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The latest extended info script does not provide any more properties for discart, plotline, year, for movie set in backend mode, because Phill65 move resource for a new script

For use script info service of course need skin changes, or use previous version with support.
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(2014-09-18, 14:48)Wanilton Wrote: The latest extended info script does not provide any more properties for discart, plotline, year, for movie set in backend mode, because Phill65 move resource for a new script

For use script info service of course need skin changes, or use previous version with support.


Thanks for the reply, so just to confirm the current state of play.

I don't fully understand what the Extended Info Script actually did, other than you needed it for the Movie Sets area to function etc.

So the latest Extended Info script by Phil65, parts of its functions have been put in to a new second script called Skin Info Service. And we as Aeon MQ5 users cannot use either of these scripts until the MQ5 skin is updated to support them. That right?

And in the mean time we should continue to use the modified version 0.5.0 Extended Info Script with MQ5. This worked for ages without any issues, until recently where it seems to be causing problems when playing back music in full screen mode.


Its a real ball ache having to manually download "Movie Set" posters and fanart images manually from TMDB site, I have got up to letter M and I'm very bored already. Can someone please upload theirs to dropbox or something?

As good as the Movie Set Artwork Automator script is, it would be much better if it automatically downloaded these images like Artwork Downloader, ideally all of this functionality would be better off as part of the Artwork Downloader add-on.

EDIT: Just noticed another gotcha, if you scraped in your movies a while ago the collection name on TMDB now maybe different to what it was originally called at the time you scraped in the movies. In this case you have to Reload each title in the movie set for them to pick up the current collection name, the automator script will then assign the new artwork to them OK. Down side is then these titles appear in recently added movies area.

EDIT 2: OK so I persevered and have finished creating my "Movie Sets" artwork files, I have artwork for 152 collections, I can upload them if anyone wants them?

Many Thanks
cw-kid are you trying to change the view when you go to movies-sets in the submenu or the normal movie menu? If I go to the submenu of movies-sets I get the view with all of the movies like your first picture. If I go to my normal movie view which is right view I get the collection poster, logo and all of the discs spinning that are part of my collection. Like the x-men collection on this page:
I can change these to a different view on a mass scale. I haven't tried it with the movies-sets submenu view because I don't want all my normal non set movies looking like they are part of a set when they are not.

I've tried both ways, I tried going in to the Movies sub-menu -> Movie Sets area, then selecting a set which takes me to that panel view and then in there changing the view to something else. This only works for that one particular set though and the others are still set as panel view.

I have also tried going in to my main Movies area instead (Normally Wall view) and then selecting a movie set from within there and then changing the view from panel to something else, again it only seems to affect that one particular set and not all the others.

With regard to the other artwork images and movie sets, this is how it looks when I have changed the view on one set to say "Right List'. As you can see the disc and logo image are displayed. I thought you said you had copied all the artwork in to the "Movie Sets Artwork" folder? And I wasn't sure why you would do that? As I said I have only put new Movie Set posters and fanart images in to my "Movie Sets Artwork" folder.


Just re-read your message again, think I see what you mean now, if I change my main movie area from wall view to right list view, mine looks like the below, I have no multiple discs or logo.


So is the X-Men image below a mod? Or just because you put all the other artwork in to your "Movie Sets Artwork" folder?


I can see the X-MEN COMPLETE COLLECTION logo on the above screen shot, where is that from? Can't see it on TMDB site or

EDIT: Doh that logo is on so it came from there then. Will try and add a collection logo now as a test.

So the collection logos should be named like?

nameofcollection-logo.png ? and also placed in the "Movie Sets Artwork" folder and then the automator script will also add these presumably.

What about the discs? How were they named for each movie and placed in the "Movie Sets Artwork" folder?



So I named the file "X-Men Collection-logo.png" and ran the automator again now I have that logo showing on the X-Men collection.


I don't know how to do the multiple discs? Presume that part is a modification?
It appears you don't need to do anything for the multiple discs to appears on collections.

Looking at my Aliens Collection the discs can be seen. However the discs cover over the top of the collection logo image which isn't great. You can just see a white part of the logo behind the last disc in this screen shot.


