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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents
(2013-11-03, 01:31)iolmao Wrote: First of all I want to thank all the developers working on it Smile

Thanks (it's just me though)!

(2013-11-03, 01:31)iolmao Wrote: Second: sometimes it is needed to load the mod_rewrite in Apache in order to let xvs to work so it may be a good idea to note that in installation guide Smile (this was my case in Ubuntu, it's quite strange indeed that mod_rewrite was not loaded).

It's right there in the installation instructions.

(2013-11-03, 01:31)iolmao Wrote: When I try to access to my Movie / TV Shows library what I get is an Error 500 (this is what Chrome console says) and in the log I have this:

It means you've entered the wrong credentials.
Not sure if you thought about it, but it would be nice if when you clicked the actors name it would bring up the page in a new tab or it's an issue on my end that leaves the server page. Otherwise the new features are nice.
(2013-11-03, 01:46)negge Wrote: It means you've entered the wrong credentials.

Uhm not sure about that :|

I am actually logged in after login page (admin / admin).

Where do I have entered my wrong credentials?

(Didn't notice about mod_rewrite, good to know and quite easy to fix, anyway Big Grin )
(2013-11-03, 03:09)iolmao Wrote:
(2013-11-03, 01:46)negge Wrote: It means you've entered the wrong credentials.

Uhm not sure about that :|

I am actually logged in after login page (admin / admin).

Where do I have entered my wrong credentials?

(Didn't notice about mod_rewrite, good to know and quite easy to fix, anyway Big Grin )

I'm assuming you are thinking of the xbmc video server login. He would be talking about the xbmc web interface, default in the config (xbmc / xbmc).
(2013-11-03, 02:20)cones Wrote: Not sure if you thought about it, but it would be nice if when you clicked the actors name it would bring up the page in a new tab or it's an issue on my end that leaves the server page. Otherwise the new features are nice.

Sure, that would be an easy fix.

(2013-11-03, 03:09)iolmao Wrote: Where do I have entered my wrong credentials?

I'm talking about the backend credentials. The default is "xbmc" as both username as password unless you've changed it.
Ok, maybe I was a little messy.

1) Installation -> everything was fine

2) Login -> admin/admin and I'm in! (login and credential are right)

Once logged in, I click on "Movies > Browse" I got that error (it's like a soft 500) with the log pasted before.

(In the readme file default credential are "admin/admin" by the way)

Ok, fixed!
I did some mess (as usual) configuring the backend Smile

Thank you all guys!
Told you ;-)
(2013-11-02, 19:06)negge Wrote: Just pushed some changes:
  • Added ability to filter movies by actor name. Unlike filtering by movie name there is no auto-complete here since the XBMC API doesn't provide a way to retrieve a list of all actors.
  • Clicking an actor image on a movie details page shows all movies with that particular actor
  • Clicking the actor name takes you to the IMDb search page for that actor (since IMDb doesn't have an API it's not trivial to determine the actual profile page)
  • Updated installation instructions for Ubuntu 13.10 and newer
  • Improved documentation about the proxy location feature

I sent you th code I used to display the Actor profile page instead of search results. The blank target is a good sugestion
Also added to my version of video server DDNS filtering so that even if a user shares its credentials he can only access from pre-determinated locations avoiding bandwith starvation.
@pedrogbranco: I didn't want to use your code directly, it contained too many hacks to parse the IMDb site which could break at any moment. I forked some random project on Github that provided a simple API for scraping their pages but for some reason the HTTP client couldn't make a connection most of the time (could be that IMDb deploys some kind of anti-crawler protection). That's why the current solution only takes you to the search page, that way there's is no scraping involved.

The DNS filtering is a good idea, I'll add it to the issue list so I don't forget it!
Hi negge, thanks for all your work on this.

I could use some assistance in getting this working with my existing reverse proxy.
There are 3 machines involved here:
Main reverse proxy, receives all traffic to my domain.
xbmc-video-server, debian machine dedicated to xbmc-video-server.
xbmc, actually openELEC htpc.

apache reverse proxy ( currently has this entry:

<Location /xbmc-video-server>

xbmc-video-server ( has this config in the backend setup. This is where I need guidance:

port 8080
xbmc/xbmc (will change once I get this working)
Proxy location /xbmc

And in the default virtual host:

AllowEncodedSlashes On
<Location /xbmc>
RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic eGJtYzp4Ym1j"

At this point I can see all the metadata and everything works while I am on the internal network. Externally, I can see metadata but obviously nothing can be played or downloaded.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide...

When you access the application, do you browse to or
To access the web interface (internal or external of my network), I go to This goes through the apache proxy at The Location entry on this proxy:

<Location /xbmc-video-server>

I can also browse the application while on the internal network directly from
When you access it externally, what do the media URLs look like?
Don't know what I'm doing wrong, on my system it is stupidly slow. Tested localhost or remote machine in local network, the thumbs on home page is loading forever, never finish. All other pages also take the eternity to load.

Any hints are welcome.

I'm on Windows 8, latest Gotham alpha/nightly available. Addon already is up to date.

Got an error now:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\xbmc-video-server\vendor\zendframework\zend-http\Zend\Http\Client\Adapter\Socket.php on line 239

I'm not even able to test the stream yet.

I wish to have Rotten Tomatoes (user+critics) + IMDB both ratings display in skin.
@tinybutstrong: have you tried an earlier build?
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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents9