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Thanks Ned for adding the group switching actions.
Consider adding remark that these action only available on PVROSDChannels window.

For example one will also try to map a key to these actions on MyPVR window without a success.

I already mapped keys to open MyPVR with TV listing and Radio listing so my solution was to map the keys on MyPVR to the buttons that toggle between the groups.

    <keyboard name="Motorola Nyxboard Hybrid">
      <radio_btn>Control.Message(33, click)</radio_btn>
      <tv_btn>Control.Message(32, click)</tv_btn>
Hi Ned.

Three more pvr actions that missing from the wiki and added to Gotham are:
PlayPvr, PlayPvrTV, PlayPvrRadio.

These will start playing the last watched pvr channel (tv or radio), last watched tv channel or last played radio station.
In case non are exist or remembered then the first channel on the list.

Tested on updated Gotham build.

The purpose of this thread is to request a wiki account rather than to request updates to the wiki itself. You can do the latter yourself once you have a wiki account. Wink
of course you're right Smile , I didn't meant to sound like a bugger but did end like one.
Oh, I don't mind adding things myself, but yeah, the wiki won't bite :)
(2013-05-28, 04:44)Ned Scott Wrote: ...

I would like add that MediaTek MTK6589T quad-core is compatible with XBMC 13 alpha 10. I tested this scenario on a Jiayu G4A phone. Could the "Android_Hardware" wiki page be changed to reflect this? I am willing to try other versions if necessary...

screenshot Image

For more info: please refer to this post on xda-developers.

Gracias amigos!
Can I have My username reactivated in wiki so I can reset the password or something or?
It's easiest to just request the same username via Special:RequestAccount (wiki), and then I can flip the switch from there.
done, hopefully did that right
Ok done I now login... Can you please set username from Universal to uNiversal pls and make sure I have access all my previously created contents inc templates.
It works the same way that it did before, where the wiki auto-caps the first letter. It's a limitation of the wiki software. The most I can do is use {{DISPLAYTITLE|User:uNiversal}} on your userpage, but other references to your name will autocap the first letter.

How did this pan out in Gotham?
My only peeve remaining is that I can't directly change channel groups in EPG.Timeline
I'm running Gotham and would consider going back if I could cycle between bouquets.

What key did you map on your remote? I'm using a Harmony300 as a VRC 1100 (spurious MCE Remote)

(2013-09-11, 15:01)dhead Wrote: Thanks Ned for adding the group switching actions.
Consider adding remark that these action only available on PVROSDChannels window.

For example one will also try to map a key to these actions on MyPVR window without a success.

I already mapped keys to open MyPVR with TV listing and Radio listing so my solution was to map the keys on MyPVR to the buttons that toggle between the groups.

    <keyboard name="Motorola Nyxboard Hybrid">
      <radio_btn>Control.Message(33, click)</radio_btn>
      <tv_btn>Control.Message(32, click)</tv_btn>
Can I request a wiki account please?

I'm using a QNAP NAS and noticed that the page relating to setting up the insecure NFS exports needs some work. The method detailed for persisting the changes on the Qnap has been deprecated some time ago and there's an easier alternative detailed on the Qnap forums.

(2014-02-27, 19:27)ANOD Wrote: Can I request a wiki account please?

I'm using a QNAP NAS and noticed that the page relating to setting up the insecure NFS exports needs some work. The method detailed for persisting the changes on the Qnap has been deprecated some time ago and there's an easier alternative detailed on the Qnap forums.


Sure thing, just fill out your data here: Special:RequestAccount (wiki)
(2014-02-27, 22:22)Ned Scott Wrote:
(2014-02-27, 19:27)ANOD Wrote: Can I request a wiki account please?

I'm using a QNAP NAS and noticed that the page relating to setting up the insecure NFS exports needs some work. The method detailed for persisting the changes on the Qnap has been deprecated some time ago and there's an easier alternative detailed on the Qnap forums.


Sure thing, just fill out your data here: Special:RequestAccount (wiki)

Thanks Ned, request duly filled out.

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