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Release TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data
(2014-03-16, 07:31)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-03-16, 00:00)LEDFan Wrote: 1- The dates now work perfectly for French users except only one day: Yesterday. This word should be "Hier" for French users. Where can I fix it for now?
That word is brand new, so it will take a while to make its way through the translation system. Feel free to visit transifex if you want to help out with the translation efforts. Words like Today and Tomorrow are already in xbmc itself (for any addon to use), but they apparently haven't needed "Yesterday" so I had to add it from scratch.

It's OK, I made a correction doing the translation manually adding it to the French file.. I'm not too familiar with Transifex.

(2014-03-16, 00:00)LEDFan Wrote: 4- Some TV-Shows did not update correctly like 24
Assume that you were having trouble fetching data from, then presumably that was one of the shows that had a fetch failure. When the regular updating happens (and succeeds without fetch failures) it should snag it (it keeps track of any show that has an fetch pending).

As discussed in the previous post, to avoid fetching problems for those having problems with automatic updates->

That would be nice if we had an option to manually update only one show that would be there when we are in the TV Shows from the home menu, such as

A) Pressing "C" (having an option there. Something like "Update Next Aired status for this show")



B) Pressing "i" which would lead to the information screen and from there, when we would click on the TV picture at the bottom of the screen, it would update the aired status. I don't know if this option is feasable though.


For this to be possible would it have to be done with the addon or by the skin itself? If it's something for the skin, I would ask the skinner if it's possible.
So I think i figured out my problem. Does the script run through each show based of title or based of the show ID on theTVDB. Based on my limited understanding of how to read the log, i am showing this:

14:09:34 T:6872 DEBUG: ### searching for thetvdb ID by name - Nip/Tuck (2003)
14:09:34 T:6872 DEBUG: ### no match found

So how can i get the script to work? Show i rename all my shows to remove the year? I would think that the year would help identify the show.

(2014-03-16, 20:20)win88ice2004 Wrote: So I think i figured out my problem. Does the script run through each show based of title or based of the show ID on theTVDB.
Both. If xbmc has thetvdb ID number, it will use it, but it uses a heuristic to try to figure out if the value in the xbmc's data (confusingly known as "imdbnumber") is actually for thetvdb or not (since some people use alternate scrapers). Currently that involves cross-checking the number against either the artwork URLs (which often mention thetvdb website, including the show ID) or via a search for the show. Once found, it remembers the association. Sadly, the JSON API doesn't seem to have the ability to return what scraper generated a particular show ID (not that I could see, at least). I'm working on improving this a bit more now, which should get things going for you.

Quote:14:09:34 T:6872 DEBUG: ### searching for thetvdb ID by name - Nip/Tuck (2003)
14:09:34 T:6872 DEBUG: ### no match found

Yeah, the search API on thetvdb site doesn't like extra info, so a search for "Nip/Tuck (2003)" causes the API to return absolutely nothing (unlike tvrage, which is good enough to fuzzy-match the show). I'm going to add some more heuristics to the searching to try to help it find something. I'll let you know when I've got something for you to try out.

Alright sounds good. Thanks for the heads up and taking the time to help me with the problem!
I've updated the git version and the zip (DL link in the first post) with some improved search code. It now does a better job of finding the right result in the list, and isn't confused by extra " (YYYY)" year suffixes (indeed, having it can help it to find the right result). Hopefully that will help you out, @win88ice2004. I still need to improve it to handle extraneous country suffixes (e.g. if someone is using the more proper "Whose Line is it Anyway (US)" it won't find the site's show title of "Whose Line is it Anyway?" because thetvdb refused to add the (US) version as an alias for the show (even though the US version came after the UK version). In any case, I'll work on improving that kind of a missed search next. EDIT: well, that was easy -- I improved superfluous (XX) country suffixes too. Also included in the latest test version.

That's what I call a hard worker , thanks wayne
Thanks Wayne for another great update. Any thoughts about my suggestion on point #4 (in red) here:
(2014-03-17, 09:18)LEDFan Wrote: Any thoughts about my suggestion on point #4 (in red) here:

Yes indeed. I neglected to comment that I wanted to add an option for that to the script. I believe that a skin could surface that to the user in both the show's info as well as in the TV Guide. I'm going to look into how to add that to my default Guide skin (gotta research how keystrokes work).

The new option I've committed is updateshow=TVShowTitle where the arg is the local name of the show. It would look something like:


That marks the show as needing all new data and then does a force-update to snag updated data.

Hello, thank you so much for the hard work!

I am running Gotham Beta2 with Aeon Nox Gotham 4.1.9 skin and TV Show Next Aired 6.0.4.

When I manually run the add-on, the next air time of some shows is updated normally:


But when I go to the TV Show information all the TV Shows have an "Ended" status:



Looking at the screenshots of most people, in the TV Show information page they have information about next aired episodes and icons for status like New Series, Returning etc but mine is all blank because all shows appear Ended for some reason Sad

I'm probably missing something or doing something wrong. Please let me know if you need any more information. I also checked the debug logs but there was no error message regarding the next aired add-on. I also tried your latest fixes (the updated .zip file - v.6.0.5) but nothing changed.

Thank you!
(2014-03-17, 19:13)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-03-17, 09:18)LEDFan Wrote: Any thoughts about my suggestion on point #4 (in red) here:

Yes indeed. I neglected to comment that I wanted to add an option for that to the script. I believe that a skin could surface that to the user in both the show's info as well as in the TV Guide. I'm going to look into how to add that to my default Guide skin (gotta research how keystrokes work).

