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[Project] Dual Audio Output support (Nexus/Matrix/Krypton/Jarvis/Isengard/Helix/...)
I'm looking for: decoding and splitting 5.1 signal into two independent stereo streams (front channels pair and rear/surround channels pair) and route front stereo pair to analog out (mini-jack) of first sound card and second rear stereo pair to analog out (mini-jack) of second sound card (OR route second rear stereo pair to Bluetooth A2DP device + be able to set sync offsets, because BT have lags). Platform: Windows (preferred) or Android.

Is it possible in this mod?
If not anyone can me point to proper solution how to achieve setup like this?

And there is official old version repository where I can get Kodi 17.0 r015 full install?
Or I should get it from shady 3rd party websites on the net (with risk of malware injected into installer)?
Is anyone able to compile this for Kodi v18, particularly for Windows? Can't upgrade without dual audio...wish they would incorporate this option into the official. Thanks to all those who are able to keep this feature alive!
(2019-06-26, 16:02)stevewk Wrote: Is anyone able to compile this for Kodi v18, particularly for Windows?

The Kodi v18 releases are just about EOL, so don't expect any miracles there.
Doing a feature request for Kodi 19 Matrix stands a better chance.
(2019-06-26, 16:29)Klojum Wrote:
(2019-06-26, 16:02)stevewk Wrote: Is anyone able to compile this for Kodi v18, particularly for Windows?

The Kodi v18 releases are just about EOL, so don't expect any miracles there.
Doing a feature request for Kodi 19 Matrix stands a better chance.
Would be happy with Kodi 19 and/or Kodi 18...would just like to get the whole house off of 17 finally.
(2019-06-26, 16:02)stevewk Wrote: Is anyone able to compile this for Kodi v18, particularly for Windows? Thanks to all those who are able to keep this feature alive!

Win10x64 Pro. Intel Core2Duo E8500 3.26GHz on Gigabyte GA-EP43-UD3L. 4GB DDR2 1066MHz RAM. Nvidia GT240 512MB PCIx16. Multiple displays, including Sony VPL-XW5000ES 4k projector + 100" Da-Lite Cinema screen.
Well.. its coming down to this.
I need dual audio so that the other people can watch whatever at a regular volume, and I can have headphones.
(HDMI main and bluetooth headphones secondary)

Is this coming to Matrix, or do I need to down-rev to Krypton to make this work?
Since this project seems abandoned, is there any other way to force multiple audio outputs, such as an advancedsettings.xml switch?
Win10x64 Pro. Intel Core2Duo E8500 3.26GHz on Gigabyte GA-EP43-UD3L. 4GB DDR2 1066MHz RAM. Nvidia GT240 512MB PCIx16. Multiple displays, including Sony VPL-XW5000ES 4k projector + 100" Da-Lite Cinema screen.
(2022-01-02, 19:13)curtis-r Wrote: Since this project seems abandoned, is there any other way to force multiple audio outputs, such as an advancedsettings.xml switch?

I am able to get sound out of two jacks simultaneously on Windows 10, using the stereo mix.  In my case, I can hear the audio out of the headphone jack on the PC and out of the HDMI that goes to the TV.  I attached a pic of the settings I changed in Windows (below).  

I do have a problem, though.  It breaks when I leave the monitor off for a few hours.  If I turn the monitor off and come back in 30 minutes, everything works fine--I get audio from both places.  But if I leave it with the monitor off for two hours or over night, when I turn the monitor back on, I don't get any audio out of the HDMI.  I don't let the PC go to sleep or hibernate--it's always on.  The monitor and the other peripherals (like the amplifier) get turned off, though.  When I turn the monitor back on, the headphone jack works but the HDMI doesn't.  The only way I have found to get the HDMI audio back is to disable the device and then re-enable it.   

The reason I want this set up is so I can keep listening to Kodi after I have switched the video display to another source (like a game console).

Any suggestions on how to keep the HDMI output working after I cycle power on the monitor would be appreciated. 

I've heard of Stereo Mix...  Still running Win7x64 on my Kodi box but there is some documentation on installing Stereo Mix on that OS, so I'll give it a try. thanks.
Win10x64 Pro. Intel Core2Duo E8500 3.26GHz on Gigabyte GA-EP43-UD3L. 4GB DDR2 1066MHz RAM. Nvidia GT240 512MB PCIx16. Multiple displays, including Sony VPL-XW5000ES 4k projector + 100" Da-Lite Cinema screen.
Hi, everyone, long time no see. Smile
Recently I got some time to update this project to the latest stable version 19.4-Matrix, I've skipped 18-Leia since we should always let go the past. Blush
Good luck!
Why was this never merged upstream? There are a ton of use-cases for it!

PS: Thank you very much for the fork
Thank you for this great piece of work!Smile
I'd like to integrate snapserver with kodi on Android. On GNU/Linux I use a loopback device on alsa, but that doesn't seem to be possible on Android. I think the easiest way would be to use a fifo pipe.

I've been looking to customise the code, but I can't make heads or tails of it. Can anyone point me to a place on the code where I could take a raw audio stream to send out? Then I'd just bypass the settings for the 2nd audio device (I'm thinking I should use this dual audio project, so I can still do this when using passthrough mode)
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[Project] Dual Audio Output support (Nexus/Matrix/Krypton/Jarvis/Isengard/Helix/...)9
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