Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents
(2014-01-17, 22:20)uiketekaes Wrote: Same error...

This is crazy!!


So it works when you use localhost as the backend address but not with your address? Can you access XBMC's web interface when you browse to If not, does it work when you browse to localhost:port? This is starting to sound more and more like a Windows firewall issue, or you've just entered the wrong address or port somewhere. I admit I haven't tested this on Windows 8 at all (I try my best to avoid it).

@Bambutscha you've got your ports mixed up. Only one program can use a particular port at a time. You now have three different applications (MPD, Apache (the web server that this software uses) and XBMC) and you need to a) configure them to use separate ports, b) configure XBMC Video Server to connect to the right port.

I'm really sorry that so many of you seem to be haivng problems getting this thing to work. There is not much I can do about it since the whole thing is a network-based application and thus you need to know your own network and the basics of how ports and addresses/domain names work in order to use it. I will try to add some checks when configuring the backend so that it'll become impossible to create a backend that a) is unconnectable or b) that connects to something other than XBMC. This should make troubleshooting a bit easier.
Where can i change the Port of the Apache?
You'll have to consult Google, I don't know how to do it on Windows (at least not off the top of my head).
Important notice to existing users

The proxy location feature has been slightly modified so that it only exposes the /vfs part of XBMC's web server. This way you won't have to leave your whole API exposed to the internet, just the virtual filesystem. The downside to this change is that you will have to consult the README again on how to configure the proxy location. Nothing difficult, it boils down to adding "/vfs" to the "ProxyPass" and "ProxyPassReverse" directives in your Apache configurations.

To clarify, if you previously had this in your configuration:

Quote:<Location /xbmc>
RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic eGJtYzp4Ym1j"

you will have to change it to this:

Quote:<Location /xbmc-vfs>
RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic eGJtYzp4Ym1j"

If you don't use the proxy location feature you can safely ignore this.
It is now possible to filter movies by minimum rating.
Hello I am Brazilian and would like to translate the application to the Portuguese. What files can I edit and change? thank you
(2014-01-23, 23:38)robsoncrv Wrote: Hello I am Brazilian and would like to translate the application to the Portuguese. What files can I edit and change? thank you

Unfortunately the application is not translatable at the moment. I guess this is something that should be added, I always use English so I never really made this a priority.
  • fixed a bug where deleting the current backend would break the application until the browser was restarted
  • switching backends no longer redirects you to Movies -> Browse (unless it has to)
  • additional checks are now being made when adding/updating a backend. It is no longer possible to configure a backend incorrectly. It checks that something is listening on the specified hostname and port, that whatever listening is actually XBMC and finally that the entered credentials are actually correct. Hopefully this will decrease support issues somewhat.
(2014-01-24, 00:27)negge Wrote:
(2014-01-23, 23:38)robsoncrv Wrote: Hello I am Brazilian and would like to translate the application to the Portuguese. What files can I edit and change? thank you

Unfortunately the application is not translatable at the moment. I guess this is something that should be added, I always use English so I never really made this a priority.

Thanks for the reply.
I would like to help translate if there is interest on your part at also provide people who speak Portuguese. I will be on hand if you need. Thank you for your attention.
  • results can now be sorted in list view mode
  • added rating and runtime columns for movies in list view mode (the data is not available for TV shows)
  • failed login attempts are now logged
I like this but after testing it on xbmc I want it on my freenas but can't get it to work? anybody any luck?? if so please do tell...

It is now possible to restrict access to the application using a whitelist. Run the usual upgrade instructions and you'll see a new field on the Settings page. The way it works is if a user matches any of the definitions he will be granted access, so e.g. if you specify "," any user on those two networks will be able to gain access.

(2014-01-29, 20:35)RiChaDo Wrote: I like this but after testing it on xbmc I want it on my freenas but can't get it to work? anybody any luck?? if so please do tell...

If you can get Apache installed on your NAS the rest should be pretty easy. Have you gotten that far?
I also just fixed a bug where the "Clear filter" button on the TV show browse page would incorrectly redirect to the movie browse page.

I love it, nice job

But how do you make when your XBMC is offline ?
(2014-02-03, 17:13)nourss Wrote: But how do you make when your XBMC is offline ?

You don't. This application requires XBMC to be running.
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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents9