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Win Advanced MCE Remote Mapper Tool
Thank you!
But, how that same configuration, that we set in Advanced MCE Remote Mapper, export in keyboard.xml?
keyboard.xml is xbmc file, MCE mapper tool does not touch it. The mce remote control codes are stored in the system registry, so it cannot be used in other OS. To remap the non working keys of your hp remote, you need to edit the registry key and not the keyboard.xml file.
I understand you man. I understand that MCE mapper write these codes in the Windows registry. I understand that work just on Windows!

But how these codes, which we stored in the Windows registry export in something else (keyboard.xml maybe?) that can be readable in others OS?

Ok, forget it, i'll manualy edit my keyboard.xml.
Anyway, thank you for MCE mapper, grat tool for Windows.

Thanks for developping this tool. I'm having some trouble with remote control mapping.

1st, I can't get AMRMT to work. When I'm applying changes, they're somehow not taken into account (I apply the changes to the registry and reboot).Do you know where that might come from?

2ndly, I tried another software that I found here (http://www.streacom.com/products/irrc/) and it messed up seriously with both my keyboard and remote control commands. As far as the remote control commands are concerned, only 2 buttons still work (up and right arrow, don't ask me why). Do you know how to start anew and set up everything the way it was originallly?



What is your remote model? Is it MCE remote? I'm not familiar with AMRM.

The mapper tool will create a backup of the mce codes the first time you apply it.You can try the backup.. Also run the tool as admin.
(2014-03-11, 12:19)baijuxavior Wrote: What is your remote model? Is it MCE remote? I'm not familiar with AMRM.

The mapper tool will create a backup of the mce codes the first time you apply it.You can try the backup.. Also run the tool as admin.


Thanks for your answer. Fortunately, I resolved my issue thanks to this thread. The thing is, this Streacom receiver has a firmware of its own, with the mapping embedded on the device. So you have to use the dedicated tool, which I managed to finally properly use.

Application just perfect, thank you very much !!!
Used mine with http://shop.inteset.com/xbox-4-in-1-prog...red-remote
W7.1 Intel Nuc i3-4010U

Had just to change power button to shutdown instead of suspend.
I am also using the same remote control. Very good one.
Hi, How do you map the colored buttons (green, red, blue, yellow) ?
With showkey, it doesn't show anything.

I would like to load pictures, videos and music with 3 of these buttons.
I applied them ctrl+e or ctrl+m but no effect.
Original keyboard.xml :
Quote: <m mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(music)</m> <!-- MCE My music -->
<i mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(pictures)</i> <!-- MCE My pictures -->
<e mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(video)</e> <!-- MCE videos -->

Also, the info button doesn't work, showkey doesn't help.
I need contextmenu in files and info in video playback.

Thanks a lot.
Colored buttons and info button can also be mapped using the mapper tool.

Are the shortcuts working when used from keyboard?

For context menu, set the info button to 'c'. Then in keyboard.xml set 'c' to show info under fullscreen video.

For the Green Windows and info buttons it works if i assign a key, now I see the key pressed with showkey and it works great in xbmc.

For the colored one, I assigned several combinaisons but nothing appears in showkey.


I'm on french Windows 7.1 if it can help

Maybe the colored button have different keycode like there http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...pid1451934 ?
Did you succeed to map them ?
I have the same remote control as yours, and the colored buttons work perfectly. I can upload my registry settings if you want.
Yeah it will be great.
Thanks again.
you can also download CustomMCERegistry.reg file from https://github.com/baijuxavior/XBMC-Launcher Script Files and replace the code for the colored buttons as mentioned in the link in your previous post.
Not much luck.

I execute CustomMCERegistry.reg : not working
In AdvancedMCERemoteMapper, I filled all keys with the value "a" but always nothing for the color buttons.

Maybe it's a button ID which is not in AdvancedMCERemoteMapper and CustomMCERegistry.reg ?
Last idea : is there a software that print the button ID pressed ?
I tried IR Server Suite with no luck.
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