Release LazyTV - an unwatched TV Show playlist generator
If you aren't afraid of Powershell, this is a script I was using / working on for several years because it allowed much finer control over channel playback and commercials/bumpers/etc. than either PseudoTV or LazyTV did. It will essentially perform the functions of LazyTV by generating nodes which link to playlists. I had the script run every half hour to simulate a moving live broadcast (more or less), but if you're familiar with Powershell you can modify the script to operate however you think it should. This is extremely unfinished and wasn't really meant for a public release... some of my notes are probably no longer valid, and some features might have been broken the last time I was playing around with stuff. I won't offer support for this and I am not responsible for any unfortunate circumstances that may arise from the use of this script. It's not something I work on anymore because my wife prefers Jellyfin + ErsatzTV, and that's generally much easier for me to maintain.
# Commercials will not display in Kodi if they include the word "Trailer"

# -----TV Channel Management-----
    # Make sure file encoding is UTF-8-BOM or you will have a bad time
    # Please define some paths here
        # I have left my complete paths for easy reference
        # $schedule should be the path to the folder where you want your channel playlists to build
            # This path will also include lists of all associated commercials and bumpers for each channel
            # This will also be the directory where all database and .csv files will be created
        # $sqlite3 should point to the sqlite3 executable
        # $kodi should point to the Kodi Userdata folder

$regex = '[^a-zA-Z0-9]'
$sqlite3 = "PATHTO\sqlite3.exe"
$kodi = "PATHTO\userdata"

    # -----Update Cloned Database-----
        # Delete previous database clone
        # Create new database clone
        # Create .csv files for media types Episodes, Movies, and Shows from cloned database
            # Cloning of Kodi database prevents any unintended consequences of working with the database directly
            # Working from .csv files prevents the need for non-default Powershell modules
            # That said, SQLite3 is required
            # .csv conversion is imperfect. Some characters, such as the accented "E" in "Pokemon" do not translate well between formats
                # This is why there are multiple instances throughout the script to strip non-alphanumeric characters from the data being worked with
                # For certain titles, hardcoded instructions will be required
                # Special character exceptions are the primary reason the script builds .m3u files rather than .xml smart playlists
                    # We can work with standard Windows paths

Remove-Item "$schedule\MyVideos121.db" -Force
Copy-Item "$kodi\Database\MyVideos121.db" -Destination "$schedule\MyVideos121.db" -Force

& "$sqlite3" -safe -header -csv "$schedule\MyVideos121.db" "select * from episode_view;" > "$schedule\episodes.csv"
& "$sqlite3" -safe -header -csv "$schedule\MyVideos121.db" "select * from movie_view;" > "$schedule\movies.csv"
& "$sqlite3" -safe -header -csv "$schedule\MyVideos121.db" "select * from tvshow_view;" > "$schedule\shows.csv"
& "$sqlite3" -safe -header -csv "$schedule\MyVideos121.db" "select * from movielinktvshow;" > "$schedule\linkedmovies.csv"

    # -----Clean Misbehaving Channels-----
        # Only run if PC has been powered on for at least one hour (ensuring that all playlists have had the opportunity to update since last power down)
        # Find all playlists which have not been modified in the past hour and remove them

<# IF ( (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime -End (Get-Date)).Hours -gt 0 ) { @(Get-ChildItem "$schedule\Channels" -Recurse -Directory).ForEach({
(Get-ChildItem -literalpath $_.FullName -File | Where-Object { $_.Extension -notlike "*md5" -and $_.Name -ne "Binge Episodes.m3u" } ) | ForEach-Object { IF ( (New-TimeSpan -Start $_.LastWriteTime -End (Get-Date)).Hours -gt 0 ) { Remove-Item -literalpath $_.FullName -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
ELSE { } }
}) }
ELSE { } #>

        # Remove any channel and its components which contains missing video files
            # Prevent crashing in Kodi when trying to load a playlist with missing content

$channelstokill = @()

Get-ChildItem "$schedule\Channels" -File -Recurse -Filter "*m3u" | ForEach-Object { $channelpath = (($_.FullName) -replace "\\$_","")
$channel = $channelpath.split("\") | Select -Last 1
Get-Content -literalpath $_.FullName | Where-Object { "$_" -notmatch "EXTINF" -and "$_" -ne "" } | ForEach-Object { IF ( Test-Path -literalpath "$_" ) { }
ELSE { $channelstokill += "$channelpath"
Remove-Item "$schedule\database\bumpers\$channel.m3u" -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$schedule\database\commercials\$channel.m3u" -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } }

$channelstokill | Sort -Unique | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item -literalpath "$_" -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

    # -----Define Binge and Random Shows-----
        # -----Define Studios Which Have Corresponding Channels-----
            # The | character is not strictly required, but makes it easier for humans to read the data
            # Studios with corresponding channels (i.e.: "20th Century Fox" populates the channel "Fox") will not populate the "Other" channel
                # This allows the "Other" channel to be a "things with nowhere else to go" channel
            # Shows listed under $binge will not populate the regular schedule
                # Shows which have been watched ( playcount greater than or equal to 1 ) will always populate the Reruns playlist
                # If you do not care about bingeing content, please change the value of $binge to "N/A"
                    # An alternative benefit to using the $binge method of channel population is the script's ability to parse multi-episode files
                        # This makes it easy to binge-watch content such as children's cartoons without manually moving between episodes or splitting files
$binge = "Primal|Disenchantment|Harley Quinn|Star Trek: Lower Decks|Big Mouth|Riverdale|Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett|Naomi|Peacemaker|Raised By Wolves (2020)|Made for Love|The Flight Attendant|Moon Knight|Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi|The Boys|Fate: The Winx Saga"
import-CSV "$schedule\episodes.csv" | Where-Object { $_.strPath -like "*binge*" -and $_.Playcount -lt 1 } | Group-Object -Property strTitle | ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Select -First 1 } | ForEach-Object { $binge += ($_.strTitle -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]','') }
$cont = ""
$current = @("Chilling Adventures of Sabrina","Ben 10: Alien Force","Ben 10: Ultimate Alien","Hannibal","Powerpuff Girls Z")
$current = $current | ForEach-Object { "$_" -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]' }
$towatch = "$cont" + "The IT Crowd|Dinosaurs|Clarissa Explains It All|The Secret World of Alex Mack|Animorphs|The Conners|Kong: King of the Apes|Joey|Solar Opposites|Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide|Bojack Horseman|Scrubs: Interns|The Croods: Family Tree|Craig of the Creek|Tig n' Seek|RWBY Chibi|The Loud House|Q*Bert|Devil Hunter Yohko|Pepper Ann|Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You|Vampire Knight|The Legend of Zelda|She-Ra and the Princesses of Power|Sailor Moon|Big Hero 6: The Series|Pokemon|Pokmon|Redwall|IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix"
$currentyear = 2023
$channelsprocessed = @()
$christmas = "Christmas|X-Mas|Santa Claus|Reindeer|Yule|Hannukah|Kwanza"

IF ( !(Test-Path "$schedule\database\commercials")) { New-Item "$schedule\database\commercials" -Force -ItemType Directory}
ELSE { }
IF ( !(Test-Path "$schedule\database\bumpers")) { New-Item "$schedule\database\bumpers" -Force -ItemType Directory}
ELSE { }
IF ( !(Test-Path "$schedule\database\series")) { New-Item "$schedule\database\series" -Force -ItemType Directory}
ELSE { }
IF ( !(Test-Path "$schedule\database\series\special")) { New-Item "$schedule\database\series\special" -Force -ItemType Directory}
ELSE { }
IF ( !(Test-Path "$schedule\database\reruns")) { New-Item "$schedule\database\reruns" -Force -ItemType Directory}
ELSE { }

    # -----Build Channels-----
$channels = @("Ion","Syfy","Excelsior!","Chiller","Magik","Cartoon Planet","Funimation Channel","Panda","Adult Swim","Cartoon Network","Cartoon Network Too","Netflix Kids","FX","Toonami","Hulu","ABC","Crunchyroll","The WB","HBO","CBS","Comedy Central","The N","SLAM!","Nickelodeon","NBC","Disney XD","Disney Channel","Disney Junior","Boomerang","Jetix","Forever Kids","Anime Network","Kodi TV","Spooky","Kids","LMAO","Laff")

        # -----Remove Obsolete Channel Resources-----

Get-ChildItem "$schedule\channels" -Directory | Where-Object { $channels -notcontains $_.Name } | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-ChildItem "$schedule\database\reruns" -Directory | Where-Object { $channels -notcontains $_.Name } | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-ChildItem ("$schedule\database\bumpers","$schedule\database\commercials","$schedule\database\series","$schedule\database\series\special") -File | Where-Object { $channels -notcontains (($_.Name) -replace ($_.extension,"")) } | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-ChildItem "$kodi\library\video\TV Shows\KodiTV" -File -Exclude "index.xml" | Where-Object { $channels -notcontains (($_.Name) -replace ($_.extension,"")) } | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-ChildItem "$kodi\playlists\video" -File -Filter "Channel*" | Where-Object { $channels -notcontains (((($_.Name) -replace ($_.extension,"")) -replace "Channel - ","") -replace " Movies","") } | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


$channel = "$_"
$thisyear = @()
$newarrivals = @()
$autocurrent = @()
$episodes = @()
$movies = @()
$epmovs = @()
$series = @()

IF ( !(Test-Path "$schedule\database\reruns\$channel")) { New-Item "$schedule\database\reruns\$channel" -Force -ItemType Directory }
ELSE { }

$chanpath = $channel
$channelsprocessed += "$channel"

IF ( "Toonzai|Kids|Panda" -match $channel -and ((Get-Date (import-CSV "$schedule\episodes.csv" | Sort -desc -Property lastplayed | Select -First 1).lastplayed) -ge ((Get-ChildItem "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath" -File | Select -First 1).LastWriteTime))) { Remove-Item "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath" -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
ELSE { }

IF ( !(Test-Path "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath") ) { $proceed = "True" }
ELSEIF ("Toonzai|Kids|Panda" -notmatch $channel -and (Get-Content "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath\Reruns.m3u" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).count -le 100) { $proceed = "True" }
ELSEIF ("Toonzai|Kids|Panda" -notmatch $channel -and (Get-Content "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath\New Episodes.m3u" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).count -le 100) { $proceed = "True" }
ELSE { $proceed = "False" }

IF ( $proceed -eq "False" ) { }

Write-Host "$_"

# Kids Animation Channels

IF ( $channel -eq "Cartoon Network" ) { $chanfil = '$ -like "*Cartoon Network*" -and ($_.strFileName -like "chd1*" -or $_.strFileName -like "bby*")'
$movfil = '$_.C18 -match "Cartoon Network" -and $_.C14 -match "Kids|Children"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Boomerang" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Boomerang|DC Comics" -and $_.strFileName -match "bby|chd" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Warner" -and $_.c14 -match "Kids|Children" -and $_.c18 -match "Animation"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Nickelodeon" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Nickelodeon" -and $_.strFilename -match "chd1|bby" -and $_.strPath -notmatch "Disney|Jetix|Fox Kids|Netflix"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Nickelodeon"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Disney XD" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Disney" -and $_.strFilename -match "chd1" -and $_.strPath -notmatch "Nickelodeon"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Disney|Pixar" -and $_.c14 -match "Animation"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Discovery Kids" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Discovery" -and $_.strFileName -match "chd|bby"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Discovery" -and $_.c14 -match "Kids|Children"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Netflix Kids" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Netflix" -and $_.strFilename -match "chd|bby" -and $_.strPath -notmatch "The WB|Cartoon Network|Nickelodeon|Fox Kids|Jetix"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Netflix" -and $_.c14 -match "Kids|Children"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Bohbot Kids Network" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "World of DIC"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "World of DIC"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Forever Kids" ) { $chanfil = '$_.strFileName -match "chd|bby" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18'
$movfil = '$_.c14 -match "Kids|Children" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c22' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Cartoon Planet" ) { $chanfil = '$_.strFileName -match "chd|bby"'
$movfil = '$_.c14 -match "Animation" -and $_.c14 -match "Kids|Children"' }

# Kids Action Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Cartoon Network Too" ) { $chanfil = '(($ -match "Cartoon Network" -and $_.strFileName -match "chd3") -or $ -match "Kids WB") -and $_.strPath -notmatch "Disney XD|Netflix" -and $_.genre -notmatch "Anime"'
$movfil = '(($_.c18 -match "DC Comics|Warner Bros." -and $_.c14 -match "Kids|Family|Children") -or $_.c18 -match "Cartoon Network") -and $_.c14 -match "Superhero|Science Fiction" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Anime"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Kids WB" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Kids WB" -and $_.strPath -notmatch "Cartoon Network|Disney XD|Netflix"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Warner" -and $_.c14 -match "Kids|Children"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "SLAM!" ) { $chanfil = '($ -match "Nickelodeon" -and $_.strFilename -match "chd3" -and $_.strPath -notmatch "Jetix|Netflix|Fox Kids") -or $_.strTitle -eq "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Nickelodeon" -and $_.c14 -match "Anime|Action|Adventure|Superhero|Science Fiction|Fantasy|Horror"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Jetix" ) { $chanfil = '(($ -match "Disney|Marvel Comics" -and $_.strFilename -match "chd3*" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18) -or $ -match "Fox Kids" -or "Sonic the Hedgehog|Street Sharks" -match $_.strTitle ) -and $_.strPath -notmatch "Nickelodeon|TheWB|Cartoon Network"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Studio Ghibli" -or ($_.c18 -match "Marvel Comics|Fox" -and $_.c14 -match "Kids|Children|Family") -or ($_.c18 -match "Disney|Pixar" -and $_.c14 -match "Anime|Action|Adventure|Superhero|Science Fiction")' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Fox Kids" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Fox Kids" -and $_.strPath -notmatch "Jetix|Nickelodeon|Netflix"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Fox|Blue Sky Studios" -and $_.c14 -match "Kids|Children|Family"' }

