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Release script.skinshortcuts
Hello Bob,

Following is a link for an updated Spanish strings.po, based on current master branch.!AlII29kkG6TFh-QHspLlybsRVlcx8Q


(2017-02-19, 20:26)braz Wrote: Thanks Bob, no rush. I also tried label="24" but that results in Kodi's localized string with that ID. For now I'll just define the numbers I need in the skin's language files.

Hopefully will be addressed this weekend. If you get chance, have a check that the issue exists on the Leia branch - there's already a small improvement to the way strings are handled there (though my memory is it won't actually affect this issue, rather it deals with shortcut labels).

(2017-02-20, 06:41)braz Wrote:
(2015-10-09, 04:09)jurialmunkey Wrote: Talking about overrides. I'm trying to get a groupoverride working for all submenus, however I can't figure out a way to do it.

Basically I have this for the main menu (id 9000) which works perfectly
<groupoverride group="mainmenu" condition="true">SetProperty(FO9001,2,home)</groupoverride>

However, I can't get the same behaviour for the submenu
<groupoverride group="submenu" condition="true">SetProperty(FO9001,2,home)</groupoverride>

Removing the group="submenu" or leaving it empty doesn't seem to work.
Basically, I need a way to trigger an additional action before the onclick using
(2015-10-09, 09:24)BobCratchett Wrote: @jurialmunkey - I've just updated my open PR to make the 'group' optional for global overrides, so you can apply one to all shortcuts. Can you please test and let me know if it works. Cheers.
Hi Bob, I'm also trying to add a groupoverride for my submenu items and am running into the same problem described by jurialmunkey. It looks like there was a PR back in 2015 to make the group tag optional, but I can't get any groupoverride options to work unless I specify the group. Any ideas?

Yes, it's not possible to specify 'all submenu's', rather you can either specify (if memory serves) all menu's, or menu's with a specific labelID. I've added this to my to-look at list.

(2017-02-19, 14:22)badaas Wrote: Hi Bob, I'll add a request if do-able. Add a line in settings to be able to add our own visible condition for each menu item. Would save adding all the checks you already have for built in visible conditions for some buttons already.

You should be able to follow Skin Shortcuts Docs: Overriding an Action to add an additional visibility condition. Otherwise, please explain the use case that currently isn't covered Smile

(2017-02-20, 16:42)bsoriano Wrote: Hello Bob,

Following is a link for an updated Spanish strings.po, based on current master branch.!AlII29kkG6TFh-QHspLlybsRVlcx8Q



Thanks Smile Are you able to do a PR? That would be a quicker way of getting it onto git, otherwise I'll do my best to add it over the weekend.
I konw this an old forum..but how to find the "skin shortcuts" icon. I have installed it but can not find
I have problem when I try to launch management dialog for submenu with 405 button, nothing happen and i have this error with leia branch :

23:24:25.999 T:123145415536640   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.NameError'>
                                            Error Contents: global name 'gmtime' is not defined
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/Users/Cyril/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/script.skinshortcuts/resources/lib/", line 1127, in onClick
                                                "skinshortcuts-loading", str(calendar.timegm(gmtime())))
                                            NameError: global name 'gmtime' is not defined
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
 Estuary MOD V2 
EDIT2: Different question then Tongue Is there any way to open the context menu by clicking a button?

EDIT: nevermind, somehow I managed to miss the part about buttonID (wiki).... Rolleyes

So I'm trying to have a button in the contextmenu let the use set a custom property. I can't get it to work however, what am I missing? The context menu button is showing, but nothing seems to be executed

<item control="313">context menu button</item>

<control type="button" id="313">
    <label>actual button</label>

I have a button 404 as mentioned here:
(2017-02-27, 02:28)rgsmith77 Wrote: I konw this an old forum..but how to find the "skin shortcuts" icon. I have installed it but can not find

There isn't one. The script has to be integrated directly into the skin.

(2017-03-03, 08:06)Jeroen Wrote: EDIT2: Different question then Tongue Is there any way to open the context menu by clicking a button?

Sure - if the context menu is enabled on the button. Then it's just <onclick>Action(ContextMenu)</onclick>.

If you're wanting to do it on a button which doesn't have the context menu enabled on it then it might be possible - but this is purely theoretical. Add another button offscreen with the context menu enabled on it. Add the above onclick to it. Then, on the button you want to actually have the context menu from the click, <onclick>Control.Message(click,[id-of-offscreen-control])</onclick>.
I've got an unusual request.

