Airplay password removal
I am using frodo on windows.

I recently started using airplay through my old iphone 3gs

It worked perfectly. Then to test it, I enabled password protection in xbmc

Again, worked perfectly.

Then I tried to get rid of the password and that's where I ran into issues.

If I simply turn off password protection, it still requires a password from all airplay transmitters

The only workaround was to change the password field to a blank field. Now it doesn't require a password for the iphone, but I am having issues with other (android based) airplay streamers because they do not support password protected streams. I guess I now have an airplay receiver with a blank password.

So, my question is, how do I really reset the airplay settings in xbmc and get rid of the password? I don't mind editing config files and such. I just don't know where the airplay password info is stored.

blank it - disable it - restart XBMC (depending on your XBMC version this should work for all of them ...)
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