Broken Yahoo! Weather
1000% Work
import os, sys, socket, urllib2
from xml.dom import minidom
import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcaddon
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
    import simplejson
    import json as simplejson

__addon__      = xbmcaddon.Addon()
__addonname__  = __addon__.getAddonInfo('name')
__addonid__    = __addon__.getAddonInfo('id')
__version__    = __addon__.getAddonInfo('version')
__cwd__        = __addon__.getAddonInfo('path').decode("utf-8")
__resource__   = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( __cwd__, 'resources', 'lib' ).encode("utf-8") ).decode("utf-8")


from utilities import *

LOC_URL          = ''
LOC_QUERY        = 'select * from geo.places where text="%s"'
API_URL          = ''
WEATHER_ICON     = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp/weather/%s.png').decode("utf-8")
WEATHER_WINDOW   = xbmcgui.Window(12600)


def log(txt):
    if isinstance (txt,str):
        txt = txt.decode("utf-8")
    message = u'%s: %s' % (__addonid__, txt)
    xbmc.log(msg=message.encode("utf-8"), level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

def set_property(name, value):
    WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty(name, value)

def refresh_locations():
    locations = 0
    for count in range(1, 4):
        loc_name = __addon__.getSetting('Location%s' % count)
        if loc_name != '':
            locations += 1
        set_property('Location%s' % count, loc_name)
    set_property('Locations', str(locations))
    log('available locations: %s' % str(locations))

def location(loc):
    items  = []
    locs   = []
    locids = []
    log('searching for location: %s' % loc)
    query = find_location(loc)
    log('location data: %s' % query)
    data = parse_data(query)
    if data != '' and data.has_key('query') and data['query'].has_key('results') and data['query']['results'].has_key('place'):
        if isinstance (data['query']['results']['place'],list):
            for item in data['query']['results']['place']:
                listitem   = item['name'] + ' (' + item['admin1']['content'] + ' - ' + item['country']['code'] + ')'
                location   = item['name'] + ' (' + item['country']['code'] + ')'
                locationid = item['woeid']
            listitem   = data['query']['results']['place']['name'] + ' (' + data['query']['results']['place']['admin1']['content'] + ' - ' + data['query']['results']['place']['country']['code'] + ')'
            location   = data['query']['results']['place']['name'] + ' (' + data['query']['results']['place']['country']['code'] + ')'
            locationid = data['query']['results']['place']['woeid']
    return items, locs, locids

def find_location(loc):
    query = urllib2.quote(LOC_QUERY % loc)
    url = LOC_URL % query
        req = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        response =
        response = ''
    return response

def parse_data(reply):
        data = simplejson.loads(reply)
        log('failed to parse weather data')
        data = ''
    return data

def forecast(loc,locid):
    log('weather location: %s' % locid)
    retry = 0
    while (retry < 6) and (not MONITOR.abortRequested()):
        query = get_weather(locid)
        if query != '':
            retry = 6
            retry += 1
            log('weather download failed')
    log('forecast data: %s' % query)
    if query != '':

def get_weather(locid):
    url = API_URL % locid
        req = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        response =
        response = ''
    return response

def clear():
    set_property('Current.Condition'     , 'N/A')
    set_property('Current.Temperature'   , '0')
    set_property('Current.Wind'          , '0')
    set_property('Current.WindDirection' , 'N/A')
    set_property('Current.Humidity'      , '0')
    set_property('Current.FeelsLike'     , '0')
    set_property('Current.UVIndex'       , '0')
    set_property('Current.DewPoint'      , '0')
    set_property('Current.OutlookIcon'   , 'na.png')
    set_property('Current.FanartCode'    , 'na')
    for count in range (0, 5):
        set_property('Day%i.Title'       % count, 'N/A')
        set_property('Day%i.HighTemp'    % count, '0')
        set_property('Day%i.LowTemp'     % count, '0')
        set_property('Day%i.Outlook'     % count, 'N/A')
        set_property('Day%i.OutlookIcon' % count, 'na.png')
        set_property('Day%i.FanartCode'  % count, 'na')