# Pre-School Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Disney Junior" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Disney|Marvel Comics" -and $_.strFilename -match "bby"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Disney|Marvel Comics" -and $_.strFilename -match "bby"' }

# Other Kids Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "The N" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Nickelodeon|Paramount+" -and $_.strFilename -match "chd2|cmda"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Nickelodeon" -and $_.c14 -match "Comedy" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Animation|Anime"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Disney Channel" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Disney|ABC" -and (($_.Genre -match "Family" -and $_.strFileName -match "cmda") -or $_.strFileName -match "chd2")'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Disney" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Animation|Anime" -and $_.c14 -match "Comedy"' }

# Anime Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Toonami" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Cartoon Network|Kids WB" -and $_.Genre -match "Anime"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Cartoon Network|Kids WB|Warner" -and $_.c14 -match "Anime"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Crunchyroll" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Crunchyroll|Rooster Teeth"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Crunchyroll|Rooster Teeth"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Funimation Channel" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Funimation Channel|Independent Film Channel"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Funimation Channel|Independent Film Channel"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Anime Network" ) { $chanfil = '$_.Genre -match "Anime" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18'
$movfil = '$_.c14 -match "Anime" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c22' }

# Adult Animation Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Adult Swim" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Cartoon Network" -and $_.strFileName -match "cmdb|mtra" -and $_.Genre -notmatch "Anime"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Cartoon Network|Warner Bros.|DC Comics" -and $_.c14 -match "Animation" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Anime|Kids|Children"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Comedy Central" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Comedy Central"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Comedy Central"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Hulu" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "Hulu|USA Network|Disney|Fox|Marvel Comics" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18 -and $_.strFileName -match "cmdb|mtra" -and $_.strTitle -notmatch "Naruto"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Hulu|USA Network|Marvel Comics|Disney|Fox" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children" -and $_.c14 -match "Animation|Anime"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "LMAO" ) { $chanfil = '$_.strFileName -match "cmdb" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18'
$movfil = '$_.c14 -match "Comedy" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Anime" -and $_.c14 -match "Animation" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c22' }

# Drama Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "The WB" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "The WB|The CW" -or ($ -match "DC Comics" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18) -and $_.strFileName -match "cmda|mtrb"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Warner" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Anime|Animation"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "HBO" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "HBO|HBO Max|TBS|TNT" -and $_.strFileName -match "cmda|mtrb"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "HBO|HBO Max" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Anime|Animation"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "USA" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "NBC|USA Network|Syfy|Peacock|Universal" -and $_.strFilename -match "mtrb"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Universal" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Anime|Animation|Comedy"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "CBS" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "CBS|Paramount|Showtime|Spike|UPN" -and $_.strFileName -match "mtrb|cmda"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "CBS|Paramount" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Anime|Animation"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "ABC" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "ABC" -and $_.strFileName -match "mtrb|cmda"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "ABC|Disney" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Anime|Animation"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "FX" ) { $chanfil = '$_.Studio -match "ABC Family|Fox|FX|Freeform|Disney|Hulu|Marvel Comics" -and $_.strFileName -match "mtrb|cmda" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Fox|Hulu|Marvel Comics" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Animation|Anime"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Kodi TV" ) { $chanfil = '$_.strFileName -match "mtrb" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18'
$movfil = '$_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Animation|Anime|Comedy" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c22' }

# Comedy Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "NBC" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "NBC|Universal|USA|Syfy|Peacock" -and $_.strFilename -match "cmda|mtrb"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "Universal" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Anime|Animation"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "ABC Family" ) { $chanfil = '$ -match "ABC|ABC Family|Freeform|Hulu" -and $_.strFilename -match "cmda"'
$movfil = '$_.c18 -match "ABC" -and $_.c14 -match "Comedy" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Anime|Animation"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Laff" ) { $chanfil = '$_.strFileName -match "cmda" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c18'
$movfil = '$_.c14 -match "Comedy" -and $_.c14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Animation|Anime" -and $showsonchannels -notcontains $_.c22' }

# Specialty Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Spooky" ) { $chanfil = '$_.Genre -match "Horror" -and $_.Genre -match "Kids|Children|Family"'
$movfil = '$_.C14 -match "Horror" -and $_.C14 -match "Kids|Children|Family"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Syfy" ) { $chanfil = '$_.Genre -match "Science Fiction" -and $_.strFileName -match "cmda|mtrb" -and $_.Genre -notmatch "Superhero"'
$movfil = '$_.C14 -match "Science Fiction" -and $_.C14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Animation|Anime|Superhero"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Excelsior!" ) { $chanfil = '$_.Genre -match "Superhero" -and $_.strFileName -match "cmda|mtrb"'
$movfil = '$_.C14 -match "Superhero" -and $_.C14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Animation|Anime"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Chiller" ) { $chanfil = '$_.Genre -match "Horror" -and $_.strFileName -match "cmda|mtrb"'
$movfil = '$_.C14 -match "Horror" -and $_.C14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Animation|Anime"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Magik" ) { $chanfil = '$_.Genre -match "Fantasy" -and $_.strFileName -match "cmda|mtrb"'
$movfil = '$_.C14 -match "Fantasy" -and $_.C14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Animation|Anime"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Ion" ) { $chanfil = '$_.Genre -notmatch "Science Fiction|Superhero|Comedy|Horror|Fantasy" -and $_.strFileName -match "cmda|mtrb"'
$movfil = '$_.C14 -notmatch "Kids|Children|Family|Animation|Anime|Science Fiction|Superhero|Comedy|Horror|Fantasy"' }

# Current Season Channels

ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Kids" ) { $chanfil = '$_.C18 -like "*o*" -and $_.strFileName -notlike "mtrb*"'
$movfil = '$_.strPath -like "*o*" -and $_.strFileName -notlike "mtrb*"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Panda" ) { $chanfil = '$_.C18 -like "*o*"'
$movfil = '$_.strPath -like "*o*"' }
ELSEIF ( $channel -eq "Toonzai" ) { $chanfil = '$_.C18 -notlike "*\Together\*" -and $_.strFileName -notlike "mtrb*" -and $_.strTitle -ne "Dragon Ball GT"'
$movfil = '$_.strPath -notlike "*\Together\*" -and $_.strFileName -notlike "mtrb*"' }
ELSE { }


$showsonchannels = @()
Get-ChildItem "$schedule\database\series" -File -Filter "*m3u" | Where-Object { $_.Name -notmatch "$channel.m3u" } | ForEach-Object { $showsonchannels += Get-Content -literalpath $_.FullName }
$showsonchannels = $showsonchannels | Sort -Unique
$episodes = import-CSV "$schedule\episodes.csv" | Where-Object { ( invoke-expression $chanfil ) }
$movies = import-CSV "$schedule\movies.csv" | Where-Object { ( invoke-expression $movfil ) }