Is there any way that I can do an override or some other trick to replace all ActivateWindow with ReplaceWindow?

I know there is ListItem.Property(list), but there isn't a property that supplies the target for the window so I can't do something like ReplaceWindow(target,$INFO[ListItem.Property(list)],return)

Is there some other trick I might do to achieve this? I guess I could have multiple conditions that do String.Contains(ListItem.Property(path),videos) etc. But that seems like a lot of conditions...
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2017-03-03, 22:28)BobCratchett Wrote: Sure - if the context menu is enabled on the button.

Doh, of course. Slow morning, sorry. Thanks Bob Wink
(2017-02-24, 21:18)BobCratchett Wrote:
(2017-02-19, 14:22)badaas Wrote: Hi Bob, I'll add a request if do-able. Add a line in settings to be able to add our own visible condition for each menu item. Would save adding all the checks you already have for built in visible conditions for some buttons already.

You should be able to follow Skin Shortcuts Docs: Overriding an Action to add an additional visibility condition. Otherwise, please explain the use case that currently isn't covered Smile

<override action="[Action]" group="[GroupName]" version="[Kodi Major Version]">
    <condition>[Boolean condition]</condition>
    <action>[New action]</action>

So how do I use this code to hide a menu item if on home screen?
I would want to add a visibility check if on home for a mainmenu item.

ie. When not on home the 'home' menu item is visible, how do I override that as an 'action'? I just can't see how it's worded towards what I need? Smile
Only to report, using path substitution in advancedsettings.xml the substituted paths are ignored, script point to the original kodi path. i noticed because i'm using remote favourites and trying to add a favourite as menu/submenu i found my old local faves.

Pretty sure I found a pretty major bug with submenuOther templates for building submenu widgets.

On krypton, when using templates and building widgets for submenus there is an error with the conditions generated for matching submenu items. submenuOther will generate a condition based upon the LabelID. However, when the LabelID is a localized string it doesn't match because the condition matches to the number not the localized string.

e.g. a condition will be generated for the submenu widget:
[String.IsEqual(Container(300).ListItem.Property(submenuVisibility),music) + String.IsEqual(Container(302).ListItem.Property(labelID),744)]

However, the LabelID wont match the 744 because the property gets translated to the localized string, but the 744 part does not. This can be fixed fairly easily I imagine by wrapping number in a localize tag:

This was driving me mental because I was sure all the code should work to implement submenu widgets and I discovered if I rename a submenu item they suddenly work (because its no longer a localized string).

Link to issue on github:
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
I have a problem with submenu. I have defined by default my submenu shortcuts (with movies.DATA.xml, tvshows.DATA.xml etc...) for my default widgets.

When I select my widget first time and I go to personalize submenu, my submenu is ok but when I change my widget, submenu isn't reloaded and I have submenu from my first widget.

Example :

I select my 'movies' widget first time, I go to personalize submenu, I have my shortcuts corresponding to my 'movies' widget (movies.DATA.xml). All is OK.

But When I change my 'movies' widget to 'tvshows' widget, I go to personalize submenu, I have always shortcuts corresponding to 'movies' widget.

Any idea to fix that ?
 Estuary MOD V2 
So my question is "Just Select" for widgets... It opens the dialogs elect.xml is there anyway to determine what is available to select to use as a widget..
It is a few things I don't want to show and I want to add favorites but not sure how
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
(2017-03-08, 11:49)smitchell6879 Wrote: So my question is "Just Select" for widgets... It opens the dialogs elect.xml is there anyway to determine what is available to select to use as a widget..
It is a few things I don't want to show and I want to add favorites but not sure how
Make a custom grouping:

And the use that grouping name for the Just Select method. -- Its all in the docs.

Have a look at the (fuse)neue overrides file (the groupings are at the bottom)
There is an example of changing the main grouping (when selecting shortcuts for menu) and also an example of a custom video-grouping that can be used in a Just Select method for widgets.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
I just looked at it again and that the part I don't understand when I go click the button now I have video add-on which is really just a list of playlist I have in the skin. Then there is extendinfo, library nodes data, and video add-ons a second time... I would like to add favorites and remove the first video add-ons that just list my playlist I am using in the skin.

Right now the group I have is widgets and I have no overrides.

The widget also are not attached to any menu nor do that have and visibility requirments as they are separate standalone.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
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