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Release TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data
(2014-03-28, 00:08)RavRob Wrote: One HTPC working, the other isn't. Both with Gotham beta 2 and both running Windows 7.
The one that is failing is trying to convert a date, but failing because it thinks that the data is a tuple instead of a string. The easiest solution for that host is probably to choose the reset-and-update option out of the settings, which should fix up the weird corruption.

Techno-babble: I actually saw some tuples stored for dates just recently when doing some experimenting with the tzwin support in dateutil (where it tries to take advantage of windows' timezone calls). I'm imagining that your one host got some wacky airtime data stored a while back when the tzwin code was still enabled (it's been gone for a little while now). I'm thinking that you won't see a similar failure in data processed by the latest code.

Thanks for the helpful log data!

wayne question how difficult can it be to add a notification when a show is about to be on air?

to be honest i will love to see something like that but is not big a deal just an idea.

thanks Wayne for you amazing work
(2014-03-28, 21:11)warlion Wrote: how difficult can it be to add a notification when a show is about to be on air?
What kind of a notification are you thinking of? An xbmc one, such as this?
That might be pretty easy to have the background process call that, if the user so desires. I'll make a note to look into that.

cool thanks wayne that will be amazing Smile
or annoying Smile

If you're going to add it, definitely make an option for on/off.
Wayne i had a problem with a show Dads (2013)

01:12:54 T:5536 DEBUG: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### params: {'updateshow': 'Dads (2013)'}
01:12:54 T:5536 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### TV Show - Next Aired starting GUI proc (6.0.7)
01:12:54 T:5536 DEBUG: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### update_show started

01:14:50 T:13216 DEBUG: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### find_show_id(Dads (2013), 269589, 2013, True)
01:14:50 T:13216 DEBUG: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### no match found


the script cant find it no mather what i do you had a subjection?
not errors on the log
(2014-03-29, 09:19)warlion Wrote: Wayne i had a problem with a show Dads (2013)
Their search API can be really bad sometimes. A search for "Dads" returns only 6 shows, none of which is "Dads (2013)". I've tweaked the re-try code so that it does a fall-back search of the full name, which then finds the show.

(2014-03-26, 18:45)thewarm Wrote: [quote='WayneD' pid='1662512' dateline='1395701507']
My favorite skin for clean TV and Movie views is Amber. I would really like to add the next aired info while browsing the TV shows.
Anyway, thanks for a great addon!!!

Another Amber lover here !! would love to see the next episode info when browsing through TV shows also, but I guess this would need adding in the Amber skin?
(2014-03-29, 19:57)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-03-29, 09:19)warlion Wrote: Wayne i had a problem with a show Dads (2013)
Their search API can be really bad sometimes. A search for "Dads" returns only 6 shows, none of which is "Dads (2013)". I've tweaked the re-try code so that it does a fall-back search of the full name, which then finds the show.


Thanks Wayne its working now thanks so much

wayne i had a question for you, im trying to add a Flag on the views with (NextAired.Today)

<value condition="substring(Window(Home).Property(NextAired.Today),True)">wall/boxes/wall_tvshow_NextAired.png</value>

it is working but only for the show that im selecting is any way possible to use
to show the flag all around?

im using this for posters

and the flag for VideoExtras script
(2014-03-28, 00:33)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-03-28, 00:08)RavRob Wrote: One HTPC working, the other isn't. Both with Gotham beta 2 and both running Windows 7.
The one that is failing is trying to convert a date, but failing because it thinks that the data is a tuple instead of a string. The easiest solution for that host is probably to choose the reset-and-update option out of the settings, which should fix up the weird corruption


Tx Wayne. That did it. all good on both machine now.
(2014-03-30, 15:48)RavRob Wrote: Tx Wayne. That did it. all good on both machine now.
Sadly, I did discover that there was a bug in one branch of the code that could introduce a tuple into the data if the show's start time changes without any episode changes (all caused by a silly dangling comma in the code). The latest zip & git have this fixed.

Anyone who runs into the issue can either do a reset & update, a targeted one-show update (if it is clear which show is causing the issue), or it should also clear up if someone updates an episode in the show with the changed start time.

Wayne i notice something really interesting
if the show dont had a nextshow or season like (the Walking dead, Comic book men , The Musketeers)
those shows will not appear in container 200 (yesterday)
(2014-03-29, 21:01)warlion Wrote: it is working but only for the show that im selecting is any way possible to use
to show the flag all around?
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here. The NextAired.Today flag is set in a show's data if the show is on today. You want a flag for NextAired.Yesterday and NextAired.Tomorrow? Or you want some kind of a more general day mechanism?

(2014-03-31, 09:08)warlion Wrote: if the show dont had a nextshow or season like (the Walking dead, Comic book men , The Musketeers)
those shows will not appear in container 200 (yesterday)
That is indeed quite interesting. I believe I have a fix for that checked in now. Thanks!

(2014-03-31, 21:37)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-03-31, 09:08)warlion Wrote: if the show dont had a nextshow or season like (the Walking dead, Comic book men , The Musketeers)
those shows will not appear in container 200 (yesterday)
That is indeed quite interesting. I believe I have a fix for that checked in now. Thanks!


yes is working perfect now thanks Wayne

for the Flag i would love to use it on Container.Content(tvshows) using $INFO[Window(Home).Property(NextAired.AirsToday)] work perfect for the item you had selected but is not very good to use it as a flag if we could use something like $INFO[ListItem.AirsToday] or something similar to use the the option of the listitems (-1),(0),(1) to show a flag on all the visible Tvshows

hope you understand lol English is not my mother language
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