Changing sources location, but not really
How would I go about it?

My sources are currently, /cifs/media and /cifs/media2

Since I went to nfs disks and can never remember which is which, I want to change them to:


The data/videos/audio etc will not change, just the 'prefix'. Is there a way to go into XBMC somewhere to change the sources?
I know there is sources.xml, but will XBMC still see the changes and try to reindex EVERYTHING?
You can export to a single file, then edit that exported file for path... then re-import the edited file (and change sources of course). A lot of trip ups and a bit too much work for me. (note you have the video library and separate audio libs to deal with). I would just export as separate files and re-scrape after you switch sources... depending on the size of your collection it will be pretty quick.

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Changing sources location, but not really0