Android Fire TV - Crash when changing Live TV channel WMC
I'm running 13.1 (from wiki) with the Amazon Fire TV. Backend is a WMC Server running on an i7 Windows 8 machine. Network is hard wired gigabit ethernet. Have a couple of ATOM based openelec boxes (4.0.4) which work without issue.


Select Live TV -->TV Channels
Choose first channel
Select ok to make full screen.
Select ok to bring up OSD and select channel down
--normally will change channel----
Select channel down

xbmc then exits to amazon home screen

no change to any settings (acceleration etc)
it is somewhat random how many channels you can navigate before it crashes. varies between 2 & 6 in my experience
all channels are in HD


I am also trying to run serverwmc and get live tv on the firetv through xbmc - when i choose a channel to watch, I get the spinning "working" thing in the corner, then it goes away and then nothing.

xbmc crashes to the home screen quite a bit for me as well - sometimes even after first opening xbmc.
Couple of things....

1) Have you set the user/pass for the share in ServerWMC settings? This threw me for some time before I read the wiki very carefully (it should probably be highlighted in bold) Smile

2) Finally had a chance to play this weekend. I have had some success with disabling MediaCodec leaving libstage enabled then hard booting the fire. There are some other threads that talk about this 'fix' in the Android thread. With this change the stability issues (almost) go away.


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Fire TV - Crash when changing Live TV channel WMC0