Two series, one folder
Is there a way to keep two tv series in one folder and have thetvdb scan sort out which is which? In this case I'd like to keep "Doctor Who (2005)" and "Doctor Who Confidential" in the same folder.
They're in the database as two distinct shows, they scrape individually. So you need individual folders to avoid confusion.
(2014-06-29, 19:57)PatK Wrote: They're in the database as two distinct shows, they scrape individually. So you need individual folders to avoid confusion.

Would a shortcut to the file work? For example, the "Doctor Who Confidential" file was in the "Doctor Who (2005)" folder and a Windows shortcut (.lnk is the extension I think) was placed in a "Doctor Who Confidential" folder and it was named "s00e12.lnk" (for this episode: ).

The reason I ask is because I'm trying to integrate the Blu-ray of the "Planet of the Dead" episode ( which includes the Confidential episode as an extra and I've kept the Blu-ray structure intact. There are other Doctor Who Blu-rays that also do this.

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Two series, one folder0