Helix support
I'm sure, or at least I'd hope, that we all understand that you have prorities in your life, that will come before maintaining this skin.
All I can say, I for one appreciate whatever you can do, to help keep it working.
Thank you. Smile
I checked and it seems that the skin is compatible with Isengard and Jarvis, but I only had the chance to validate this on a Win 10 PC with 15.2 and 16.0 RC3 yet, so your mileage may vary.
That's great news qqbenq, I'll now be happy to give Jarvis a whirl, and let you know if I find anything untowards.
I've had it running for some time on Isengard, on a Windows 7 PC.

Thank you so much for the continued hard work. Smile

Regards, Michelle

(edited due to being blonde (aka making spelling errors))
i just tried PM3.HD install from zip file on Jarvis but it didn't work. Sad
Also tried it using zip file. No succes (JB ATV4)
Then I tried to change the addon.xml so that it would trick Jarvis in installing it, but then I got another error.

Too bad. Really want to have PM3.

I am wondering now how much work it would be to fix that it would work.
I only need the playback stuff + subtitle plugin.
(2014-09-10, 17:25)qqbenq Wrote: I started working on Helix compatibility, here is the repo: https://github.com/qqbenq/skin.pm3-hd

PLEAASSEEEE make a newer version Smile

I cannot be the only one that would be really happy then.
I reinstalled the skin back when we were still running on Helix, and it has happily stayed installed through Isendgard and now on Jarvis too...
Perhaps it might be worth trying to do an install of Helix http://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/win32/old/ and then trying the upgrade route? Smile
Thank you very much for keeping the PM3 skin alive.

However there is something I’m not really sure about.

The skin was originally made for being displayed on NTSC 480i screens, and that this version of the skin was developed to look good on 1080 screens.

So why doesn’t this skin still look good on NTSC 480i screens.
The "NTSC" and "NTSC16x9" folders are no longer present within the skin files.
Could these folders be added back into the skin?

I’m using kodi v15.2 on OpenELEC v6 on Raspberry pi and I am often forced into using analog video monitors (NTSC 480i).

The original xbox looked really good on these monitors with PM3.
Why cant the same imagery be available on the current skin with the necessary components in the missing NTSC folders?
Well shoot, got my new R-Pi3 and put the latest Jarvis install, and could not install my PM3 zip file Sad

The new OSMC GUI is not my cup of tea..

Any chance we could pleeeeease get the zip file for PM3 updated to support JARVIS?

thank you !!!
So I tried all of these OSMC images in reverse order on my R-PI-3, with the hopes of hitting an older version with Helix


Raspberry Pi 2 / 3: Release

2016.05-1 Latest JARVIS, all functions working but PM3 load fails.

2016.04-1 skipped, using JARVIS.

2016.02-3 first one that worked, v16.0 JARVIS, wifi config failed.

2016.01-1 failed to boot

2015.12-4 failed to boot

2015.11-1 failed to boot

2015.10-1 failed to boot

2015.08-1 failed to boot

2015.07-1 failed to boot

2015.06-1 failed to boot

Cannot get seem to get Helix onto a R-PI-3 , no dice.
No responses from anyone? I guess this skin is really dead. Too bad, I really like the skin. All the others seem too flashy. I just need something quick that works to get to my media.

I see a bunch of skins listed, does anyone recommend a similar skin to p.m 3?
This may not be a total fix, but I got the latest PM3 ZIP file to install into the latest OSMC by editing the addon.xml file inside the skin's root zip folder and changing the line for the "xbmc GUI" from 5.9.0 to 5.10.0.

so: <import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.9.0"/>

to this: <import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.10.0"/>

I got it to install into the latest fresh install of OSMC image file onto my RPI-1 (June 2016). I will next try loading the updated PM3 ZIP file onto my RPI-3 with latest OSMC.

So far, the skin is working OK.
Well, it looks as though v17 of Kodi is going to be the Kryptonite for this skin. Sad

I've no idea how to fix it myself; the upgrade to the beta of 17 went smoothly enough, but there were very apparent graphical errors even on the home screen, and upon testing the new skin that comes with 17 (which is the completely gross, dull as ditch-water, flat paper look, that every idiot and his dog is going for now...) I found I couldn't switch back to this skin afterwards. Sad

None of the other skins come close to this one in my opinion, and there's no way I want to use the newer inferior looking interface, so I guess the ride of the XBMC / KODI bus is finally coming to an end.
It's been fun, and I'm thankful to the devs who've made it so for this long, but I won't settle for using something I no longer love to look at, and the newer trends of interface design, with that boring as hell, flat paper / cell phone style, are just ugly.

A large screen device doesn't need to look like a phone. Sad
I would probably load the backup plug-in app, do a full backup , then get the previous release of osmc, and do a full reinstall.

Then try to reinstall the skin with the xml file changes I mentioned above.

I would block all updates to the system for as long as you can.
@Shelle your contributions will be missed... Oh wait ..
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