Win XBMC cant run on low end hardware graphic cards
I have windows 7 running on a hp dl 120 where there is no support for highend graphics found in old servers, fair its a server, but I think it should not just say cant create graphics and just exit in a windows buttom

while youtube works fine, hmm

is there a possible bug tracker somewhere to report it if not here ?
there is but it won't do any good because it won't be fixed.
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You really don't need much of a graphics card to be able to run xbmc on almost any machine. A card that will render xbmc and full hd content super smooth wil only cost you 25 to 35 euro.
Your hardware is not made to be able to render xbmc (or any other htpc software for that matter. There is no bug so there is no point in submitting a bug report.

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