IF ( @($episodes | ? { $_.strPath -match "Pokemon" }) ) { $episodes += @(import-CSV "$schedule\episodes.csv" | Where-Object { $_.strPath -match "Pokemon" }) }
ELSE { }

$movies | ForEach-Object { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "strTitle" -Value $_.strSet
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "idShow" -Value "NOSERIES" }

$epmovs = $episodes | Select -ExpandProperty IdShow | Sort -Unique | ForEach-Object { $id = "$_"
import-CSV "$schedule\linkedmovies.csv" | Where-Object { $_.IdShow -eq $id } | Select -ExpandProperty IdMovie | ForEach-Object { $movid = "$_"
import-CSV "$schedule\movies.csv" | Where-Object { $_.idMovie -eq $movid } } }

$epmovs | ForEach-Object { $movid = $_.idMovie
import-CSV "$schedule\linkedmovies.csv" | Where-Object { $_.idmovie -eq $movid } | Select -ExpandProperty IdShow | ForEach-Object { $showid = "$_"
$showtit = import-CSV "$schedule\episodes.csv" | Where-Object { $_.idshow -eq $showid } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty strTitle }
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "strTitle" -Value $showtit
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "idShow" -Value $showid }

$movies += $epmovs

IF ( "Panda" -match $channel ) { }
ELSE { $movies = $movies | Group-Object -Property c22 | ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Sort -Property idShow | Select -First 1 } }

$moviefiles = @()
$movies | ForEach-Object { $moviefiles += '<value>'+$_.strFileName+'</value>' }

'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <name>'+"Channel - $channel Movies"+'</name>
    <rule field="filename" operator="is">'+$moviefiles+'</rule>
    <order direction="ascending">sorttitle</order>
</smartplaylist>' | Out-File "$kodi\playlists\video\Channel - $channel Movies.xsp" -Encoding UTF8

$episodes | ForEach-Object { $series += $_.idShow }

$episodeids = @()
$episodeids += $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -notlike "*\Movies\*" } | Select -ExpandProperty c18
$episodeids += $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*" } | Select -ExpandProperty c22

$series = $series | Sort -Unique
IF ( "Kids|Toonzai|Panda|Cartoon Planet|Forever Kids|Anime Network|Kodi TV|Spooky|Laff|Syfy|Excelsior!|Chiller|Magik|Ion" -notmatch $channel ) { Remove-Item "$schedule\database\series\$channel.m3u" -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Add-Content -Force -Path "$schedule\database\series\$channel.m3u" -Value ($episodeids | Sort -Unique) }
ELSE { Remove-Item "$schedule\database\series\special\$channel.m3u" -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Add-Content -Force -Path "$schedule\database\series\special\$channel.m3u" -Value ($episodeids | Sort -Unique) }

$series = @(import-CSV "$schedule\shows.csv" | Where-Object { $series -contains $_.idShow } | ForEach-Object {'<value>'+$_.strPath+'</value>'} )

'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
    <name>'+"Channel - $channel"+'</name>
    <rule field="path" operator="is">'+$series+'</rule>
    <order direction="ascending">sorttitle</order>
</smartplaylist>' | Out-File "$kodi\playlists\video\Channel - $channel.xsp" -Encoding UTF8

$series = @()

$episodes += $movies

$movies = @()
$epmovs = @()

IF ( "Kids|Panda" -match $channel ) { }
ELSEIF ( "Toonzai" -match $channel ) { $episodes = $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -notlike "*\Together\*" -or $_.Playcount -ge 1 } }
ELSE { $episodes = $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -notlike "*\Together\*" -or $_.Playcount -ge 1 } }

# Series Groups

$ben10 = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -eq "Ben 10" } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Ben 10" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $ben10 }
$naruto = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -eq "Naruto" } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Naruto" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $naruto }
$walkingdead = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -eq "The Walking Dead" } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Walking Dead" -and $_.strPath -match "Torn Apart" } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $walkingdead + ".tornapart" }
$digimon = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Digimon" } | Sort -Property premiered | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Digimon" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $digimon }
$scrubs = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -eq "Scrubs" } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scrubs" -and $_.playcount -ge 1 -and $_.strPath -match "Med-School" } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $scrubs + ".medschool" }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scrubs" -and $_.playcount -ge 1 -and $_.strPath -match "Interns" } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $scrubs + ".interns" }
$igpx = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "IGPX" } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "IGPX" -and $_.strFileName -match "tnmi" } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $igpx + ".toonami" }
$sailormoon = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Sailor Moon" } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Sailor Moon" -and $_.strFileName -match "viz" -and $_.strPath -notmatch "Sailor Stars" } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $igpx + ".viz" }
$mcu = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "WandaVision" } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Loki" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $mcu }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Moon Knight" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $mcu }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "She-Hulk" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $mcu }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Winter Soldier" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $mcu }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "What If" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $mcu }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.c18 -match "Marvel Studios" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $mcu }
$starwars = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Star Wars" } | Sort -Property premiered | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Star Wars" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $starwars }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.c00 -match "Star Wars" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 -and $_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $starwars }
$rescueriders = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Rescue Riders" } | Sort -Property premiered | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Rescue Riders" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $rescueriders }
$arrowverse = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -eq "Arrow" } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -eq "The Flash (2014)" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $arrowverse }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -eq "Supergirl" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $arrowverse }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Legends of Tomorrow" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $arrowverse }
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Black Lightning" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $arrowverse }
$scoobydoo = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scooby-Doo" } | Sort -Property premiered | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty idShow)
    $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scoob" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = $scoobydoo }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -like "*\Bonus\*" -and $_.playcount -lt 1 } | ForEach-Object { $_.idShow = "bonus." + $idShow }

# Title Changes

$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Doug" -and $_.strPath -like "*Disney*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "Disney's Doug" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Power Rangers" -and $_.strPath -like "*Megaforce*" -and $_.strPath -notlike "*Super Megaforce*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "Power Rangers: Megaforce" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Power Rangers" -and $_.strPath -like "*Super Megaforce*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "Power Rangers: Super Megaforce" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Power Rangers" -and $_.strPath -like "*Ninja Storm*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "Power Rangers: Ninja Storm" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Walking Dead" -and $_.strPath -match "Torn Apart" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "The Walking Dead: Torn Apart" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scrubs" -and $_.strPath -match "Med-School" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "Scrubs: Med-School" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scrubs" -and $_.strPath -match "Interns" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "Scrubs: Interns" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scooby-Doo!" -and $_.strPath -like "*New Scooby-Doo Movies*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "The New Scooby-Doo Movies" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scooby-Doo!" -and $_.strPath -like "*The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Scooby-Doo!" -and $_.strPath -like "*Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo" }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Jonny Quest" -and $_.strPath -like "*New Adventures of Jonny Quest*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = "The New Adventures of Jonny Quest" }

