xbmc on Ubuntu Server
Sorry I have no AMD/ATI video card therefore I can't help you to get your video card running.

I have the feeling that your setup/enviroment is very mixed now. If I were you I would start from a backup and start over again whith the two methodes already mentioned here:



I'm finish now to reinstall OS in Hd Test. I retry to install xbmc with your indication (2° link).
Seems it work....(it doesn't displays me anyone error)...it try to load the resolution on tv....but return on sheell mode...I try to force the running xmbc with "sudo xbmc" but it displays me ",,...XBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering,,..."....
It is better than before...now?
Sounds like you don't have a proper driver for your video card.
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What is the output of :

lspci | grep -i vga
HTPC RPI3 Kodi 17 (Krypton) v8.0.1 MR
Storage BPI 1x 500GB SSD UPnP server
Display Sony Bravia 32"
(2013-05-29, 10:01)n1md4 Wrote: What is the output of :

lspci | grep -i vga

...when I return at home I reply you...

I want add that after this error, I tryed to download from official ati site the last driver for my video card. (wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-ca...x86_64.zip). Than, I unzip the archive and I install the run's file. It complete the long installation with success but when I reboot it dosn't work (mountall: Comando Plymouth non riuscito mountall. Disconnesso da Plymouth.).

I immagine that it isn't the true method.....or the video cards driver are wrong...??
(2013-05-29, 10:01)n1md4 Wrote: What is the output of :

lspci | grep -i vga

I reinstalled os and I repeated the procedure.
lspci | grep -i vga
00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6320]
Don't go outside proper packaging. You want to install fglrx.
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so...it's only necessary the I do "apt-get install fglrx" ?
just follow the howto: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=116996

you can keep ubuntu server instead of minimal if you want.
I'm going crazy!!! I tried all the methods the I found on the internet...but none of these works. I have reinstalled the system about 10 times. SadSad
1 - Install ubuntu Server 12.10 with only one user called xbmc and psw xbmc
2 - I run download and start the script " cd ~
wget https://github.com/Bram77/xbmc-ubuntu-mi...l_2_6_1.sh
bash ./prepare_install_2_6_1.sh"
3 - Installation succesfull and reboot the system.
4 - The OS loading....I can view the messages "XBMC........Starting..."...The TV change resolution....seems it works......but the resolution rechange...and go to the login screen.
5 - I log in and do "xbmc"
6- Error: unable to open display
XBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering.
Install an appropriate graphics driver.

Please consult XBMC Wiki for supported hardware

Now I tryed to install the AMD official driver...the installation succesfull but when I reboot I receive a Plymouth errors.
Why not works?? Help me please! SadSad
I don't know what to suggest with your system, someone else might, but I would either:

a/ Do you have another computer to test this on?
b/ Try OpenElec or XBMCbuntu

Good luck!
HTPC RPI3 Kodi 17 (Krypton) v8.0.1 MR
Storage BPI 1x 500GB SSD UPnP server
Display Sony Bravia 32"
Update: If I do sudo startx xbmc it works! What I doing to have this command at the boot??

What are the difference between xbmc and openelec?
I retryed again to reinstall OS. After that I tryed to install the old script: not prepare_install_2_6.sh but prepare_install_2_4_1.sh.
It's works! So the 2.6 version isn't the update of the old version? :S
However, I decided to leave the idea of ​​installing xbmc on the server system because it has too many crashes and little stability. Thank you to all for the help!
Just install xbmcbuntu, which is a fairly minimal install anyway (but still has the possibility to install packages from apt repos) or use OpenELEC which is a even smaller install with XBMC as an applicance.

To answer your question:

XBMCbuntu = Ubuntu with X, lightdm and a normal XBMC running in special 'standalone' mode (which means there is no desktop underneath and some power management options are available)
OpenELEC = Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center is a small Linux distribution built from scratch as a platform to turn your computer into an XBMC media center.
Install XBMCbuntu then install the packages you need for it to operate as a server with apt-get... It is all ubuntu underneath anyway!

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