def properties(data,loc):
    xml = minidom.parseString(data)
    wind = xml.getElementsByTagName('yweather:wind')
    atmosphere = xml.getElementsByTagName('yweather:atmosphere')
    astronomy = xml.getElementsByTagName('yweather:astronomy')
    condition = xml.getElementsByTagName('yweather:condition')
    forecast = xml.getElementsByTagName('yweather:forecast')
    set_property('Current.Location'      , loc)
    set_property('Current.Condition'     , condition[0].attributes['text'].value.replace('/', ' / '))
    set_property('Current.Temperature'   , condition[0].attributes['temp'].value)
    set_property('Current.Wind'          , wind[0].attributes['speed'].value)
    if (wind[0].attributes['direction'].value != ''):
        set_property('Current.WindDirection' , winddir(int(wind[0].attributes['direction'].value)))
        set_property('Current.WindDirection' , '')
    set_property('Current.WindChill'     , wind[0].attributes['chill'].value)
    set_property('Current.Humidity'      , atmosphere[0].attributes['humidity'].value)
    set_property('Current.Visibility'    , atmosphere[0].attributes['visibility'].value)
    set_property('Current.Pressure'      , atmosphere[0].attributes['pressure'].value)
    if (wind[0].attributes['speed'].value != ''):
        set_property('Current.FeelsLike'     , feelslike(int(condition[0].attributes['temp'].value), int(round(float(wind[0].attributes['speed'].value) + 0.5))))
        set_property('Current.FeelsLike' , '')
    set_property('Current.DewPoint'      , dewpoint(int(condition[0].attributes['temp'].value), int(atmosphere[0].attributes['humidity'].value)))
    set_property('Current.UVIndex'       , '')
    set_property('Current.OutlookIcon'   , '%s.png' % condition[0].attributes['code'].value) # Kodi translates it to Current.ConditionIcon
    set_property('Current.FanartCode'    , condition[0].attributes['code'].value)
    set_property('Today.Sunrise'         , astronomy[0].attributes['sunrise'].value)
    set_property('Today.Sunset'          , astronomy[0].attributes['sunset'].value)
    for count, item in enumerate(forecast):
        set_property('Day%i.Title'       % count, DAYS[item.attributes['day'].value])
        set_property('Day%i.HighTemp'    % count, item.attributes['high'].value)
        set_property('Day%i.LowTemp'     % count, item.attributes['low'].value)
        set_property('Day%i.Outlook'     % count, item.attributes['text'].value.replace('/', ' / '))
        set_property('Day%i.OutlookIcon' % count, '%s.png' % item.attributes['code'].value)
        set_property('Day%i.FanartCode'  % count, item.attributes['code'].value)

class MyMonitor(xbmc.Monitor):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

log('version %s started: %s' % (__version__, sys.argv))

MONITOR = MyMonitor()
set_property('Forecast.IsFetched' , '')
set_property('Current.IsFetched'  , '')
set_property('Today.IsFetched'    , '')
set_property('Daily.IsFetched'    , '')
set_property('Weekend.IsFetched'  , '')
set_property('36Hour.IsFetched'   , '')
set_property('Hourly.IsFetched'   , '')
set_property('Alerts.IsFetched'   , '')
set_property('Map.IsFetched'      , '')
set_property('WeatherProvider'    , __addonname__)
set_property('WeatherProviderLogo', xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(__cwd__, 'resources', 'banner.png')))

if sys.argv[1].startswith('Location'):
    keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', xbmc.getLocalizedString(14024), False)
    if (keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText() != ''):
        text = keyboard.getText()
        items, locs, locids = location(text)
        dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        if locs != []:
            selected =, items)
            if selected != -1:
                __addon__.setSetting(sys.argv[1], locs[selected])
                __addon__.setSetting(sys.argv[1] + 'id', locids[selected])
                log('selected location: %s' % locs[selected])
            log('no locations found')
            dialog.ok(__addonname__, xbmc.getLocalizedString(284))
    location = __addon__.getSetting('Location%s' % sys.argv[1])
    locationid = __addon__.getSetting('Location%sid' % sys.argv[1])
    if (locationid == '') and (sys.argv[1] != '1'):
        location = __addon__.getSetting('Location1')
        locationid = __addon__.getSetting('Location1id')
        log('trying location 1 instead')
    if not locationid == '':
        forecast(location, locationid)
        log('empty location id')


