nbox 1.0 mod
Option 3 looks best in terms of easily identifying which sub menu you are currently on. Plus it adds to the whitespace, so to speak!!
I'd have to go with option 3 or 2 for the same reasons, but with the addition of the text (placed to the right of the icons maybe?)

A vertical list of menu items a la nbox is always an option too!
Option 1 is the best. It aligns with date and give balance to the whole view (option 2 and 3 feel cluttered). I also like the icons, breaking a bit from the commonly recurred metro style.
To answer the previous issues I commented:

(2014-03-12, 17:34)DjCisco Wrote: - If I Access the movie library via Videos->Movies the changes on the nodes are displayed
- If I Access the movie library directly via the library icon on the Home Screen the changes on the nodes are not displayed (not all skins have a direct access to the movies library from the home screen , but nboxMOD and amber both have it and I see the issue on both skins)

I don't have such entries in nbox. I use the original nbox but I have Films-->All Films, that's the common place to access all my movies. There's no Library Icon on home screen.
But if I go to Films-->Manage Library->Files, then I can see both nodes (Anime, Movies), and the correct content inside. I still see year, genre, title, etc nodes when I go one level up from "All Films".
(2014-03-18, 21:12)Dogway Wrote: To answer the previous issues I commented:

(2014-03-12, 17:34)DjCisco Wrote: - If I Access the movie library via Videos->Movies the changes on the nodes are displayed
- If I Access the movie library directly via the library icon on the Home Screen the changes on the nodes are not displayed (not all skins have a direct access to the movies library from the home screen , but nboxMOD and amber both have it and I see the issue on both skins)

I don't have such entries in nbox. I use the original nbox but I have Films-->All Films, that's the common place to access all my movies. There's no Library Icon on home screen.
But if I go to Films-->Manage Library->Files, then I can see both nodes (Anime, Movies), and the correct content inside. I still see year, genre, title, etc nodes when I go one level up from "All Films".

It sounds like the same issue to me . basically accesing the library via different ways gives different results.

You should create an official bug report for it
I loved the nbox theme. the only thing i wanted was to have "recent/random/recommended/ADDONS"
in my case i use only add ons for music so i have an empty screen there and ii have to navigate to the add ons always.

either that or having a favorite or addons menu.

and alternative 3 is the best.

I would like to try the mod, but under other name Smile
Option 1 Smile
Im sory my english is not good.
Your skin is pretty amazing.
Can you ad in main menu option "Favorite"?
Now is Films, or TV Show, or Music. Can you add "Favorite"?
This option could enable and disable in setting.

Mainly due to the implementation of home navigation menu hints.

Option 1 was chosen.

Sorry for those of you liking option 2 and 3, but those options where discarded since they didnt look good in he following situations:
- Disabled Main Menus
- Possible addition of new Custom Main Menus (for the future)

See first post for download links.
Very nice! I just tried, it works perfect. I hope soon you can add the favorites menu in the same way.

as suggestion I liked the nbox font more than the one you used, is it too difficult to give the option to change? i see in the settings you can choose between fonts, maybe it could be easily implemented. the font was a lot of the nbox taste.

Thanks for the new version!
I do however have a small question:
(At the moment I'm having some issues with making screenshots due to a problem in my remote.xml and Lircmap.xml.)

When I'm in the movies library, the thumbnails show and the posters show up normal in almost all modes, except for the 'poster list view' and the 'posters view'.
In 'poster list view' the thumbnails are not filling the area intended for the posters, and in 'posters view' the thumbnails don't show up.

When I check the movie info, and select the locally stored thumbnail, everything shows up normal for a single movie....

Thanks in advance,

best regards, Mark
@mvanderberg. It works fine for me in all the views. im using Openelec on R-Pi.

@DjCisco. one more thing when we have long lists, it is usefull to be able to put the "cursor" in the scroll bar so one can scroll down pages instead of items, I have found that this is not possible to do.

Great skin. Loving it. Two questions. One stupid and one request! The stupid question first. Earlier versions of the skin supported really nice overlays (posters, timeline, start and finish times) when a movie or TV show was paused. All I have now is a light 'Paused' text on the screen. Can I bring the earlier look back?

Second question. Would you consider allowing background art at the highest level of each tree (movies / TV / Music) as opposed to the simple blue background?


(2014-03-24, 11:22)stovies Wrote: The stupid question first. Earlier versions of the skin supported really nice overlays (posters, timeline, start and finish times) when a movie or TV show was paused. All I have now is a light 'Paused' text on the screen. Can I bring the earlier look back?

There is no such thing a sstupid questionsBig Grin. And you actually found a bug , so thanks for reporting it. When pausing the video info should be displayed, which is currently not happening. This will be corrected.

(2014-03-24, 11:22)stovies Wrote: Second question. Would you consider allowing background art at the highest level of each tree (movies / TV / Music) as opposed to the simple blue background?

Background art such as choosing a custom pic. Nope that will not happen because there is always a color overlway over the fanart on the home screen, so for example even if you like some image for your movies category, you make not like it later with the color overlay.

Backgroudn fanart of the current/recent/random items also on the oper lever menus, yes, that is possible and I will check it out

(2014-03-22, 22:12)osilvab Wrote: Very nice! I just tried, it works perfect. I hope soon you can add the favorites menu in the same way.

as suggestion I liked the nbox font more than the one you used, is it too difficult to give the option to change? i see in the settings you can choose between fonts, maybe it could be easily implemented. the font was a lot of the nbox taste.

As I mentioned in an earlier Post, the problem with the original nbox Font, is that it is not readable in modern Living Room Setups: (56" Screens , sofa 3.5 to 4 Meters away).
If you are using nbox in a small screen 22 " (like pc monitor) you are usually very close, so everything looks perfect from that distance, but this is not what I am going for.

Givivng an option with other fonts is possible, but definetly not a quick fix. So for now I am sorry but I will not pursue this, since I have other elements of the Skin that require my attention, once I have finished the skin I can tackle requests like yours

(2014-03-23, 11:58)osilvab Wrote: @mvanderberg. It works fine for me in all the views. im using Openelec on R-Pi.

@DjCisco. one more thing when we have long lists, it is usefull to be able to put the "cursor" in the scroll bar so one can scroll down pages instead of items, I have found that this is not possible to do.

I agree, we need this , it will be done

(2014-03-23, 03:04)mvanderberg Wrote: When I'm in the movies library, the thumbnails show and the posters show up normal in almost all modes, except for the 'poster list view' and the 'posters view'.
In 'poster list view' the thumbnails are not filling the area intended for the posters, and in 'posters view' the thumbnails don't show up.

When I check the movie info, and select the locally stored thumbnail, everything shows up normal for a single movie....

What Images do you have locally stored? and how are they named? this will have a big inpact in how things are displayed and will determine if XBMC recognized your movie poster as an actual poster or as a thumb.
i love this new improvements but i preffer the old one nbox so my question is , can I use that one old without having problems?

best regards
@palunko, yes you will have both available at the same time the nbox and the "nboxMood" just as another skin in the list.

@DjDisco, Thanks for listening the suggestions. in my case im using 42" TV and the sofa is just 2 meters from it, i never had problems with the font. but I understand that there are other functionalities that are more important, i though it was a matter of a couple of lines in the code, i dont know anything about it Smile

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