Release yarc for mobile: adding webspeech (voice commands)
Nice to hear from you again, tuxfuxch.
Just wanted to let you know that yarc is still my default webinterface and I'm looking very much forward to trying your update. I can now say after having tried 0.3.3 for a couple of months that it works great although sometimes it takes a while to load searches. It could be because it seems to start searching as soon as I start typing in the search field. But there are no crashes, which I wrongly mentioned earlier - it just sometimes hangs and reloads a couple of times, so I guess I became too impatient.

Good to know you are doing some testing on the Ubuntu Touch since I think my next phone is going to be either Ubuntu or Firefox - I haven't decided yet. But fortunately, my old Nokia 5800 still works :-)

Messages In This Thread
RE: [release] yarc for mobile: gesture controll, language tagging and youtube play - by ruth440 - 2014-10-13, 20:50
yarc version 0.4.0 is aviable! - by tuxfuxch - 2014-10-18, 16:08
yarc version 0.5.0 is aviable! - by tuxfuxch - 2014-12-09, 16:31
yarc version 0.6.0 is aviable! - by tuxfuxch - 2015-01-23, 14:44
yarc version 0.8.0 is aviable! - by tuxfuxch - 2015-05-02, 12:36
yarc version 0.8.1 is aviable! - by tuxfuxch - 2015-07-03, 16:23
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yarc for mobile: adding webspeech (voice commands)5