Cache too small

I am streaming TV and recorded videos from my Prismcube on a PC and am receiving the error that the cache is too small to steam without problems.

I already followed these instructions to modify the cache, but it didn't seem to change anything and the RAM used by XBMC didn't change according to the Task Manager. Also, XBMC started crashing. I am not sure that had to do with me playing with the "cache size" in the advancedsettings.xml.

I am running XBMC 13.1 on my PC.

Any suggestions?

Can you post a copy of the advancedsettings.xml file you used and what the specs are of your PC, like RAM amount and such?
(2014-06-14, 09:31)Ned Scott Wrote: Can you post a copy of the advancedsettings.xml file you used and what the specs are of your PC, like RAM amount and such?

I have a Windows 7, Core i5 with 4GB RAM

Not sure how to post a file but here is the text.

Attempt 1:

Attempt 2:
any suggestions?
No idea. That shouldn't cause any crashing, at least.
(2014-06-15, 09:20)Ned Scott Wrote: No idea. That shouldn't cause any crashing, at least.

I was asking how to increase the cache successfully. The file doesn't seem to change anything. How do I check if the file is loaded / how large the cache is?
A debug log (wiki) will tell you.

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