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Release TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data
OK so I waited since you posted this last night with my HTPC running. That is almost 21 hours but still nothing. Here is what it used to look like (and still looks like on my other HTPC)

It says there are only 9 shows after scanning but in fact there are 38.

Might be more than just this that is wrong with my new setup. I can not upload a log either. So I uploaded to dropbox. When I try and post it to it tells me there is a phrase that is censored and will not upload it. So here it is on DropBox..


I am running Gotham 13.1 RC1 on Windows 7
Looks like I'm on my I removed XBMC completely including the profile folders etc......Reinstalled from scratch and reinstalled all addons including Next Aired.

Still same problem, the next episode to air is still not showing on the main page, it only shows from the Next Aired calendar.

Not sure what gives. It still works great on my other HTPC.

Anyway to copy the configuration one HTPC to the other? Might be tho only way I'll get this to work again.
(2014-06-03, 22:27)RavRob Wrote: It says there are only 9 shows after scanning but in fact there are 38.
Your log file shows the next-aired script successfully scanning all 38 shows w/o any errors, so it appears to be working fine. However, it does not have any mention of a backend processor being run, which is something that the skin should do when you enter the tv browsing if it supports looking up next-aired data. I'd suggest trying a different skin and seeing if you are just missing next-aired support in the skin you have selected.

I do note that there is a strange traceback in the log file for what appears to be service.watchlist, so you might want to investigate that as well (but I doubt that that caused any issues for the next-aired processing).

Thanks for replying Wayne.

I have the same skin (Transparency) on both HTPCs but Next Aired only works well on one. On this one I also tried Confluence to see if it was in fact a skin issue but still no joy and the same lack of showing the Next aired date for any show.

I also thought it could have been "Watchdog" that may have been causing this. Although it is also installed on my other HTPC, I removed it completely, not just disabled. But again no joy.

Now that I have re-installed everything I will see if I can post a proper log. Hopefully the reinstall got rid of the "censorded phrase".

I will post this new log tonight if it might help.

Thanks again in trying to resolve this for me.
Check the skin versions and see if they differ. There's a possibility that the skin dropped support for next-aired data, but I looked in the transparency repo and it looks like they should still support it. Note that Confluence has never displayed next-aired data in the tv info, so for an extra test I'd suggest trying Ace or Aeon MQ5.
OK I checked and they both are the same version. I also installed Ace and it doesn't show the Next Aired but when I installed Aeon MQ5 t does show the correct time on the main page of the TV shows. I really dunno what gives here.

Anything I can provide so you can trouble shoot this problem? Other suggestions?

Thanks a ton for the help.
UPDATE: I got it figured out. You make me think it might have been a simple setting in the skin. So I compared side by side all settings from the 2 HTPCs. I finally found the settings. Couldn't be any clearer. It is located in the skin settings, Addons. There a radio button to enable "Next Aired". I simply clicked that button and voila, next aired is working again as it should.

I just can't see when or how it would have changed. But anyhow, I am now a happy camper once again.

Cheers Wayne
The xbmc addon "TV show next aired" is very useful, but for me I am getting too much information.
I have a huge xbmc library >550 tv shows, I am making use of strm files.
I am using my xbmc library as a collection, not as a selection of tv shows that I want to watch.

The xbmc addon "TV show next aired" does find indeed a lot of information about tv shows in my xbmc library, but in my opinion too much information.
I would like to see a filter or selection method, by example a selection making use of a smart play list, or a selection of in progress tv shows.
(2014-07-01, 07:14)hstegeman Wrote: I would like to see a filter or selection method, by example a selection making use of a smart play list, or a selection of in progress tv shows.
Yeah, it would be nice to have some method of excluding some shows from the list. If someone has some suggested code for a good way to (optionally) query that from XBMC, let me know.

Is there any way of getting shows that aren't in my library to appear? For example, I watch a few reality shows. I don't have those in my library. I just watch them when they go online. But I'd like to be able to use this tv guide to be reminded of when they come on... is that possible?
(2014-07-08, 05:39)xbmcjas Wrote: Is there any way of getting shows that aren't in my library to appear? For example, I watch a few reality shows. I don't have those in my library. I just watch them when they go online. But I'd like to be able to use this tv guide to be reminded of when they come on... is that possible?
Just add one seen episode from those reality shows to your xbmc library, then those reality shows will be shown in this tv guide.
Yeah, at the moment having the show in your library (in some manner) is the only way to get a show to appear in the guide. I'm fiddling with the ability to list ID numbers in 2 advanced settings: ExtraShows and OmitShows. It's not super friendly, but it would allow someone to manually find an ID number on and then add it to one of the 2 lists to force an extra show to be included or force a show to be omitted. Thoughts?
(2014-07-09, 00:58)WayneD Wrote: Yeah, at the moment having the show in your library (in some manner) is the only way to get a show to appear in the guide. I'm fiddling with the ability to list ID numbers in 2 advanced settings: ExtraShows and OmitShows. It's not super friendly, but it would allow someone to manually find an ID number on and then add it to one of the 2 lists to force an extra show to be included or force a show to be omitted. Thoughts?

That would be perfect!
FYI, the latest zip file now has the two new "advanced" options that lets you list 1 or more tvdb ID numbers in the extra and omit strings (separate the numbers using any non-digits you like). Enjoy!
(2014-07-10, 20:10)WayneD Wrote: FYI, the latest zip file now has the two new "advanced" options that lets you list 1 or more tvdb ID numbers in the extra and omit strings (separate the numbers using any non-digits you like). Enjoy!

Thanks for adding this support... I don't see where to do it though. I assume it's in the, but I can't find where to add the ID numbers. It may be that I downloaded the wrong version? The latest zip on github says the last update was 19 days ago, so I may not the right thing...
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TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data8