Messages In This Thread
Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2013-07-20, 00:46
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by artrafael - 2013-07-20, 01:00
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2013-07-20, 13:12
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by hunkyn - 2013-07-20, 16:06
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Stevenlr - 2013-07-20, 19:51
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by artrafael - 2013-07-20, 20:06
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Stevenlr - 2013-07-21, 00:14
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2013-07-21, 00:21
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Stevenlr - 2013-07-26, 18:01
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by shuvro - 2014-10-14, 22:51
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Stildawn - 2013-07-30, 23:21
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by artrafael - 2013-07-30, 23:48
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by pkscout - 2013-07-31, 02:04
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Stildawn - 2013-07-31, 03:38
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by OCDHD - 2013-09-08, 21:48
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by artrafael - 2013-09-08, 22:11
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by OCDHD - 2013-09-08, 22:37
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2013-09-08, 22:42
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by OCDHD - 2013-09-08, 22:52
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by artrafael - 2013-09-08, 22:58
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2013-09-08, 23:02
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by OCDHD - 2013-09-08, 23:07
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by artrafael - 2013-09-08, 23:22
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by OCDHD - 2013-09-08, 23:25
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by artrafael - 2013-09-08, 23:35
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Warner306 - 2014-04-07, 00:45
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Bitboy - 2014-04-07, 01:52
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Warner306 - 2014-04-07, 22:18
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by loki131 - 2014-05-19, 06:34
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by PhilipW - 2014-08-19, 21:31
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by rglaap - 2014-08-27, 17:24
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-08-27, 17:40
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by rglaap - 2014-08-27, 18:28
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by skepti - 2014-10-14, 10:17
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-10-17, 23:55
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by arzaz - 2014-10-18, 16:45
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by a.rdet - 2014-10-22, 15:02
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-10-22, 17:17
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by a.rdet - 2014-10-22, 22:57
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by blueturtles - 2014-10-22, 17:13
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by a.rdet - 2014-10-22, 23:34
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-10-23, 00:05
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by a.rdet - 2014-10-23, 11:29
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-10-23, 14:17
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by fred_gaou - 2014-10-28, 22:13
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-10-29, 01:02
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by fred_gaou - 2014-10-29, 02:59
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by scott967 - 2014-11-05, 23:37
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-11-06, 01:18
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Morcegolas - 2014-12-02, 00:07
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-12-02, 00:33
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by JPad - 2014-12-05, 20:31
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-12-06, 01:40
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by JPad - 2014-12-06, 03:36
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ofek - 2014-12-11, 19:30
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-12-12, 15:00
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ofek - 2014-12-12, 15:39
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-12-16, 17:11
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by tavoc - 2014-12-16, 14:35
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-12-16, 17:12
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by tavoc - 2014-12-17, 12:16
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2014-12-17, 15:10
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by jayace - 2015-01-03, 01:37
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by finalmakerr - 2015-01-10, 22:45
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-01-11, 15:21
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ysilvela - 2015-01-16, 19:54
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-01-16, 22:49
Re: RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Martijn - 2015-01-16, 19:59
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by apeg - 2015-01-17, 17:58
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-01-18, 15:28
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ganzinha - 2015-01-18, 15:49
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ganzinha - 2015-01-18, 15:20
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by neurosis13 - 2015-01-20, 02:02
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-01-20, 02:06
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by neurosis13 - 2015-01-20, 03:10
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-01-20, 14:59
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by neurosis13 - 2015-01-20, 20:31
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-01-27, 17:48
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by zhong - 2015-02-11, 07:45
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-02-11, 13:00
Re: RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by zhong - 2015-02-11, 17:09
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-02-12, 19:25
Yahoo! Weather - by gsfarr - 2015-02-12, 19:35
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gsfarr - 2015-02-16, 10:56
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gsfarr - 2015-02-16, 19:12
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by b_adl_y - 2015-03-03, 08:07
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by pgordash - 2015-04-06, 16:48
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by zhong - 2015-04-06, 17:26
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-04-06, 20:37
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by pgordash - 2015-04-07, 17:36
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by JasonMI - 2015-04-10, 07:50
