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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents
(2014-08-18, 22:02)Galixte Wrote: Hi,

it's strange i use this applicatioon on Windows (WHS 2011) with XAMPP and i set the reverse proxy in file :


Yeah that's weird.
It'd make sense for it to be in the proxy conf. But no matter what I did it wasn't working. As soon as I moved the proxy settings to the vHost file it started working.

Because I have my site running from a separate vHost maybe the proxy conf isn't used for the vHost? Which is why it needs to be entered in the vHost file instead? that's the only explanation I could see.

@negge, I'll play around with nginx some more today and let you know if I have any success.
I seem to have found another issue.. Obviously specific to my setup (Which I have changed a bit) and was hoping to get some assistance with.

I have now setup a Ubuntu VM running on my windows XBMC machine.
The OS is Ubuntu Server 14.04.
I have got everything working (website, XBMC connection, reverse proxy, etc) ok however when I attempt to stream or download any file it stops after about 4-5 seconds.

I noticed this only happens if I have the reverse proxy enabled. If the reverse proxy is turned off then i's perfectly fine and downloads complete. I was hoping to have the reverse proxy on so it wouldn't show my xbmc user details to anyone.

I followed the install instructions to the letter and can't figure out what is going on. Obviously something with the reverse proxy setup?

VirtualHost conf is here:

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

(2014-06-23, 19:56)sp8ced21 Wrote: Installation
Synology DSm 5.0 or Higher

Anyone following these instructions do so at your own risk, these are here a ref guide to help get this running on synology Nas.

This section contains instructions on how to install this application Synology DSm 5.0 or higher. If you're using another version of the above or a different distribution altogether you'll eventually have to adapt them slightly. The instructions assume that your shell user.
to install this you will need PUTTY and for some things you can use WinSCP instead (will give you file view)
When using Putty or WinSCP or similar programme remember username is "root" and the password is your synology admin password.

Before you begin you must complete the following setups before the server files can be installed.

also Install git server from package center by synology (do not use syno community package)

Ensure SSH is enabled this can be done via - Control Panel>>>Terminal & SNMP tick "ENABLE SSH"

1. Enable Web station - Controll Panel>>Web Services (there are two tabs at top web services and php make sure it selected on web services)
Tick ENABLE Web Station (will create folder in shared folders called "WEB"
Click "Virtual Host" under "Enable Web Station" click Create
Set "sub folder" as xbmc-video-server
Set "Hostname" as
Set "Port" default is 80 ( if you wish to use a different port see below step)
To have a different port enable "HTTP Service" tick "Add additional Port" and enter your prefered port number.

2. Staying in Same menu the tab at top will say "PHP Settings" select this
Ensure "Enable Cache" is ticks
Ensure "Customize PHP open_basdir" is ticked
underneath this you will see a box which will have the following or similar


click on this go to the end and paste in the following with no spaces


Once done above click APPLY to save the changes.

3. Ussing Putty SSH - enter the below command

Quote:vi /etc/php/conf.d/extentions.ini

#find line ;extension =, then remove ";" then save it

(you can use WinSCP to manually navigate to this file drag it to your desktop open in word pad edit as above save and paste it back to replace original file)

Synology DSm 5.0

Run the following commands, one by one, in the exact order shown here:
(Volume - is whatever your shared volume is called in this example its volume 1)

Quote:cd /volume1/web
git clone git://
cd xbmc-video-server
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer
php composer.phar install
./src/protected/yiic createinitialdatabase
./src/protected/yiic setpermissions

Finally, after saving the file you must restart Apache either go into Synology Web Gui and select restart or via ssh "httpd -k restart" (ive found ssh way to be hit or miss)
Update via SSH in Putty

To update your copy of the software to the latest version, run the following commands at root via ssh:

Quote:cd /your volume name/web/xbmc-video-server
git pull
php composer.phar install
./src/protected/yiic migrate --interactive=0

If you encounter the following error on trying to update
Quote:Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge. Aborting
then type the following command
Quote:git checkout -- /your volume name/web/xbmc-video-server
then complete the update as normal.

Once done this will give you up and running xbmc-video-server on synology, most encoutered errors are usually file permission issue so make sure you have correct file permision set for your Web folder.

This will allow for update using SSH

Setup Reverse Proxy on synology

you can use SSH and vi to accomplish this process but my preferred method is below as in my eyes it easier and more user friendly.

