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Video of my ambient lighting setup
Can you elaborate on how you get Winamp to launch as a separate player in order to get Milkdrop to work please? This is the main reason I built my boblight setup!
(2015-09-23, 20:42)velkrosmaak Wrote: Can you elaborate on how you get Winamp to launch as a separate player in order to get Milkdrop to work please? This is the main reason I built my boblight setup!

In short, this isn't easy and it's quirky and not a smooth experience. Nonetheless, here we go.

Assuming you have winamp installed:

Run Winamp directly from windows.
Under options set:
Visualization - Select plugin to Milkdrop 2...
Visualization (lower in menu) to Open in Big Component View
Maximize Winamp
Close Winamp

If you don't already have it, install Autohotkey.

Create a blank ahk script called KodiWinamp.ahk and paste the following into it:
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Event  
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
DetectHiddenWindows, On
DetectHiddenText, On
FN = %1%
Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\winamp.exe" "%FN%",,Max, PID
WinActivate ahk_pid %PID%
WinWaitActive ahk_pid %PID%
Sleep 500
Send, ^+k
Sleep 500
MouseClick, Left, 500, 500
Send, !{Enter}
Sleep 500
    IfWinExist  - Winamp [Stopped]
    Sleep 250    
Sleep 1000
WinActivate - Winamp [Stopped]
WinWaitActive - Winamp [Stopped]
Sleep 500
Send, !{F4}

Now compile that into an exe by right clicking the file and clicking compile.
Move the exe file into the Winamp directory in Program Files (x86) or Program Files (depending whether you are using 64 bit or 32 bit windows).

Next create an external player by creating playercorefactory.xml under your userdata directory.
    <player name="WinAmp" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="true" video="false">
      <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\KodiWinamp.exe</filename>
  <rules action="prepend">
    <rule filetypes="mp3" player="WinAmp" />

Make sure the directories in both the above match the directories in your system.

By default now Kodi will run mp3s using the script which launches Winamp.

Warning: look at all those sleep commands in the ahk script. The amount of time will you need to sleep WILL vary from system to system. You'll have to play around with it.
Is short, the script:

1) Launches Winamp with one and only one song.
2) Opens the Visualization window
3) Maximizes it
4) Waits until the song is done
5) Closes Winamp

If you don't do 4 and 5, Winamp stays open on top of Kodi.
Or alternatively if you are on Helix download milkdrop2 here:

On Jarvis:

The main drawback for these is that you cannot change the settings for milkdrop or use any of the milkdrop hotkeys.
Hello, I'm pretty new to Kodi, it's only been about a year or two. I wanna know if I can pull this off with the WS21812B led strips. I think I read somewhere on here that it is possible. And can I use just any 5v power supply? I'm trying to go as cheap as possible because well, I'm cheap. Lol. If it is possible, will the set up be that same as with the other lights, as in your video?

These is the led strip I'm looking into:ALITOVE LED Strip Light WS2812B RGB SMD5050 150 Pixels 16.4ft Flex Individually Addressable Dream Color Waterproof IP65 Black PCB

This is the power supply I found that works with the strip:XKTTSUEERCRR 5V 8A Power Supply Adapter Charger for 5050 WS2811 LED Strip Light

Any help is greatly appreciated because this is something I'm dying to use with my t.v. to also watch Game of Thrones.
If you're going for cheap it's possible to power the LEDs of the PCs PSU. Of course you need to read the spec sheet to see if it can handle the amount of LEDs and whatever is connected to that rail.
Would that really be possible? I dont know a whole lot about this kind of stuff, but here's a link to the power supply I own and use in my htpc. Worst case I dont mind having to buy a dedicated power supply.

COOLMAX ZX Series ZX-500 500W ATX12V v2.2 / EPS12V v2.91 SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply ,
I found.
The power supply linked in your first post will work fine. I'm only a 6 amp supply and powering 108 LED's just fine

Sent from my LG-H901
Oh okay thanks. I plan on ordering this stuff and trying it out in a few months. I would also like to know if I have my shopping list in order?
I need the following, right?
1. Arduino Leonardo
2. WS2801 LED light strip
3. Power Supply
4. Power Splitter Cable
5. M-M/F-F/M-F Jumper cable
6. Female Power Jack connector
7. Terminal Block Connector

I also recently found out about Philips Hue and being able to do the same thing like this plus having other lights around the house controlled by Kodi during movie play back. Im thinking maybe having this set up for behind the t.v. and then using Philips hue every where else in my living room.
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