$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -like "*\Movies and Specials\*" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = $_.C00 }

$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Pok├⌐mon" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = ($_.strTitle -replace "Pok├⌐mon","Pokémon") }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Pokemon" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = ($_.strTitle -replace "Pokemon","Pokémon") }
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strTitle -match "Ranma" } | ForEach-Object { $_.strTitle = ($_.strTitle -replace "Ranma ┬╜","Ranma ½") }


IF ( "Toonzai|Kids|Panda" -match $channel ) { $episodes | Where-Object { ([int]($_.c05).substring(0,4) -ge $currentyear) } | Select -ExpandProperty idShow | Sort -Unique | ForEach-Object {$thisyear += ("$_" + "|")}
$episodes | Where-Object { ([int]($_.dateAdded).substring(0,4) -ge 2023) } | Select -ExpandProperty idShow | Sort -Unique | ForEach-Object {$newarrivals += ("$_" + "|")}
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.Playcount -eq 1 -and [DateTime]($_.lastPlayed) -ge (Get-Date).AddDays(-60) -and $_.strFilename -notlike "sf*" } | Group-Object strTitle | Sort -Desc -Property Count | ForEach-Object { $showid = $_.Group | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandPropert idShow
$remaining = ($episodes | Where-Object { $_.playcount -lt 1 -and $_.strFileName -notlike "sf*" -and $_.idshow -eq $showid } ).count
IF ( $remaining -gt 0 -and ($_.Group).count -gt 1 ) { $autocurrent += ("$showid" + "|") }
ELSE { } } }
ELSE { }

IF ((Get-Content "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath\Reruns.m3u" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).count -ge 100) { $episodes = $episodes | Where-Object { $_.playcount -lt 1 } }
ELSE { }

IF ((Get-Content "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath\New Episodes.m3u" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).count -ge 100) { $episodes = $episodes | Where-Object { $_.playcount -ge 1 } }
ELSE { }

# The following section will select only the next episodes to watch from the lists of all episodes for the Channel

#Episode Ordering
    # This section will allow you to organize shows how you like
        # If you have multiple editions of an episode, you can use its filename or path to sort the extended edition to the back of the entire series, if you so choose
            # By default series sort as "00" | If you want to send an episode to the end of the list, simply tell it to sort as "Extended" or some name that will sort after "0"

$episodes = $episodes | Sort -Property ({IF ($_.strTitle -eq "Sailor Moon" -and $_.strPath -match "Sailor Stars") { "Sailor Stars" }
ELSEIF ($_.strPath -like "*\Versions\*" ) { "Alternate Versions" }
ELSE { "00" } }),({IF ( $_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*" ) { $_.Premiered }
ELSE { $_.c05 } }),strFileName | #Pipe

    # If you want to split a series into multiple selections (for example, Power Rangers into "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" and "Power Rangers Zeo") you must do so here
        # This will ensure that at least one episode of Mighty Morphin and one episode of Zeo is selected
            # You may also use this section to combine shows (Ex: "Dragons: Rescue Riders" combined with "Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky") into one

Group-Object -Property ( { IF ( $_.strTitle -match "Spirit: Riding Free" -and $_.strPath -match "Pony Tales") { "Spirit: Riding Free - Pony Tales" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Tales of Arcadia" -and $_.strPath -match "3Below") { "3Below: Tales of Arcadia" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Tales of Ladybug" -and $_.strPath -match "Tales from Paris") { "Miraculous: Tales from Paris" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Tales of Ladybug" -and $_.strPath -match "Zag Chibi") { "Miraculous Zag Chibi" }
ELSE { $_.idShow } } ) | #Pipe

#Binge Episodes
ForEach-Object { IF ( "Panda" -match $channel ) { $_.Group | Where-Object { $_.Playcount -lt 1 -and $_.strPath -like "*binge*" } }
ELSEIF ( "N/A" -eq $channel ) { $_.Group | Where-Object { $_.Playcount -lt 1 } }
ELSE { }

IF ((Get-Date).Month -eq 12 -and "Panda|Toonzai|Kids" -notmatch $channel ) { $_.Group | Where-Object { $_.strPath -match "$christmas" -or $_.strFilename -match "$christmas" -or $_.C00 -match "$christmas" -or $_.C01 -match "$christmas" } }
ELSE { }

#Unwatched Episodes
$_.Group | Where-Object { $_.playcount -lt 1 } | Select -First 1
$show = $_.Group | Where-Object { $_.playcount -ge 1 } | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandPropert idShow
$playedepisodes = Get-Content "$schedule\database\reruns\$channel\$show.m3u"
IF ( ($_.Group | Where-Object { $_.playcount -ge 1 -and $playedepisodes -notcontains $_.strFilename }).count -lt 1 ) { Remove-Item "$schedule\database\reruns\$channel\$show.m3u" -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$_.Group | Where-Object { $_.playcount -ge 1 } | Select -First 1 }
ELSE { $_.Group | Where-Object { $_.playcount -ge 1 -and $playedepisodes -notcontains $_.strFilename } | Select -First 1 } } | #Pipe
#Finishing Segment
Group-Object -Property strFileName | ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Select -First 1 }

# KodiTV

$episodes | Where-Object { $_.playcount -ge 1 } | ForEach-Object { $show = $_.idshow
Add-Content -Force -Path "$schedule\database\reruns\$channel\$show.m3u" -Value $_.strFileName }

$playlist = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="episodes">
    <name>' + "Next Up on $channel" + '</name>
    <rule field="filename" operator="is">

$seriespath = @( $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -notlike "*\Movies\*" } | Select -ExpandProperty strPath | Sort -Unique | ForEach-Object { ( "$_".split("\") | Select -First 3 ) -join "\" } | Sort -Unique)

$videos = @()
$videos += @( Get-Content "$schedule\database\commercials\$channel.m3u" )
$videos += @( Get-Content "$schedule\database\bumpers\$channel.m3u" )

$videos | ForEach-Object { IF ( Test-Path "$_" ) { }
ELSE { Remove-Item "$schedule\$chanpath.m3u" -Force } }

$spc = @()
$nue = @()
$rrn = @()
$runtime = 0
$schedtime = 0
$chan = @()

Get-ChildItem -literalpath "$_" -File -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.FullName -like "*Extras*" -or $_.FullName -like "*Previews*" -and ".srt|.md5|.nfo" -notmatch [string]($_.Extension) } | ForEach-Object { IF ( $videos -contains $_.FullName ) { } 
ELSE { $spc += $_.FullName } }

$episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*" } | Select -ExpandProperty strPath | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem "$_\Extras" -File -Recurse | Where-Object { ".srt|.md5|.nfo" -notmatch [string]($_.Extension) } | ForEach-Object { IF ( $videos -contains $_.FullName ) { }
ELSE { $spc += $_.FullName } } }

