Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
MediaFlags from video tags
A though popped into my head when reading about a user who has the common issue of tracking watched status for multiple people. I didn't like the idea of just making some kind of multi-watched status and multiple check marks, and though about how it could be something more universal.

The obvious choice for making user-defined flags are video tags. In this case it would just need to be represented in the GUI. Then I got to thinking that other tags could also use GUI representation, like "Bob's Picks" or "anime", things you might want to see visually tagged as you scroll through a library.

Where would these images go? How about as MediaFlags. Small images just like the one that says "h.264" or "1080" could be displayed based on video tags. It would be a multi-use solution to things like individual watched markers, groupings, etc. it could also be something more predictably handled for skinners, rather than having to make adjustments for individual situations and putting images in multiple spots.

Of course, this is just a concept. I have no idea how doable this is from a coding standpoint, but I tried to think of something that might be flexible and give good cost/benefit ratio, in hopes of sparking someone's interest in the idea. :)

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MediaFlags from video tags0