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Release TIDAL music (former WiMP)
Dear Arneson,

thank you very much for your effort!
MQA is back again on my system! Big Grin
Works perfect!!!
  I'm new the forum and have been reading this thread with interest.  I am using this excellent addon in conjunction with a pro-ject s2 digital dac (with MQA unfolding support).   Kodi is installed on an asus chromebox running librelec.  MQA works fine with many tracks (i get the happy blue light on my dac), but with other supposedly MQA tracks the dac does not 'unfold' the stream (no blue mqa light).  I've confirmed that these are indeed MQA tracks because they unfold if I connect my android phone to my dac.   An example of such a track is any off of the MQA version of Kraftwerk 3D, The Catalogue.  Can anyone please confirm that they get a proper unfolding of these tracks through Tidal2 on Kodi? 

If it means anything, I've noticed the MQA tracks that do not work are originally sourced at 44.1 kHz/32 bit, whereas the ones that do are 48 kHz/32 bit.  

Help is appreciated.
Sorry to be a bother, I meant to say 44.1/24 bit (not 32 bit!) and 48/24 .   So is it possible that perhaps the login token does not allow 44.1/24 mqa streams?  Before I go off to look for other solutions, if anyone could check whether they can unfold such files, it would be much appreciated.
Well, I think I can confirm that not all MQA-tracks trigger the 'happy' blue light anymore, with the current Tidal2 add-on (V2.0.0. beta 19), released 2019-09-13. One of the new functions in this latest release is a "New login token for MQA playback". I really don't know what this actually means. I have tried the Kraftwerk 3D, The catalogue, and several more tracks from the Master Albums (MQA) and Master Playlists (MQA). No blue dot. Sad

Thank you for this great add-on, Arneson I'm using it over a year without any problems.

The only thing I miss is the Kodi library integration. I mean a possibility to export favorite albums like in the Netflix add-on, so I could access directly from library without browsing through Tidal2 add-on.
Do you plan such a feature?
(2019-09-17, 23:52)Blastcleaner Wrote:   I am using this excellent addon in conjunction with a pro-ject s2 digital dac (with MQA unfolding support).   Kodi is installed on an asus chromebox running librelec.  MQA works fine with many tracks (i get the happy blue light on my dac), but with other supposedly MQA tracks the dac does not 'unfold' the stream (no blue mqa light).
Hello @Blastcleaner
I'm interested about your configuration.
Do you use
"Pro-ject DAC Box S2"


"Pro-ject Pre-Box S2 Digital"


"Pro-ject Head Box S2 Digital" ?

What kind of connection  do you use from smartphone to the Pro-ject S2?

Kind regards wolde
(2019-09-27, 23:13)Mumsoft Wrote: Well, I think I can confirm that not all MQA-tracks trigger the 'happy' blue light anymore, with the current Tidal2 add-on (V2.0.0. beta 19), released 2019-09-13. One of the new functions in this latest release is a "New login token for MQA playback". I really don't know what this actually means. I have tried the Kraftwerk 3D, The catalogue, and several more tracks from the Master Albums (MQA) and Master Playlists (MQA). No blue dot. Sad

Hi Marc,

I can't reproduce your problem with the Kraftwerk 3-D, The Catalogue.
There are three Master albums for "The Catalogue".Look here:
All three albums play with the "Blue light" on my Meridian Explorer 2 DAC.

Please do a logout/login to get a new session ID and try again.

I got errors when I am using Tidal. ekazasulaz.kodi (paste)
tested on 18.4 and 19 crashes everytime when playing a song. I tried tidal2 to but is not working in 19. I think tidal2 has to be standard because it has mqa on board. 

I add the log nejifukona.kodi (paste)
(2019-10-02, 13:32)arneson Wrote:
(2019-09-27, 23:13)Mumsoft Wrote: Well, I think I can confirm that not all MQA-tracks trigger the 'happy' blue light anymore, with the current Tidal2 add-on (V2.0.0. beta 19), released 2019-09-13. One of the new functions in this latest release is a "New login token for MQA playback". I really don't know what this actually means. I have tried the Kraftwerk 3D, The catalogue, and several more tracks from the Master Albums (MQA) and Master Playlists (MQA). No blue dot. Sad

Hi Marc,

I can't reproduce your problem with the Kraftwerk 3-D, The Catalogue.
There are three Master albums for "The Catalogue".Look here:
All three albums play with the "Blue light" on my Meridian Explorer 2 DAC.

Please do a logout/login to get a new session ID and try again.


Thanks for answering. I did the logout/login shuffle but it did not help. With Kraftwerk 3-D. The Calaogue I see three albums, two without the blue MQA mark, one with. But none of them are recognized as MQA-tracks. The first two of course not, but the one with the MQA mark unfortunately not. I have a Mytek Brooklyn DAC, it plays MQA-tracks and shows this fact on screen, and with my humble and aged Olive 4 streamer, that works. So, I don't know what the culprit is in my set. Maybe, just maybe, it's something wrong with my Mytek DAC. BTW I started with the Meridian Exporer 2 DAC, but I don't own that anymore.

