Win PseudoTV Live Manager for Windows
(2014-10-21, 19:31)Zacharybinx34 Wrote: Love this! I stopped messing with PseudoTV live because there was no manager, but came back once this ready.

So far so good, but when i get to editing any youtube channels I get the follow Error

Unhandled Exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

The limit sort sections are overlapping the channel names and looks all glitchy when this happens.

Any ideas?


I took a look. I'm no expert, so take this for what it is.

So, when I pasted your settings back in, the unnatural line breaks disappeared. The channels that had them, were nol issue. It stopped at 97 for some reason.

In the PTVL Manager, I ran into the Unhandled Exception error on channel 99 through 122. Those are your YouTube channels. I'm not sure if they were autotuned or not, but they were added wrong. They have channel type 17 instead of 10. No idea where 17 came from. You should be able to edit those to the correct ones with PTVL Manager. Or you can edit them directly in settings2.xml.

I can give you some examples,etc., but it may just be a bad autotune. I thought that the person who is doing some great curating of that list mentioned something about some broken entries there.

For a fresh start, uninstall PseudoTV Live. Then go to you addons folder and delete the pseudotv live folder. Then, go back reinstall and rerun autotune.

Edit: or just go in to PTVL Manager or the settings2.xml and delete those channels. Then, you can go right back in and recreate them. You're tech savvy and Luna's given you a guide and there's the manager, so you should have no further issues.

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PseudoTV Live Manager for Windows7