However the multiple discs are not appearing for some reason on every collection, if I look at the Freddy collection there are no discs showing. Yet some of those movies do have disc art but not all of them. So I am wondering if the multiple discs will only appear if you have every disc art image for each movie title in that set?



Although having just said that, this "Alone in the Dark" set, I only have one disc art image for the first movie, there is currently no disc art image present for the second movie. Yet one disc is being displayed in the screen shot below.


One difference with this particular "Alone in the Dark" set, is I must have missed it out and as yet have not created any "Movie Set Artwork" images for it. So I will do that now and run the automator again and see if the disc is still displayed then? .............Yes the single disc is still displayed after creating the "Movie Set Artwork" images for this "Alone in the Dark" set and re-running the automator.


In that case I don't know why the Nightmare on Elm street set isn't showing any discs as there are some disc art images for it present on the file server.

Solved - Something funky going on with the first "A Nightmare on Elm Street" movie title, if I run Artwork downloader on it in Solo mode no disc was downloaded. I then ran Artwork Downloader again in GUI mode and picked a disc art, now the other multiple discs are appearing OK on the collection set.

Don't know if I have just found a bug with Artwork Downloader? Reported on the URL below.

OK regarding the Extended Info Script crashing pretty much every time I go in to full screen music playback mode, I captured it in the XBMC debug log file, can anyone make sense of it?

13:58:30 T:139720147855104   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <class 'xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError'>
                                            Error Contents: syntax error: line 1, column 0
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.extendedinfo/", line 897, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.extendedinfo/", line 100, in __init__
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.extendedinfo/", line 695, in run_backend
                                                Artist_mbid = GetMusicBrainzIdFromNet(self.selecteditem)
                                              File "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.extendedinfo/", line 55, in GetMusicBrainzIdFromNet
                                                curXML = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(ret)
                                              File "/home/stephan/projects/openelec-4.0/build.OpenELEC-Generic.x86_64-4.0.7/Python-2.7.3/.install_pkg/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/", line 1930, in parseString
                                              File "/home/stephan/projects/openelec-4.0/build.OpenELEC-Generic.x86_64-4.0.7/Python-2.7.3/.install_pkg/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/", line 940, in parseString
                                              File "/home/stephan/projects/openelec-4.0/build.OpenELEC-Generic.x86_64-4.0.7/Python-2.7.3/.install_pkg/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/", line 223, in parseString
                                            ExpatError: syntax error: line 1, column 0
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
13:58:30 T:139720147855104    INFO: Python script stopped

Full log file here:

Reported to Phil65 here:

Many thanks in advance
This is not looking good Phil65 says sorry no support for older versions, can someone speak to MarcusQui about when then skin might be updated to support the proper version of the Extended Info Script? Anyone else having the same problem or is it just me and Megalodon ?

In the main menu recently added widgets for both movies and tv shows how do you add start from beginning to the play options. Right now the only option is to play the movies wherever you left off watching them.

wildburstyle06, the first widget is latest item in progress...and for show others, have button above main menu change recently for random or progress items.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
I know the first movie is latest item in progress. But for the other movies even after changing to random or progress the only options still are play movie/trailer/cinemax. No start from beginning option. I went back to confluence for a second to check and the start from beginning option is there for recently added movies.

Can someone pls tell me why do all of my cdart in a collection are the same?

EDIT: My bad... I viewed it individually and they are different. Funny tho because they have the same design Smile
(2014-09-19, 02:20)megalodon Wrote: Like the x-men collection on this page:
I can change these to a different view on a mass scale. I haven't tried it with the movies-sets submenu view because I don't want all my normal non set movies looking like they are part of a set when they are not.

How can you do it? I can't

I mean imagine i'm on wall view or something else, then I press enter to view all the movies from a collection, the movies are presented in wall view aswell. I have to manually change for example to right view, on each collection (on the MAIN WALL, not the movie-sets sub menu).

So, how do you do it ?
Any suggestions on how to add start from beginning option to widgets in main menu?
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