Using WinSCP navigate to following file in your synology root folder "httpd-vhost-user" : - /etc/httpd/sites-enabled-user/httpd-vhost.conf-user double click to open the file in notepad.

in the file you will find the following or similar

Quote:NameVirtualHost *:80
NameVirtualHost *:36331
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName *
DocumentRoot /var/services/web
<VirtualHost *:36331>
ServerName *
DocumentRoot /var/services/web
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/var/services/web/xbmc-video-server"
ErrorDocument 403 "/webdefault/sample.php?status=403"
ErrorDocument 404 "/webdefault/sample.php?status=404"
ErrorDocument 500 "/webdefault/sample.php?status=500"


underneath the above paste in the following before </VirtualHost>:

Quote:AllowEncodedSlashes On

<Location /xbmc-vfs>
RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic eGJtYzp4Ym1j"

once entered save and restart apache or restart the entire synology diskstation.

few notes/extra comments?

mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer

this failed so I changed it too

cp mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer

typo here vi /etc/php/conf.d/extentions.ini

had to add :/dev/urandom:/root/.composer/.htaccess:/root:/usr/bin:/root/volume1

going to try reverse proxy next.
BTW just got to say this is totally amazing!!! easily the best thing I've seen in the xbmc world since ever.

Is it right that a standard user can not send the wake on lan (only admins can). If so any chance of a 4rd user type of power user, that can do wake on pan?

Also any chance of a black theme? so it matches the default xbmc skin
(2014-08-25, 00:47)bertybassett Wrote: Is it right that a standard user can not send the wake on lan (only admins can). If so any chance of a 4rd user type of power user, that can do wake on pan?

In settings of your backends you can read this :

Quote:If a MAC address is entered a Wake-on-LAN packet will be sent to it whenever someone logs in

when a user log into the website of xbmc video server that will start the WOL functionnality.

(2014-08-25, 00:47)bertybassett Wrote: Also any chance of a black theme? so it matches the default xbmc skin

See that :

I have make a theme here but it's not dark, only green and purple. Maybe you can make your theme with the base of my modifications :
(2014-08-25, 01:41)Galixte Wrote:
(2014-08-25, 00:47)bertybassett Wrote: Is it right that a standard user can not send the wake on lan (only admins can). If so any chance of a 4rd user type of power user, that can do wake on pan?

In settings of your backends you can read this :

Quote:If a MAC address is entered a Wake-on-LAN packet will be sent to it whenever someone logs in

when a user log into the website of xbmc video server that will start the WOL functionnality.

I have entered the mac address but when a standard user logs in I get error 403 you are not authorised to perform this action. However if an admin logs in it send the magic packet and wakes up.
(2014-08-25, 02:04)bertybassett Wrote:
(2014-08-25, 01:41)Galixte Wrote:
(2014-08-25, 00:47)bertybassett Wrote: Is it right that a standard user can not send the wake on lan (only admins can). If so any chance of a 4rd user type of power user, that can do wake on pan?

In settings of your backends you can read this :

Quote:If a MAC address is entered a Wake-on-LAN packet will be sent to it whenever someone logs in

when a user log into the website of xbmc video server that will start the WOL functionnality.

I have entered the mac address but when a standard user logs in I get error 403 you are not authorised to perform this action. However if an admin logs in it send the magic packet and wakes up.

Please open a new issue here :
The WOL feature is supposed to work for normal users too, I'll fix it later today. I have some improvements to the filtering lined up too that I'll hopefully get finished today.
thanks guys. This really is the best support ever! if you need any logs then give me a shout.
having major issues getting this to work from outside of my network.

XBMCbuntu is on port 2359
Synology NAS/web server is on port 21311 have added set to host file as it pings the correct internal IP address.

Firewall is open for ports 2359 and 21311 to IP address

backend is called VFS and have added as proxy? Is that correct? this is my DDNS that I use for everything Synology.

I can stream from inside my own network but not externally any ideas?

added this to httpd.conf-user and restarted.

AllowEncodedSlashes On

<Location /xbmc-vfs>
RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic eGJtYzp4Ym1j"

Link to movie externally is
_ (added the _ to stop it shortening link)
is the trick to make this work to have 2 DDNSes? One pointed at your web site xbmc-video-server and another pointed at XBMCbuntu for backend proxy settings?
If I get this working I promise to make a dummy guides on how to set it up.
should I be able to lookup or on my internal network because I can't. Been on this seen 10.30 this morning (7 hours) think I'm going crazy.
@bertybassett: if you have set the location to be "/xbmc-vfs" then should be accessible (it should return an empty page if it's working). The link you posted above doesn't look right, it doesn't have the "xbmc-vfs" in it at all. Where did you put the <Location> block and "AllowEncodedSlashes"? It should be inside the <VirtualHost> block.

If you configure the reverse proxy correctly you don't need to open and forward port 2359 in your firewall at all (unless you want to be able to access your XBMC web interface directly from the internet, something that is generally not a good idea).
@ negge can you post a what a working URL should look like.

gets me

Service Temporarily Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

I think the reverse proxy must be wrong so I'll go have another play
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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents9