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Release LazyTV - an unwatched TV Show playlist generator
Oh no, with v20 this finally broke for me and development is seemingly dead.  Second only to YouTube, this was my favorite addon.  RIP, LazyTV.
I FIXED IT! Big Grin

In main_service.py I added 'import xbmcvfs'

Then in the two instances of that py file where it said 'xbmc.translatePath' I replaced it with 'xbmcvfs.translatePath' and that got it working agian.

I love this addon, sad it was abandoned, but glad I'll be working for me under v20.

I'd post my main_service.py file but I'm unsure if that's be appropraite/allowed or not.
Thank You this has always been one of my favorite Kodi addons.
Many thanks DJ_Izumi, your fix solved my dilemma. Seems I'm not the only one hooked on LazyTV. Now, back to Taskmaster (UK).
IIs anyone able to get Lazy TV running in kodi nexus

I get this error in log

File "C:\Users\rober\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.lazytv\service.py", line 1, in <module>
                                                       from resources import main_service
                                                     File "C:\Users\rober\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.lazytv\resources\main_service.py", line 55, in <module>
                                                       __profile__ = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo("profile"))
                                                   AttributeError: module 'xbmc' has no attribute 'translatePath'
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--

I trid on a fresh install, still with no luck..thanks in advance..Robertcm
for the community i am providing a patched version including the above fix that @DJ_Izumi has posted, there are 2 additional instances of translatepath which have also been patched

patch locations
resources/clone.py:addon_path = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://home/addons")
resources/episode_exporter.py:addon_path = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://home/addons")
resources/main_service.py:__profile__ = xbmcvfs.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo("profile"))
resources/main_service.py:videoplaylistlocation = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://profile/playlists/video/")

as well as the imports needed

provided as "unofficial patched" without warranty or support, merely to help as it is an abandoned project

https://transfer.sh/orejGe/script.lazytv...atched.zip down


if there are more patches needed i would be willing to add them and reupload

if this is unacceptable to the forum someone with authority will surely slap my hand

(2023-01-25, 18:51)jepsizofye Wrote: for the community i am providing a patched version including the above fix that @DJ_Izumi has posted, there are 2 additional instances of translatepath which have also been patched

patch locations
resources/clone.py:addon_path = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://home/addons")
resources/episode_exporter.py:addon_path = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://home/addons")
resources/main_service.py:__profile__ = xbmcvfs.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo("profile"))
resources/main_service.py:videoplaylistlocation = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://profile/playlists/video/")

as well as the imports needed

provided as "unofficial patched" without warranty or support, merely to help as it is an abandoned project


if there are more patches needed i would be willing to add them and reupload

if this is unacceptable to the forum someone with authority will surely slap my hand

I have zero programming skills and just 'winged it' crawling through the logs and other people's similar suggested fixes for other addons that broke for the same reason so you should def use this patch by someone with more skill than me.  Thank you for doing a 'real' patch.
(2023-01-23, 09:29)Grizzlebeard Wrote: Many thanks DJ_Izumi, your fix solved my dilemma. Seems I'm not the only one hooked on LazyTV. Now, back to Taskmaster (UK).

It's an underrated addon, a real solution to 'choice paralysis'.  I have it and a clone for two separate smart playlists, one spins up old cartoons and shows for 'background noise' while I work from home during the day and the main one for the evening I'm just crunching out the unwatched airing shows as they come in.  As long as they are pointing towards lists of 'the kind of content' you wanna watch, it's basically just giving you a good shuffled playlist.  Shame it's been abandoned.
right on, i winged it off your winging it so it all came together Smile
happy to help
Big Grin 
Thanks for fixing Lazy Tv, very much apreciated
Fixed thanks to DJ_Izumi
Can we also put in new feature requests? Smile Tongue
Thread marked solved.
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(2023-01-26, 19:59)Rouzax Wrote: Can we also put in new feature requests? Smile Tongue
Tongue i didnt take over the code and i have no idea about its inner-workings, just repackaged and didnt even include a bow
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