(2019-10-07, 22:10)Mumsoft Wrote:
(2019-10-02, 13:32)arneson Wrote: ...

Thanks for answering. I did the logout/login shuffle but it did not help. With Kraftwerk 3-D. The Calaogue I see three albums, two without the blue MQA mark, one with. But none of them are recognized as MQA-tracks. The first two of course not, but the one with the MQA mark unfortunately not. I have a Mytek Brooklyn DAC, it plays MQA-tracks and shows this fact on screen, and with my humble and aged Olive 4 streamer, that works. So, I don't know what the culprit is in my set. Maybe, just maybe, it's something wrong with my Mytek DAC. BTW I started with the Meridian Exporer 2 DAC, but I don't own that anymore.


Hi Marc,

which platform do you use for Kodi ?
I'm using macOS 10.14.6 with Kodi and I switched the Audio output to my Explorer 2 USB DAC. This is working fine.

Please notice, that the decoded FLAC ist not modified at all while playing it.
Check your Kodi-Settings:
  • Output Configuration = "Best Match"
  • Limit Sampling Rate (kHz) to "192.0"
  • Stero Upmix = Disabled
  • Volume Adjustment = "Off"
  • Crossfade between songs = "Off"
  • Disable the replay gain usage

The Kodi volume has to be set to 100%. The volume control has to be done on your OS.
You can use my Script Addon "System Volume Changer" to control the system volume on macOS or Linux.
It's available in my Repository or here:

A few weeks ago I had some trouble with stuttering playpack and timeouts. I found out that the DNS servers from my internet provider cause the problems. After I changed my DNS-Servers to the Google-Servers ans all streams work without stuttering.

I hope one of these hints can solve your problem.

Great add on, is there any way to keep the view as fanart?
hello, just purchased a Raspberry Pi 3a+ only for using my Tidal subscription without turn on my "big home PC". Kodi thru LibreElec plus Tidal2. And it works like a charm! Arneson, thank you very much for this great addon.
Just for your info's I have a Project S2 digital DAC and it works flawlessly with every MQA tracks I played so far. Even that "Kraftwerk 3D Catalog" (btw great compilation from legendary electronic music pioneers).
The only info I would like to have is: playing non-MQA tracks, so normal FLAC 44.1/16, how can I be sure that the usb data flow is bit-perfect? or at least near of it? I am afraid of all those audio options, is there a clean way to disabling all of them?
Arneson, do the settings you wrote above be enough for this purpose?

Thanks to all!
(2019-09-08, 15:06)iworm Wrote: Great add on, excited to get it reproducing MQA on my system, I am using a raspberry pi 4, into my Cambridge Audio Dac Magic, I know it’s not MQA capable, but on my Nvidia Shield via optical it lights up the 96 light when MQA selected, the Pi is used with Tidal2, it’s connected via USB to the DAC, which gives audio but does not light up the 96 light, I have all the settings correct as far as I can tell but am unsure if it would work USB?


Nvidia Shield currently resamples all audio even when output via USB to DAC breaking the mqa meta data. If you select high quality in the shield settings it re-samples to 48KHz breaking anything even if core stream is 48KHz with MQA unfolded rate of 96Khz. If you select hifi quality which is 44.1 then forget about it.

Happens regardless of whether the carrier pcm, wav or flac is from Tidal native app, kodi/tidal, or even test mqa files output directly using native device outputs.

Nvidia reps on the nvidia forum know about it. Add your concern to that thread.

(2019-09-17, 23:52)Blastcleaner Wrote: Hello,
  I'm new the forum and have been reading this thread with interest.  I am using this excellent addon in conjunction with a pro-ject s2 digital dac (with MQA unfolding support).   Kodi is installed on an asus chromebox running librelec.  MQA works fine with many tracks (i get the happy blue light on my dac), but with other supposedly MQA tracks the dac does not 'unfold' the stream (no blue mqa light).  I've confirmed that these are indeed MQA tracks because they unfold if I connect my android phone to my dac.   An example of such a track is any off of the MQA version of Kraftwerk 3D, The Catalogue.  Can anyone please confirm that they get a proper unfolding of these tracks through Tidal2 on Kodi? 

If it means anything, I've noticed the MQA tracks that do not work are originally sourced at 44.1 kHz/32 bit, whereas the ones that do are 48 kHz/32 bit.  

Help is appreciated.

As above check what you have as your native chromebook output. Shield ignores and resamples anyway but fact that you have some success at one rate suggests you might have some luck on chrome con switching the native frequency.
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