IF ( ($spc | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*Previews*" }).count -ge 1 -and !(Test-Path "$schedule\database\commercials\$channel.m3u") ) { New-Item "$schedule\database\commercials\$channel.m3u" -Force -ItemType File }
ELSE { }
IF ( ($spc | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*Bumpers*" }).count -ge 1 -and !(Test-Path "$schedule\database\bumpers\$channel.m3u") ) { New-Item "$schedule\database\bumpers\$channel.m3u" -Force -ItemType File }
ELSE { }

$spc | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*Previews*" } | ForEach-Object { Add-Content -Path "$schedule\database\commercials\$channel.m3u" -Value "$_" }
$spc | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*Bumpers*" } | ForEach-Object { Add-Content -Path "$schedule\database\bumpers\$channel.m3u" -Value "$_" }

IF ( "Panda" -match $channel ) { $chan += $episodes | Where-Object { $_.Playcount -ge 1 -or $_.strPath -notlike "*binge*" }
$chan += $episodes | Where-Object { $_.strPath -like "*Binge*" } | Sort-Object -Property ({IF ( $_.Playcount -ge 1 ) { "RE" }
ELSEIF (( $current -contains ($_.strTitle -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]') ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*" -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "01" }
ELSEIF (( $thisyear -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*" -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "02" }
ELSEIF (( $newarrivals -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*" -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "03" }
ELSEIF (( $current -contains ($_.strTitle -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]') ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*") { "04" }
ELSEIF (( $thisyear -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*") { "05" }
ELSEIF (( $newarrivals -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*") { "06" }
ELSE { "10" } }),idShow | Select -First 1 | ForEach-Object { $showid = $_.idshow
$episodes | Where-Object { $_.idShow -eq $showid } } }
ELSE { $chan += @($episodes) }

IF ( "Toonzai|Kids|Panda" -match $channel ) { $chan = ( $chan | sort -property ({ IF ( $_.Playcount -ge 1 ) { "RE" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFilename -like "sf*" -or $_.strFilename -like "nf*" ) { "BS" }
ELSEIF (( $current -contains ($_.strTitle -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]') ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*" -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "01" }
ELSEIF (( $autocurrent -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*" -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "03" }
ELSEIF (( $thisyear -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*" -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "05" }
ELSEIF (( $current -contains ($_.strTitle -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]') ) -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "02" }
ELSEIF (( $autocurrent -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "04" }
ELSEIF (( $thisyear -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "06" }
ELSEIF (( $newarrivals -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*" -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "20" }
ELSEIF (( $newarrivals -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*\Together\*") { "21" }
ELSEIF (( $current -contains ($_.strTitle -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]') ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*") { "10" }
ELSEIF (( $autocurrent -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*") { "12" }
ELSEIF (( $thisyear -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*") { "14" }
ELSEIF (( $newarrivals -contains ($_.idShow + "|") ) -and $_.strPath -like "*Binge*") { "22" }
ELSEIF (( $current -contains ($_.strTitle -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]') )) { "11" }
ELSEIF (( $autocurrent -contains ($_.idShow + "|") )) { "13" }
ELSEIF (( $thisyear -contains ($_.idShow + "|") )) { "15" }
ELSEIF (( $newarrivals -contains ($_.idShow + "|") )) { "23" }
ELSEIF (( ("$towatch" -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]') -match ($_.strTitle -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]') )) { "19" }
ELSE { "99" }}),idShow )

$chan = $chan | ForEach-Object { IF ($schedtime -ge 5400 -and "Panda" -notmatch $channel) { }
ELSEIF ("Panda" -match $channel -and $schedtime -ge 5400 -and ($_.strPath -notlike "*binge*" -or $_.Playcount -ge 1)) { }

ELSEIF ($_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*" -and [int]$_.C11 -le 600 ) { $schedtime += ([int]$_.C11)
$_ }
ELSEIF ($_.strPath -notlike "*\Movies\*" -and [int]$_.C09 -le 600 ) { $schedtime += ([int]$_.C09)
$_ }
ELSEIF ( $schedtime -ge 4800 -and "Panda" -notmatch $channel ) { }
ELSEIF ("Panda" -match $channel -and $schedtime -ge 4800 -and ($_.strPath -notlike "*binge*" -or $_.Playcount -ge 1)) { }

ELSEIF ($_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*" ) { $schedtime += ([int]$_.C11)
$_ }
ELSE { IF ($_.C09 -eq 0) { $showid = $_.idshow 
$schedtime += [int](import-CSV "$schedule\shows.csv" | Where-Object { $_.idshow -eq "$showid" } | Select -ExpandProperty duration) }
ELSE { $schedtime += ([int]$_.C09) }
$_ } }

$schedtime = 0

$chan = $chan | Sort -desc -Property ({IF ($_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*") { [int]$_.C11 }
ELSE { [int]$_.C09 } }) | ForEach-Object { IF ($schedtime -ge 5400 -and "Panda" -notmatch $channel) { }
ELSEIF ("Panda" -match $channel -and $schedtime -ge 5400 -and ($_.strPath -notlike "*binge*" -or $_.Playcount -ge 1)) { }
ELSEIF ($_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*" ) { $schedtime += ([int]$_.C11)
$_ }
ELSE { IF ($_.C09 -eq 0) { $showid = $_.idshow 
$schedtime += [int](import-CSV "$schedule\shows.csv" | Where-Object { $_.idshow -eq "$showid" } | Select -ExpandProperty duration) }
ELSE { $schedtime += ([int]$_.C09) }
$_ } } }
ELSE { }

$chan = ( $chan | sort -property ({ IF ( $_.strFileName -like "BBY*" ) { "A1" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "CHD1*" ) { "B1" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "CHD2*" ) { "B2" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "CHD3*" -and $_.Genre -like "*Anime*" ) { "B4" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "CHD3*" -and $_.Genre -like "*Animation*" ) { "B3" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "CHD3*" ) { "B5" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "CHD4*" ) { "B9" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "CMDA*" ) { "C1" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "CMDB*" ) { "C2" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "MTRA*" ) { "D3" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strFileName -like "MTRB*" ) { "E3" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strPath -like "*\Bonus\*" ) { "SF" }
ELSE { "F1" } }),({ IF ( $_.strPath -like "*\Movies\*" ) { $_.premiered}
ELSEIF ( $_.C05 -eq "1601-01-01" ) { $_.premiered }
ELSE { $_.C05 } }),strFileName )

$chan | ForEach-Object { 

$chn = @()

IF ( Test-Path "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath" ) { }
ELSE { New-Item "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath" -ItemType Directory }

