RetroPlayer and Rom Collection Browser
Hi Malte,

I also cannot get RCB to autodetect Retroplayer.

I am using RCB 2.0.11 and Garbear's latest Alpha 12 Windows build.

Actually, you can scrap that Malte, I have it working now.

[Edit 2]
On further investigation, I've discovered that in fact it's on a case-by-case basis. Sega Mega Drive and SNES work for example, but Sega CD won't. I'm guessing there is a list somewhere in the code which lists which systems are compatible and just needs updating?
(2014-02-12, 01:36)Tomkun Wrote: Hi Malte,

I also cannot get RCB to autodetect Retroplayer.

I am using RCB 2.0.11 and Garbear's latest Alpha 12 Windows build.

Actually, you can scrap that Malte, I have it working now.

[Edit 2]
On further investigation, I've discovered that in fact it's on a case-by-case basis. Sega Mega Drive and SNES work for example, but Sega CD won't. I'm guessing there is a list somewhere in the code which lists which systems are compatible and just needs updating?

How did you get it working? I go to Launch Games and the option to use Retroplayer is not there. I'm using the RetroPlayer 2013-09-13-3ac8fbb build. Sorry I'm not sure if that is the correct info needed. I tried the build based on Gotham for windows but it still doesn't detect it. Sad
If you have already set it up with an external emulator, then you cannot retroactively make it use retroplayer without editing the config.xml file manually.

You have two options - delete the romcollection and start from scratch, or manually edit the line:
in the config.xml.

Which system are you trying to get working? Not all of them are supported yet.
Tomkun Wrote:On further investigation, I've discovered that in fact it's on a case-by-case basis. Sega Mega Drive and SNES work for example, but Sega CD won't. I'm guessing there is a list somewhere in the code which lists which systems are compatible and just needs updating?
RCB asks RetroPlayer which cores are available for each platform by doing a json request with the RCB platform name as parameter (SNES, Sega Mega Drive, SEGA CD, ...). If RCB does not get a result it assumes that there is no RetroPlayer support for this specifc platform.

I am not sure how RetroPlayer builds this response but I guess that it will check the platform tag in the addon.xml of the libretrocore addons. I just did a short check of the addon.xmls in the repository and I could not find any addon with platform "SEGA CD", so I guess this is the problem.
You're absolutely right, malte. I added 'SEGA CD' to the list of supported systems in the addon.xml for Genplus and it works just fine.
(2014-02-21, 12:27)Tomkun Wrote: If you have already set it up with an external emulator, then you cannot retroactively make it use retroplayer without editing the config.xml file manually.

You have two options - delete the romcollection and start from scratch, or manually edit the line:
in the config.xml.

Which system are you trying to get working? Not all of them are supported yet.

Sorry, I haven't checked back in the thread. The Gotham build never gave me the option to use retroplayer. RCB always asked to set up an external emulator. I am just trying to get SNES, NES, and Sega working. I can get the games to play on xbmc if I look them up under files but I can't get RCB to detect retroplayer. I'll try to edit the config.xml file to see if that fixes the problem.
(2014-02-24, 18:46)AudioBeast Wrote:
(2014-02-21, 12:27)Tomkun Wrote: If you have already set it up with an external emulator, then you cannot retroactively make it use retroplayer without editing the config.xml file manually.

You have two options - delete the romcollection and start from scratch, or manually edit the line:
in the config.xml.

Which system are you trying to get working? Not all of them are supported yet.

Sorry, I haven't checked back in the thread. The Gotham build never gave me the option to use retroplayer. RCB always asked to set up an external emulator. I am just trying to get SNES, NES, and Sega working. I can get the games to play on xbmc if I look them up under files but I can't get RCB to detect retroplayer. I'll try to edit the config.xml file to see if that fixes the problem.

If that doesn't work, I think you'll have to bite the bullet and start from scratch. Make sure you back up your settings though. All of those systems should work, so I am not sure why they don't. You are definitely using Garbear's build and not an official one?
(2014-02-24, 18:46)AudioBeast Wrote: The Gotham build never gave me the option to use retroplayer. RCB always asked to set up an external emulator. I am just trying to get SNES, NES, and Sega working. I can get the games to play on xbmc if I look them up under files but I can't get RCB to detect retroplayer. I'll try to edit the config.xml file to see if that fixes the problem.

Exact same problem here, still trying to figure out what went wrong. Since i am still new to xbmc and rp, would someone be so kind to tell me, where the config.xml is located?

Thank you in advance!
Are you on latest RCB version (2.0.17)? What systems did you try (SNES, NES, ...)?

I did not yet try the latest Gotham builds of RetroPlayer. So I still have to test this myself and check if there are any issues.

In the meantime you will find your config.xml in RCBs userdata directory (XBMC/userdata/addon_data/
I just tested RCB 2.0.17 with RetroPlayer build from 05/26/2014 on Windows and everything worked as expected. If anybody has issues with it please make sure that you are on latest RCB release and post an xbmc.log file here. I need to see whats going wrong.
Thank you for your kind answer, malte. I'll make sure that i have the latest version and take a look in my config file.


got it running flawlessly by changing the value for <use built in emulator> in the config-file.

A xbmc.log where i tried to get it working two days ago and i failed:

A log from today with changed config file and everything working:

Thanks again for the help, everyone!
Hi just tried RCB 2.0.17 on openelec 4.0.6 retroplayer build (by garbear) and it seems it doesnt detect the retroplayer part. it always asks me for the emulator path. RetroPlayer is working fine tho, i tried several gameboy roms through the file manager and it play backs fine.

Here is my xbmc.log:

got it working by letting RCB create the config and than changing it to use the builtin emulator, which works fine.
It also scrapes my test rom fine, but it doesnt download any images...
i attached another log for this issue:
(2014-01-07, 02:50)Komerad Wrote: Thx Rome.

For those like me waiting for retroplayer I wrote a script that :
installs retroarch/libretro and configures rcb with a selection (you will be prompted) of consoles.
Currently supported : NES, SNES, SMS, Genesis, PS1

How to use :
1. connect a keyboard to your xbmc (if not already)
2. press alt+ctrl+F1
(Or connect over ssh)
3. Login
4. Execute next lines :
chmod +x
Follow the onscreen instructions.
When done Press ctrl+alt+F7 to return to xbmc.

hello is this script still working as i have just found this and i am very interested to get this working i have been trying for a very long time to get emulators and roms on kodibuntu to get working and have never had any success, lots of setup guides for windows but not for the linux based version. thanks in advanced.
I agree that RCB (2.1.2) does still not detect Retroplayer and I am unable to add a network source for the roms.
Can anyone confirm or deny this?
I recently had to reistall Windows, and in setting Kodi back up, I find myself unable to get RCB working. I have followed the tutorials, tried several times, updated RCB to the most recent version, but I am having the same problem every time. I input the collections, but every time I open RCB, it immediately crashes. One game will start to load, but it stops before even displaying the title.
Also, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but RCB has never let me use the built in cores during set up. I'm super excited for Retroplayer, can't wait until it's fully integrated. Thank you to everyone who has been working on this. Sorry in advance if I should have addressed this elsewhere (first post).

System: Win 7, Kodi (most recent RP build (1/20), Aeon MQ6 (I tried set up in Confluence just to see if that would help, but it made no difference.), RCB 2.1.2 (cores using RetroArch 1.3.0, which is fully set up on it's own)

My error log:

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