TESTERS WANTED: Gotham UPnP library sharing testing
Host OS: OS X 10.9.2
Client OS: OS X 10.9.2

Client debug log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=166472

When selecting 'hide watched' on the client machine, any shows shared via UPNP that are not 100% unwatched will be hidden. IE: If a show has 1 or 2 new episodes as yet unwatched, but the rest are watched, the show will still be hidden. When deselecting the 'hide watched' option though, the unwatched episodes do not have the watched 'tick' next to them.

In short, The client XBMC appears to know that the episodes are unwatched (hence no tick), but the filter used when selecting 'hide watched' acts differently on local files than it does to UPNP shares.

Messages In This Thread
UPnP Add-ons don't work? - by ech68 - 2014-04-01, 12:20
RE: TESTERS WANTED: Gotham UPnP library sharing testing - by SirLoinOfBeef - 2014-04-06, 13:20
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TESTERS WANTED: Gotham UPnP library sharing testing3