IF ( $_.strPath -like "*Shows\*" ) { IF ( $_.strTitle -eq "DreamWorks Dragons" -and $_.strPath -like "*Riders of Berk*" ) { $tit = "Dragons: Riders of Berk" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -eq "DreamWorks Dragons" -and $_.strPath -like "*Defenders of Berk*" ) { $tit = "Dragons: Defenders of Berk" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -eq "DreamWorks Dragons" -and $_.strPath -like "*Race to the Edge*" ) { $tit = "Dragons: Race to the Edge" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -eq "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!" -and $_.strPath -like "*Super Mario Bros. 3*" ) { $tit = "The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -eq "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!" -and $_.strPath -like "*Super Mario World*" ) { $tit = "Super Mario World" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Sabrina: The Animated Series" -and $_.strPath -match "Secret Life" ) { $tit = "Sabrina's Secret Life" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Plastic Man" -and $_.strPath -match "Baby Plas" ) { $tit = "The Plastic Man/Baby Plas Super Comedy Show" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Legend Quest" -and $_.strPath -match "Masters of Myth" ) { $tit = "Legend Quest: Masters of Myth" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Captain Underpants" -and $_.strPath -match "In Space" ) { $tit = "The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants in Space!" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Harvey Kids" -and $_.strPath -match "Harvey Girls" ) { $tit = "Harvey Girls Forever!" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Spirit: Riding Free" -and $_.strPath -match "Riding Academy" ) { $tit = "Spirit: Riding Free - Riding Academy" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Spirit: Riding Free" -and $_.strPath -match "Pony Tales" ) { $tit = "Spirit: Riding Free - Pony Tales" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Tales of Arcadia" -and $_.strPath -match "Trollhunters" ) { $tit = "Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Tales of Arcadia" -and $_.strPath -match "3Below" ) { $tit = "3Below: Tales of Arcadia" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Tales of Arcadia" -and $_.strPath -match "Wizards" ) { $tit = "Wizards: Tales of Arcadia" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Tales of Ladybug" -and $_.strPath -match "Tales from Paris" ) { $tit = "Miraculous: Tales from Paris" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Tales of Ladybug" -and $_.strPath -match "Zag Chibi" ) { $tit = "Miraculous Zag Chibi" }
ELSEIF ( $_.strTitle -match "Trolls" -and $_.strPath -match "TrollsTopia" ) { $tit = "Trolls: TrollsTopia" }
ELSE { $tit = $_.strTitle }
$pth = $_.C18

IF ($_.C09 -eq 0) { $showid = $_.idshow 
$runtime= [int](import-CSV "$schedule\shows.csv" | Where-Object { $_.idshow -eq "$showid" } | Select -ExpandProperty duration) }
ELSE { $runtime += ([int]$_.C09) }

ELSE { $tit = $_.C00
$pth = $_.C22
$runtime = $_.C11 }

IF ( ( $bby + $chd1 + $chd2 + $chd3 + $cmda + $cmdb + $mtra + $mtrb + $docu + $nue + $rrn + $tgr + $bng ) -contains $pth ) { }
ELSE { $chn += ('#EXTINF:-1,'+$tit+'
IF ( ([int]$runtime) -le 600 ) { $chn += ('#EXTINF:-1,Bumper
'+( $videos | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*\Bumpers\*" } | Get-Random )) }
ELSE { $chn += ('#EXTINF:-1,Bumper
'+( $videos | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*\Bumpers\*" } | Get-Random )+'
'+( $videos | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*\Commercials\*" -or "$_" -like "*\Previews\*" -or "$_" -like "*\Fillers\*" } | Get-Random )+'
'+( $videos | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*\Bumpers\*" } | Get-Random ) ) }

IF ($_.playcount -ge 1) { $rrn += $chn }
ELSE { $nue += $chn } } }

IF ( $nue.count -gt 0 ) { Add-Content -Force -Path "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath\New Episodes.m3u" -Value $nue }
ELSE { }
IF ( $rrn.count -gt 0 ) { Add-Content -Force -Path "$schedule\Channels\$chanpath\Reruns.m3u" -Value $rrn }
ELSE { }

# Back to episodes

#Get-ChildItem "$schedule\Channels" -Recurse -Directory | Where-Object { $channelsprocessed -notcontains $_.Name } | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # -----Now Playing-----
Get-ChildItem "$kodi\library\video\TV Shows\KodiTV" -Force -File | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne "index.xml"} | ForEach-Object { IF ( Test-Path ("$schedule\Channels\$_" -replace ".xml","") ) { }
ELSE { Remove-Item -literalpath $_.FullName -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } }

@(Get-ChildItem "$schedule\Channels" -Recurse -Directory).ForEach({
    $channel = $_.Name

@(Get-ChildItem -literalpath $_.FullName -File | Where-Object { $_.Extension -notlike "*md5" } ).ForEach({

$firstep = Get-Content -literalpath $_.FullName | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*mkv*" -and "$_" -notlike "*\Previews\*" -and "$_" -notlike "*\Bumpers\*" } | Select -First 1

IF (  "Kids|Toonzai|Panda|Vortexx|Animation Domination|TGIF" -match $channel ) { }
ELSE { $guide = Get-Content -literalpath $_.FullName | Select -Skip 1

DO {
$guide = $guide | Select -Skip 1

} UNTIL ( (( $guide | Select -First 1 ) -notlike "*Commercial*" -and ( $guide | Select -First 1 ) -notlike "*Bumper*" -and ( $guide | Select -First 1 ) -like "*EXTINF*") -or $guide.count -le 0 )

@('',$guide) | Out-File -literalpath $_.FullName -Encoding UTF8

$chan = @()
Get-ChildItem "$schedule\Channels\$_" | Sort -Property Name | ForEach-Object { $chan += Get-Content -literalpath $_.FullName }

IF ( "Kids|Toonzai|Vortexx|Panda" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 00 }
ELSEIF ( "Ion|Syfy|Excelsior!|Magik|Chiller" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 40 }
ELSEIF ( "Cartoon Planet" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 05 }
ELSEIF ( "HBO|Fox|Disney+|ABC|Netflix" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 30 }
ELSEIF ( "Comedy Central|Hulu|LMAO" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 25 }
ELSEIF ( "ABC Family|NBC|Laff" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 27 }
ELSEIF ( "Adult Swim|Toonami|Crunchyroll|The Anime Network|Funimation Channel" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 20 }
ELSEIF ( "Disney Junior" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 10 }
ELSEIF ( "Cartoon Network|Nickelodeon|Disney XD" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 11 }
ELSEIF ( "Kids WB|Fox Kids|Netflix Kids|Discovery Kids" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 12 }
ELSEIF ( "Cartoon Network Too|SLAM!|Jetix" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 13 }
ELSEIF ( "Boomerang|The Bohbot Kids Network|Forever Kids" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 14 }
ELSEIF ( "The N|Disney Channel" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 15 }
ELSEIF ( "Spooky" -match $_.Name ) { $order = 16 }
ELSE { $order = 30 }

Test-Path "$kodi\library\video\TV Shows\KodiTV\$_.xml"