The new option I've committed is updateshow=TVShowTitle where the arg is the local name of the show. It would look something like:


That marks the show as needing all new data and then does a force-update to snag updated data.


Thanks Wayne. I'll wait for your next update that will have such options. Thanks again for all your efforts.
(2014-03-17, 19:13)WayneD Wrote:
(2014-03-17, 09:18)LEDFan Wrote: Any thoughts about my suggestion on point #4 (in red) here:

Yes indeed. I neglected to comment that I wanted to add an option for that to the script. I believe that a skin could surface that to the user in both the show's info as well as in the TV Guide. I'm going to look into how to add that to my default Guide skin (gotta research how keystrokes work).

The new option I've committed is updateshow=TVShowTitle where the arg is the local name of the show. It would look something like:


That marks the show as needing all new data and then does a force-update to snag updated data.


That's a fantastic idea I will add that sound pretty neat thanks

just test it this new function
<control type="button" id="550">
                        <label>$LOCALIZE[24069] $LOCALIZE[4]</label>

it work great but actually it start with the show you select but continues updating all data not sure if that was intended
(2014-03-18, 01:58)warlion Wrote: just test it this new function
Thanks for pointing out how folks can code that up into their own skin. I'll toss that into the README.

Quote:it work great but actually it start with the show you select but continues updating all data not sure if that was intended
Yeah, that's what I meant by "...and then does a force-update to snag updated data". In the future I might try to make it only update a single item, but it's simpler for now to just do a normal update run with that show marked as needing all new data. I'm improving it to also be sure to search again for the show-title if we weren't very sure before what thetvdb ID should be (which can help to get rid of a wrong match). I'm also making the code notice when someone changes the show-title so that it can try a new search for any iffy ID values.

In other news: I added in values for Classification (which were blank since the switch to thetvdb). These are now taken out of the Genres, looking for specific classification-type names and defaulting to "Scripted" if they are not found. The Classification value is not removed from the Genres, though. I'm curious how that works for various skins (the few I tried don't seem to display Classification).

Hi Wayne, with latest Gotham Beta 2, I'm using your latest Git and the latest Git of Aeon Nox 4.1.9 for Gotham, in which Warlion made the integration of updating a single show. I thank both of you for that.

However, it seems that it did not change anything for me regarding fetching issues. I don't understand that, I'm sure it's not on my side because I have a really fast and stable Internet connection (50MB). It's probably on TVDB side.

I have 46 TV Shows and I would say about 75% of them are OK for the TV Guide info but for those which are not OK, I cannot update them with the new features. Sometimes, I get fetching issues, and sometimes it seems to run the update correctly but no information change. I'm scratching my head why those shows don't want to update.

Like you see on the picture (in that case, there were issues with fetching), it shows that House of Cards is Ended and with no air dates. There is also a big mistake with the previous episode (1995!). I cannot update it, it just doesn't want to, even if the script works. This is weird.


Finally, when using Frodo 12.3, with you 6.0.4 version and Aeon Nox 4.1.9 for Frodo, I do get the information for the TV Shows that I can't update with the Git version. So, I don't know what's going on there.
(2014-03-18, 18:30)LEDFan Wrote: However, it seems that it did not change anything for me regarding fetching issues. I don't understand that, I'm sure it's not on my side because I have a really fast and stable Internet connection (50MB). It's probably on TVDB side.
Quite possibly. The log file should mention the ERROR messages from the fetch failures. Not sure if it will be that enlightening, but if you could look for them, I'd appreciate it. Also, try visiting the web site manually and see if you have issues. Perhaps try an API search and a show+episode request too (though we actually request that info in zip format).

Quote:It shows that House of Cards is Ended and with no air dates. There is also a big mistake with the previous episode (1995!).
If you search thetvdb you'll see that that is the actual show "House of Cards". If you use xbmc to set the name to "House of Cards (US)" then you'll get the right one. I'm checking if I can get the year from the scraper (it looks promising) so that just "House of Cards" would work w/o the extra help (for anyone that has corrected their directory via the scaper selector). If you want to wait for that change, you can try it a little later today.

Quote:Finally, when using Frodo 12.3, with you 6.0.4 version and Aeon Nox 4.1.9 for Frodo, I do get the information for the TV Shows that I can't update with the Git version. So, I don't know what's going on there.
Oh? I'd appreciate knowing more about that. Was its db built a while back (e.g. back before any local tvdb site issues started)? Or more recently?

Perhaps PM me a list of shows that aren't working as a start? You can also get more logging going by either turning on xbmc debug logging (which will get up to level-3 messages in 6.0.5) or by editing the file and changing both MAX_INFO_LOG_LEVEL and MAX_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL to 10 (which will get you a ton of logging).

(2014-03-18, 18:14)WayneD Wrote: In other news: I added in values for Classification (which were blank since the switch to thetvdb). These are now taken out of the Genres, looking for specific classification-type names and defaulting to "Scripted" if they are not found. The Classification value is not removed from the Genres, though. I'm curious how that works for various skins (the few I tried don't seem to display Classification).


i also test the Classification works great thanks thats something missing from the old one
i use $INFO[Window(home).Property(NextAired.Classification)] seems to work fine almost all my shows are Scripted but it work for many animated , documentaries that i had

also i notice that you add status ID from tvrage but dont understand why do you planning to do both?
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TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data8