Skin.String(string) > Skin.String(string,value)?
there are a couple of places in my skinning project which i ran into where i really "need" to be able to do conditional visiblity based on if a skin setting string has specific values or not, not just non-empty.

i am still mr n00b, so i haven't even been able to figure out where to look in the cvs for the code for functions such as this. as a result, i'm not sure if what i am asking for here is a little work or a lot.

it seems like it would require only some minor work, just a logic fork for cases when a value to be checked against is supplied in the arguments, and within that fork a call to whatever is available in the language being used to write xbmc (some flavor of c?) has in terms of a string comparison function. i am assuming there are functions like this already available in the string class or whatever?
Catchy Signature Here
look in guicontrolfactory.cpp or search for visibilty.

good luck.
For python coding questions first see
i started looking around and found a few things:
-xbmc is written in c++ (?)
-the functions i want/need to modify seem to be in utils\guiinfomanager.cpp, since this seems to correspond almost directly with the stuff found on the conditional visiblity docs in the online manual.
-i really have pnly the most basic grasp of the syntax of c++. the only thing i know which is similair is java, but its been a while since i did anything with that. maybe time to pull out some books Wink
Catchy Signature Here
heh, i have no idea how to pursue this one Sad
Catchy Signature Here
at this point i can't continue adding functions to my skin until i get this feature, as i am out of variables. without this feature, i am using approximately 72 boolean variables, where i could be using like 9 string variables if i had the ability to check for specific strings.
any help/suggestions?
Catchy Signature Here
uhm, did i forget to commit this?

i'll do so tonight.
oh, i wasn't aware anyone was even working on this. i'm very grateful as always for your assistance Smile i will let you know how it works out Smile
i am assuming usage is skin.hassetting(settingname,value to check against)?
Catchy Signature Here
that last post has a typo, meant to say skin.string(setting, value to check against). i am watching the changelog like a hawk, this hasn't made it in yet Sad will it show up in the changelog when submitted, spiff?
Catchy Signature Here
- 04-07-2006 changed: speed improvements on all skin setting retrieval. removed not completely working skin.comparestring() and replaced with skin.string(name,value) to do comparisons. also extended skin.setbool(name,value) to take true or false as a parameter.

with some jm magic its finally done.
you are both like superheroes of code Smile
Catchy Signature Here

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Skin.String(string) > Skin.String(string,value)?0