IF ( Test-Path "$kodi\library\video\TV Shows\KodiTV\$_.xml" ) { '<node order="'+"$order"+'" type="folder">
    <label>'+[string](($chan | Where-Object { "$_" -like "*EXTINF*" } | Select -First 1).replace("#EXTINF:-1,",""))+'</label>
</node>' | Out-File "$kodi\library\video\TV Shows\KodiTV\$_.xml" -Encoding UTF8 }
ELSE { '<node order="'+"$order"+'" type="folder">
</node>' | Out-File "$kodi\library\video\TV Shows\KodiTV\$_.xml" -Encoding UTF8 }

Write-Host "Done with that"

Messages In This Thread
Works just with TV shows? - by [2ge] - 2015-02-20, 09:05
Clone error - by flutleflakes - 2016-02-03, 21:24
LazyTV request :) - by syralk - 2016-02-11, 17:59
RE: LazyTV - an unwatched TV Show playlist generator - by Kriven - 2024-01-13, 20:50
[RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-03-29, 11:59
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by EuphoricaL - 2014-03-30, 01:01
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-03-31, 13:16
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by liquidtoon - 2014-04-17, 14:23
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by PatK - 2014-04-17, 18:20
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-20, 04:42
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-20, 12:18
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by PatK - 2014-04-20, 17:49
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by mtoddster - 2014-04-21, 01:35
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-21, 02:02
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by thrak76 - 2014-04-23, 18:35
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-04-25, 17:46
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by PatK - 2014-04-25, 22:23
Re: RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by bry - 2014-04-25, 22:24
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-26, 06:14
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-04-26, 11:23
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-26, 12:55
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-27, 16:17
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-04-27, 23:18
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-28, 01:48
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by kiffmoore - 2014-04-28, 12:51
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-28, 15:49
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by kiffmoore - 2014-04-28, 17:23
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-04-28, 22:41
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-29, 01:49
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Lunatixz - 2014-04-29, 01:54
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-04-29, 06:14
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-29, 09:20
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-04-29, 23:57
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-04-30, 02:34
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-04-30, 22:24
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-01, 00:38
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-02, 08:27
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-02, 10:15
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-02, 10:27
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-02, 10:32
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-02, 10:37
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-02, 10:43
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-02, 11:12
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-02, 11:29
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-06, 12:03
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-06, 14:44
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-06, 15:22
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-06, 15:34
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-06, 20:22
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-07, 00:21
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by hutton1494 - 2014-05-07, 00:57
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-07, 01:40
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-07, 05:35
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-07, 06:51
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-07, 15:18
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-07, 21:09
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-07, 23:17
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-08, 00:22
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-08, 05:59
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-08, 06:20
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-10, 09:41
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-10, 10:23
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-10, 11:19
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by psike - 2014-05-10, 14:47
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Lunatixz - 2014-05-10, 20:22
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-11, 00:47
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Lunatixz - 2014-05-11, 01:12
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by ridflea - 2014-05-15, 01:23
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-15, 02:19
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by ridflea - 2014-05-15, 03:27
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-15, 04:11
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by ridflea - 2014-05-15, 04:23
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-15, 04:23
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by ridflea - 2014-05-15, 04:25
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-15, 04:29
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by ridflea - 2014-05-15, 04:31
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-15, 04:47
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-15, 04:57
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by ridflea - 2014-05-15, 05:56
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-15, 23:54
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-18, 00:34
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by spectre4188 - 2014-05-19, 21:51
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-19, 23:38
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-23, 13:22
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Mafarricos - 2014-05-24, 14:46
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-24, 15:12
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Martijn - 2014-05-24, 15:17
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Lunatixz - 2014-05-24, 15:26
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-24, 15:41
Re: RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Mafarricos - 2014-05-24, 15:49
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-24, 15:58
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Mafarricos - 2014-05-24, 16:45
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-25, 00:10
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Mafarricos - 2014-05-25, 02:22
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-25, 03:18
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by tdhz77 - 2014-05-25, 07:34
Re: RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Mafarricos - 2014-05-25, 12:00
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-25, 12:35
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-25, 14:26
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Mafarricos - 2014-05-25, 18:01
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-26, 00:04
Re: RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Mafarricos - 2014-05-26, 02:01
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Skipmode A1 - 2014-05-28, 19:07
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-28, 23:57
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Skipmode A1 - 2014-05-29, 12:31
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-29, 13:38
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Skipmode A1 - 2014-05-29, 14:05
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-05-29, 14:59
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-06-15, 11:13
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by BubbaLovesTv - 2014-07-21, 08:25
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-07-21, 12:38
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by BubbaLovesTv - 2014-07-22, 09:55
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-07-22, 11:22
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by BMStroh - 2014-08-04, 17:08
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-08-05, 00:06
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by BMStroh - 2014-08-05, 22:56
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by anarchybomb88 - 2014-08-06, 08:20
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by BubbaLovesTv - 2014-08-06, 08:42
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by aalwani - 2014-08-06, 11:17
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-08-06, 11:55
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by echo - 2014-08-07, 15:18
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-08-07, 15:59
Re: RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by aalwani - 2014-08-08, 16:03
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-08-09, 04:23
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by aalwani - 2014-08-09, 22:15
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by aalwani - 2014-08-17, 18:24
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-08-18, 02:33
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by un1versal - 2014-08-22, 09:55
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-08-22, 12:34
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by dgcruzing - 2014-08-22, 12:53
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by un1versal - 2014-08-22, 14:25
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-08-22, 15:20
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by un1versal - 2014-08-22, 17:02
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-08-23, 01:37
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by un1versal - 2014-08-23, 12:19
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by skimshady - 2014-10-27, 21:31
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-10-27, 22:28
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by arithine - 2014-10-30, 20:34
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by zsleaf - 2014-11-26, 11:47
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-11-26, 12:50
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by zsleaf - 2014-11-27, 15:48
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-11-27, 22:30
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by zsleaf - 2014-11-28, 03:34
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-11-28, 05:03
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by zsleaf - 2014-11-28, 07:32
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2014-11-28, 07:53
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Diskotechjam - 2014-12-07, 02:29
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Rumik - 2015-01-06, 17:11
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by rjcogin - 2015-01-20, 18:21
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2015-01-21, 01:14
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by ramecex - 2015-02-08, 17:48
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by onlyyou - 2015-02-12, 12:15
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2015-02-17, 01:53
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2015-02-17, 01:54
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by ramecex - 2015-02-18, 00:24
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2015-02-18, 00:57
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by a6co1lostud - 2015-08-03, 17:53
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2015-08-04, 02:14
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by a6co1lostud - 2015-08-04, 14:52
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by Karnagious - 2015-08-05, 00:38
RE: [RELEASE] LazyTV - by braz - 2015-08-06, 17:22
Lazy Tv - by Robertcm49 - 2023-01-25, 18:22
RE: Lazy Tv - by izprtxqkft - 2023-01-25, 18:34
RE: Lazy Tv - by Robertcm49 - 2023-01-26, 19:48
Lazy Tv - by DarrenHill - 2023-01-27, 17:25
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LazyTV - an unwatched TV Show playlist generator4