Partitioning a 3TB HDD for XBMCbuntu and Media Storage
Hi All,
I recently picked an Acer Aspire L3600 that was gathering dust and decided to build a small media centre to replace a big old beast that had been taking up too much room in the TV cabinet.
I tested it with a quick install of Gotham and whilst it ran beautifully I had niggling problems with audio amplification so decided to return to Frodo. Now I have 1.5TB of media that is a pain to reload every time I want to reload the OS so I thought it would be best to partition the drive into two, and I would like a bit of advice on the best way to go about this and the pros and cons of this sort of set up.

My idea is to have a bootable partition of say 10 - 20 GB for the XBMC software and a second partition in which to store all my media. I was thinking of installing gparted to do this or running it live from a usb stick.
This will be purely a linux machine, I don't want to dual boot windows or anything else.
So can anyone offer guidance on the best way to do this? best practice on formats etc?

One other option that maybe open to me is that the aspire has a built in SD card slot that I might be able to use as a bootable device. I could load the OS onto a 16GB SD4 card I have lying around thereby leaving the 3TB HDD purely for media, any thoughts on that?

Many thanks

boot a live media that has gparted from USB.
Shrink your existing partition by 15-30 GB and then create a new ~15GB system partition to mount as / and possibly another one for /home

mount all those, then either copy your old install to the new / partition or reinstall linux. If you go the manual route, make sure to update /etc/fstab.

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Partitioning a 3TB HDD for XBMCbuntu and Media Storage0