I can quickly browse through and find duplicates etc...
I could do it manually using XBMC with the laptop on my knee, but the wife is always hogging the TV Sad

Is this possible?

I use Media Companion (not sure how many people still do).

This will scan in the same way as XBMC you can then filter for duplicates or export a listing if you desire. Benefit is you can still be watching a film while you use it on a laptop.
I appreciete your suggestion, but is there no way of using the existing library? Reason I ask this is that I have quite a lot of network shares, and don't want to risk getting this list wrong.
I also want to seek out any items that XBMC has incorrectly scraped, so wouldn't really want another application to do a scrape slightly different to my XBMC library.

I'll give it a look in the meantime though... thanks.
Well, if you're prepared to use Sqlliteadmin you could export the movie tables from your database.
You might try exporting the library to file, then using that XML file to extract your list... but what tool to use I am not sure. You may be able to import it to a spreadsheet.
Seriously it's a 5 minute job with SQLiteadmin, while you may spend days trying to work out how to link an xml file to a spreadsheet (I did).

1. Copy video.db to a working folder so you have no fear of breaking anything.
2. Download sqliteadmin
3. Database -> open the videos.db you've just copied.
4. Click edit tab and then select files table
5. Select Data -> Export to Excel
6. And you're done.

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Is it possible to create a report from the library?0