m4a playback dropouts / skipping
I have searched high and low and haven't been able to find this problem mentioned, at least not in the last few builds. I am experiencing audio dropouts or short pauses to be more specific at seemingly random times during the playback of m4a files, particularly ALAC files. I thought I had resolved the issue by re-encoding the files but I was wrong. As far as I can tell the problem is present with files downloaded from iTunes and CD's ripped in Apple Lossless using a variety of programs.

I have experienced the same fault on a 32bit Windows7 machine and the latest generation iMac running OSX 10.8.4 both running 12.2 but the dropouts were also occurring in 12.0. I also replicated the issue in 13.0.

I've tried different drivers, audio interfaces, HDMI audio, S/PDIF (haven't tried analog) but the one constant seems to be XBMC. I have't had any issue with any other audio format or video audio, only m4a files.

I'm running out of things to troubleshoot so if anyone has any info that might help I would be ridiculously grateful!!!
debug logs (wiki)?
Yeah sorry, I wasn't in a position to upload them earlier but will do so shortly.

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m4a playback dropouts / skipping0