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-04-10, 16:04
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by JasonMI - 2015-04-13, 05:39
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by JackQT - 2015-06-16, 00:55
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-06-16, 07:47
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by JackQT - 2015-06-17, 02:54
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by advocate99 - 2015-07-14, 20:03
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-07-14, 21:35
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by advocate99 - 2015-07-15, 06:22
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Hairybiker - 2015-07-24, 15:29
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-07-24, 20:31
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by un1versal - 2015-07-24, 18:17
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by GhoudiOnPi - 2015-07-27, 12:53
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-07-27, 17:42
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by jdastas - 2015-10-24, 21:23
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-10-24, 21:27
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by van141 - 2015-10-25, 01:00
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-10-25, 01:27
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by van141 - 2015-10-25, 12:22
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-11-19, 18:26
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-11-19, 21:10
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-11-20, 22:26
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-11-20, 22:37
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-11-20, 22:46
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-11-20, 22:39
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-11-20, 22:43
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-11-20, 23:33
[RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by finalmakerr - 2015-11-21, 15:35
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-11-21, 16:54
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-11-21, 17:35
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-11-21, 17:40
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-11-21, 17:42
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-11-25, 17:45
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by mentat - 2015-11-25, 23:37
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-11-26, 01:23
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2015-12-24, 20:11
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Eddy_ac - 2015-12-26, 23:23
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by wgstarks - 2015-12-27, 15:08
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2015-12-27, 15:58
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by wgstarks - 2015-12-27, 16:11
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by PhyshBourne - 2016-03-04, 13:26
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-03-04, 18:59
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-24, 02:23
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by wgstarks - 2016-03-24, 02:45
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by amcfarla - 2016-03-24, 23:51
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by diedrichg - 2016-03-25, 04:01
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-03-25, 10:18
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by droidal - 2016-03-25, 22:16
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-26, 05:12
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by UncleBrian - 2016-03-26, 17:30
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by mentat - 2016-03-26, 18:01
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by pagali - 2016-03-26, 18:35
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-03-27, 12:51
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ShlomiD - 2016-03-27, 14:18
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by great_vc - 2016-03-27, 14:37
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Trillium - 2016-03-28, 15:56
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Scarecrow23 - 2016-03-28, 20:14
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by NicCo - 2016-03-27, 00:24
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-27, 00:53
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by haxobel - 2016-03-27, 08:50
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-27, 01:07
[RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by diedrichg - 2016-03-27, 18:10
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by haxobel - 2016-03-27, 20:15
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by roc4fun - 2016-03-27, 20:41
[RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by diedrichg - 2016-03-27, 20:20
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by haxobel - 2016-03-27, 20:30
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Sittich - 2016-03-27, 20:59
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by JSLee - 2016-03-27, 21:46
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Sittich - 2016-03-27, 22:10
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by haxobel - 2016-03-27, 23:18
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Sittich - 2016-03-28, 00:23
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by haxobel - 2016-03-28, 11:25
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Jimbo213Mo - 2016-03-28, 03:20
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-28, 03:26
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Tavernier62 - 2016-03-28, 03:41
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Jimbo213Mo - 2016-03-28, 03:57
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-28, 03:59
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by mystic84 - 2016-03-28, 04:16
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-28, 04:52
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Jimbo213Mo - 2016-03-28, 05:13
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-03-28, 05:47
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by mystic84 - 2016-03-28, 10:43
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by newsbeast - 2016-03-28, 23:38
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by haxobel - 2016-03-28, 11:09
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Sittich - 2016-03-28, 12:07
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by diedrichg - 2016-03-28, 13:20
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Sittich - 2016-03-28, 13:35
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Karpalak - 2016-03-28, 13:52
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Tatts4Life - 2016-03-28, 16:05
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by Trillium - 2016-03-28, 16:52
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by rbmcgee - 2016-03-28, 21:02
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-28, 21:57
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by rbmcgee - 2016-03-28, 22:01
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-28, 22:06
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-03-28, 22:29
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-03-28, 23:43
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by haxobel - 2016-03-29, 06:55
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Mr Dan - 2016-03-29, 08:05
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by diedrichg - 2016-03-28, 23:58
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-03-29, 00:00
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by CalgonRah - 2016-03-29, 00:08
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-03-29, 00:14
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by CalgonRah - 2016-03-29, 02:23
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by rbmcgee - 2016-03-29, 00:58
RE: [RELEASE] Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-29, 01:23
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-03-29, 08:11
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Mr Dan - 2016-03-30, 07:57
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-03-29, 20:17
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by BeGendy - 2016-03-29, 21:34
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by diedrichg - 2016-04-02, 00:57
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by amcfarla - 2016-04-13, 03:03
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-04-13, 04:01
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by nelsonha - 2016-04-13, 06:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by amcfarla - 2016-04-13, 14:06
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by guido1138 - 2016-04-13, 04:41
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-04-13, 17:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-04-14, 00:25
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2016-04-14, 22:41
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-04-14, 23:24
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-04-15, 23:49
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2016-04-17, 00:07
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by maxbmmr - 2016-04-15, 01:25
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-04-15, 02:04
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by oksauce - 2016-04-15, 15:03
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-04-15, 19:55
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by maxbmmr - 2016-04-17, 05:29
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by stringlefellow - 2016-04-16, 10:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by oksauce - 2016-04-17, 12:24
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Hustler1337 - 2016-04-17, 13:10
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-04-17, 13:44
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by oksauce - 2016-04-18, 01:22
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-04-18, 17:54
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by bu11dog - 2016-04-23, 07:07
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by stringlefellow - 2016-04-18, 22:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-04-18, 22:28
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by oksauce - 2016-04-19, 01:49
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by stringlefellow - 2016-04-19, 20:38
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-04-19, 21:20
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Yorick - 2016-04-20, 20:39
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-04-20, 23:26
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by oscarchd - 2016-04-21, 10:34
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jackie78 - 2016-05-06, 08:25
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by diedrichg - 2016-05-07, 02:31
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by stringlefellow - 2016-05-16, 20:50
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2016-05-19, 21:59
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Idokfire - 2016-05-20, 00:09
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-05-20, 00:10
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-05-20, 01:57
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by User 272336 - 2016-05-20, 02:05
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by siggijarl - 2016-06-23, 18:31
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by siggijarl - 2016-06-24, 23:41
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by siggijarl - 2016-06-24, 23:50
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by bgst - 2016-08-04, 11:09
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-08-04, 16:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by axbmcuser - 2016-08-10, 02:28
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by CooperCGN - 2016-08-17, 22:19
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-08-17, 23:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by wurlizer1928 - 2016-08-17, 18:59
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by CooperCGN - 2016-08-18, 09:34
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by axbmcuser - 2016-08-18, 20:13
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Nikolo - 2016-08-23, 08:56
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by scott967 - 2016-08-23, 20:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Nikolo - 2016-08-24, 07:54
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2016-09-14, 18:50
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-09-16, 10:47
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2016-09-16, 13:34
Yahoo! Weather - by WildPhydeaux - 2016-10-10, 18:27
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-10-10, 18:46
Yahoo! Weather - by WildPhydeaux - 2016-10-10, 19:17
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-10-10, 20:09
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-10-10, 20:33
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-10-10, 21:52
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-10-10, 22:11
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by WildPhydeaux - 2016-10-10, 22:42
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by black_eagle - 2016-10-10, 22:53
Yahoo! Weather - by WildPhydeaux - 2016-10-11, 00:42
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-10-11, 00:56
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by WildPhydeaux - 2016-10-11, 02:19
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by bred_pitt - 2016-10-11, 17:56
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2016-10-11, 18:52
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2016-10-11, 19:00
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2016-10-12, 08:26
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-10-11, 19:06
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by black_eagle - 2016-10-11, 20:01
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-10-12, 00:13
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by bred_pitt - 2016-10-12, 00:17
