XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents

I have gotten it to work on the local network perfectly. I have to set the hostname (in xbmc-video-server) as the local network address. Additionally, I am able to connect externally to the server using my DNS name >> DNS/xbmc-video-server. I figured out unless I use /xbmc-video-server it will not use the screenshot layouts.

Problem now: If I use my DNS name in the address/hostname, the local and external methods will both simply just timeout when streaming.
If I use my local address 192.168.x.x/xbmc-video-server then my network computer works perfectly.
Lastly, none of these options let me stream to my iPhone. They all simply return hostname doesn't match, or they simply just timeout.

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RE: XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents - by Twiggz - 2014-05-27, 19:05
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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents9