Adding IR receiver to a normal Silverstone case?
I am confused as to all the different IR solutions. Currently I have a Silverstone ML02 with a VFD Display and built in IR receiver which can power on and off the PC.
As far as I know the IR is connected to the internal USB but also to the ATX 24pin Power Cable which goes to the Mainboard.

Now I want to buy a new HTPC and a new Case, but there is almost no case available in Europe with pre-built in IR receiver! I had a look at the Silverstone Milo Series and I like the ML06 very much:

But there is no IR built in. Now I know that there is an USB IR Receiver from Hama:
This is a remote with a USB IR that should work with any MCE Remote (Harmony in my case) - but can this turn on the PC even from S5 (Powered Off)?

Then there is the Streacom Solution:
This is basically the same as I have it set up now. The install instructions tells you to connect it to the powerbutton and the usb port. But the Streacom cases are very expensive and the PSU even more so. But at least those cases have a little window for the IR receiver whereas I wouldn't know how to fit this into another case.

At last but not least there are some ASRock Boards with a CIR on the mainboard.

So that would allow me to turn on my PC but I have the ugly USB sticking out of my case. This is my least favorite option since it would limit me to the choice of ASRock mainboards.

I was also considering buying the HDMI-CEC Adapter from Pulseeight but I fear that it won't really work well with my TV and AVR. I'm quite happy with my current setup with the Harmony but I still need to replace my HTPC because it's just too slow (AMD E-350) and the case is giving me the biggest headache.

In summary I want a normal, stylish and not too expensive case which allows me to easily integrate IR and can be turned on and off through a remote control. I can't believe that the whole Silverstone ML Series is unable to have IR integrated, but I haven't found any info about it using google.

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Adding IR receiver to a normal Silverstone case?0