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by apeg - 2016-12-22, 16:29
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-12-22, 18:30
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Koitsu - 2016-12-23, 02:37
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-12-23, 02:46
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Koitsu - 2016-12-23, 23:12
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2016-12-24, 11:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2016-12-24, 13:17
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2016-12-24, 15:00
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-12-24, 19:43
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2016-12-24, 19:49
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-12-24, 19:57
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2016-12-25, 08:27
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2016-12-25, 22:12
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2016-12-26, 08:19
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by jdig4240 - 2017-01-01, 01:43
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2017-01-01, 07:14
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by jdig4240 - 2017-01-01, 21:19
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2017-01-01, 21:37
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2017-01-01, 21:30
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by jdig4240 - 2017-01-01, 21:38
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2017-01-01, 21:40
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2017-01-01, 21:34
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by jdig4240 - 2017-01-01, 21:39
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by sup191 - 2017-01-03, 05:41
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by jdig4240 - 2017-01-03, 17:01
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Medlir - 2017-01-05, 07:46
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by jdig4240 - 2017-01-05, 17:38
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2017-01-05, 19:45
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by heula - 2017-01-21, 11:00
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2017-01-21, 11:04
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2017-01-21, 14:20
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2017-01-21, 14:24
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Blusky - 2017-01-22, 23:24
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by eurogroovem5 - 2017-03-14, 22:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2017-03-15, 17:59
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by TallTing - 2017-07-28, 02:28
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by TallTing - 2017-07-28, 02:47
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by christopher_mcaloney - 2017-12-28, 22:40
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by juicer - 2018-01-04, 04:09
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Fennec - 2018-01-18, 08:44
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Karellen - 2018-01-18, 09:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Fennec - 2018-01-22, 12:01
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Karellen - 2018-01-22, 12:17
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Bockelbam - 2018-02-08, 20:05
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2018-02-08, 20:30
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Bockelbam - 2018-02-10, 19:03
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Heinzel - 2018-12-29, 23:40
Yahoo Weather API Change - by David Rad - 2019-01-04, 03:49
RE: Yahoo Weather API Change - by ronie - 2019-01-05, 03:52
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by m0ephawka - 2019-01-04, 22:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2019-01-04, 22:25
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Bedwyr - 2019-01-06, 01:36
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-01-06, 05:12
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Bedwyr - 2019-01-06, 18:47
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by D-m-x - 2019-01-06, 18:30
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by TCCalvin - 2019-01-06, 18:53
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Fergus - 2019-01-06, 23:00
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2019-01-07, 09:22
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Yubby - 2019-01-06, 23:11
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-01-07, 03:09
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by olympus - 2019-01-07, 13:01
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2019-01-07, 03:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-01-07, 13:14
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by olympus - 2019-01-07, 13:22
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-01-07, 13:30
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by olympus - 2019-01-07, 13:38
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Fergus - 2019-01-07, 15:19
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by chatan - 2019-01-07, 15:43
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by m0ephawka - 2019-01-08, 00:02
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by brazen1 - 2019-01-08, 01:42
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by brazen1 - 2019-01-08, 02:08
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by kunjoke - 2019-01-08, 06:40
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Karellen - 2019-01-08, 07:39
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2019-01-08, 09:42
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-01-08, 11:30
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by cadet - 2019-01-08, 10:44
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-01-08, 11:32
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by grossdm - 2019-04-16, 07:59
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by infin1ty_ - 2019-01-08, 18:20
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-01-08, 19:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by infin1ty_ - 2019-01-08, 20:00
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Klojum - 2019-01-08, 19:07
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2019-01-08, 19:23
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-01-08, 19:50
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by infin1ty_ - 2019-01-08, 19:54
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by threshold84 - 2019-01-14, 00:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2019-01-18, 23:16
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by wurlizer1928 - 2019-01-19, 00:21
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Ken62465 - 2019-01-19, 01:19
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Simkin84 - 2019-01-23, 21:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by bodays - 2019-02-16, 16:42
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by DarkZone-World - 2019-02-21, 21:53
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2019-04-27, 05:06
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by xbmcjas - 2019-04-27, 13:16
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Sabre - 2019-04-27, 15:34
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by mentat - 2019-04-27, 17:07
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2019-04-27, 18:43
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by mentat - 2019-04-27, 19:08
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2019-04-27, 19:26
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Cyberdom - 2019-04-27, 17:42
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by olympus - 2019-04-28, 03:44
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Scorpion123 - 2019-04-28, 13:08
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by tehRuttiger - 2019-04-28, 16:34
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by oldtvwatcher - 2019-04-28, 17:26
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by TomT - 2019-04-28, 18:22
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-04-28, 18:28
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by cadet - 2019-04-28, 20:36
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by tehRuttiger - 2019-04-28, 23:27
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Klojum - 2019-04-28, 23:50
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by olympus - 2019-04-29, 02:28
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by brazen1 - 2019-04-29, 02:27
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2019-04-29, 06:41
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by cadet - 2019-04-29, 14:02
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by cadet - 2019-04-29, 18:26
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by cadet - 2019-04-29, 18:36
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Cyberdom - 2019-04-29, 18:48
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Patrick123 - 2019-10-07, 14:54
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Patrick123 - 2019-10-07, 15:02
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Patrick123 - 2019-10-07, 15:35
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Klojum - 2019-10-07, 15:32
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Patrick123 - 2019-10-07, 15:55
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by rocko - 2019-10-07, 16:11
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Patrick123 - 2019-10-07, 16:16
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by bsoriano - 2019-10-15, 00:33
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2019-10-15, 00:40
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by blueribb - 2019-11-11, 03:54
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Soli - 2020-01-26, 09:31
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2020-02-26, 09:09
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2020-02-26, 19:36
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2020-02-26, 19:55
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2020-05-24, 21:45
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Bruur - 2020-06-08, 10:29
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by gate1975mlm - 2020-06-08, 14:14
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2020-06-08, 14:20
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Bruur - 2020-06-08, 15:31
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Archimedes - 2020-06-30, 23:42
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Archimedes - 2020-07-01, 00:17
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RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ronie - 2021-03-05, 23:38
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RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-11, 08:30
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by mikefreeman - 2021-03-11, 08:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-11, 09:49
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RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-07, 16:10
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by jim_p - 2021-03-07, 16:13
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Klojum - 2021-03-07, 17:02
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by RCBodyslam - 2021-03-07, 17:24
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Klojum - 2021-03-07, 17:18
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Klojum - 2021-03-08, 05:56
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by otava5 - 2021-03-08, 16:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-08, 16:24
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by otava5 - 2021-03-08, 16:37
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-08, 16:49
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by dobbelina - 2021-03-09, 09:32
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-09, 09:40
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by hfam - 2021-03-09, 10:54
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-09, 10:58
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Nervosa - 2021-03-09, 22:14
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by hfam - 2021-03-09, 11:02
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by hfam - 2021-03-09, 11:11
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-09, 11:15
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by hfam - 2021-03-09, 12:19
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-09, 12:21
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by hfam - 2021-03-09, 12:29
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-09, 12:32
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-09, 12:43
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Klojum - 2021-03-09, 12:48
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-09, 12:50
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Klojum - 2021-03-09, 12:51
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by hfam - 2021-03-09, 13:52
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by ohhwee - 2021-03-11, 09:40
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by filip1f - 2021-03-13, 03:49
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RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-15, 19:18
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by black_eagle - 2021-03-15, 19:26
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-15, 19:29
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by black_eagle - 2021-03-15, 20:02
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-03-15, 20:06
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by jim_p - 2021-03-16, 07:24
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by pcristi - 2021-03-27, 12:23
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by DANI940 - 2021-04-20, 00:59
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by DANI940 - 2021-04-20, 02:06
RE: Yahoo! Weather - by Jeffers24 - 2021-04-20, 07:02
Yahoo Weather - by janiedjs - 2019-01-08, 07:21
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