Release Conq - Helix
It's been changed so you can select your own if you wish or navigate to that folder for a wider choice of backgrounds.
I still think there is a bug. I also tried to change themes (blue, dark, etc.), which made it even worse as the font color changed while the background stayed black. So, I ended up having black font on black background.
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
@Hitcher: See here, all should become clear about the backgrounds. Linux filenames are case sensitive.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2014-10-03, 02:24)steve1977 Wrote: I still think there is a bug. I also tried to change themes (blue, dark, etc.), which made it even worse as the font color changed while the background stayed black. So, I ended up having black font on black background.
There's 3 different colour options available for this reason.
(2014-10-03, 05:50)Milhouse Wrote: @Hitcher: See here, all should become clear about the backgrounds. Linux filenames are case sensitive.
Found it, thanks.
Great, thanks for fixing this. Appreciate the great work you are doing with this skin!
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
(2014-10-03, 09:28)Hitcher Wrote:
(2014-10-03, 02:24)steve1977 Wrote: I still think there is a bug. I also tried to change themes (blue, dark, etc.), which made it even worse as the font color changed while the background stayed black. So, I ended up having black font on black background.
There's 3 different colour options available for this reason.

i only see two available: default which is dienticaly to "home alt" and "dark". default is to dark for darker bakgrounds. there is a color scheme missing that is readable on middle and darker background.

additionally i am missing any of the colored default backgrounds that i saw on previous versions.
how do i chose them? there are no themes to switch between it seems.

also how do you undo a custom background again? after i set a custom one i do not see any way of changing to the default one again except by resetting all settings.
great skin! Smile I use it on my RasPi and its really fast and nice to look Smile

Thank you!

but there is also a little "critique"
  • function to changing the wallpaper to the default one after choosing a custom
  • hide the wallpaper when the fanart is active in the mediaviews (now you can see both, fanart and the custom wallpaper)
  • integrate the cover in the osd of a running movie/episode (not really necesary, but I like that function Smile )

all-in-all, awesome skin, and I will keep using it on my RasPi and will use it when my AmazonTV arrives!

btw. a_user, the alt home is slightly different to the default, look at the font color of the not selected entries Wink
Is there a way to change the order or the addons in the addon widget on the home screen?
(2014-12-15, 05:50)leetnewt Wrote: Is there a way to change the order or the addons in the addon widget on the home screen?

No, it's handled by Kodi.
(2014-12-15, 09:17)Hitcher Wrote:
(2014-12-15, 05:50)leetnewt Wrote: Is there a way to change the order or the addons in the addon widget on the home screen?

No, it's handled by Kodi.

Will this option be available? the widget doesn't list the addons alphabetically, just sorts it randomly.
Hey Hitcher, I recently switched to Conq on my Raspberry Pi and was amazed at how slick it works, well done!

The only thing I've missed from other skins is the DTS/DDigital logos next to/under the movie poster in the main 'Movies' that supported at all? I can't seem to find an option to switch it on anywhere?
Love it! But would be nice to be able to press up in settings, so you get straight to "More.." :-)
This is my new favorite. Great job!
Hi, this skin has the support for the Metadata Actors script ?
Thumbs are not showing up with the YouTube-addon. They work with other skins:



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