Export video library to separate files. How to request it in JSON?
I would like to request XBMC to export the video library to separate files, storing the metadata in the same path where the video file is located.

I am already able to export the video library to a specific path by using the following JSON message:

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.Export", "params": { "options": { "path": "/tmp" } }, "id": 1 }

According to the JSON-RPC API specification, the "path" is a required parameter in the Export method. I don't know how to set the path (or modify the json call) to indicate that I want the metadata about each file in the same location that the video file.

Could you point me in the right direction?
The path is not a required parameter. Either you specify a path or you don't but then you have the choice to define the options
  • overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing exported files
  • actorthumbs: Whether to export actor thumbnails
  • images: Whether to export thumbnails and fanart images
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Thank you Montellese. Of course, you are right!

I assumed that the path was a required parameter because the JSON-RPC specification of the Export method states:
"path": {
              "description": "Path to the directory to where the data should be exported",
              "minLength": 1,
              "required": true,
              "type": "string"

But I have removed it and it is working. I am able to specify the other parameters without the path and it seems to be working successfully:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.Export", "params": { "options": { "overwrite": false, "actorthumbs":true, "images":true } }, "id": 1 }

Thanks again!

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Export video library to separate files. How to request it in JSON?0