Buffering issue
Hi there,

I am running XBMC 13.2 on a PC.

When watching movies it sometimes starts buffering. To avoid this, one *should* be able to manually pause, grab a tea, wait til the buffer is filled - and continue watching.

Problem I have is: The buffer is only filled when NOT in Pause mode (-> when playing the movie).
When in Pause, buffer stays always the same (I checked it by pressing "o"). Even after minutes - the buffer does not increase.

How can I fix this?

is this for online streams? or is it buffering local videos?
online streams
what is the speed of your internet? Does it buffer while watching streams in just a web browser from the same site?
Try Kodi 14 beta or nightly please
(2014-11-07, 23:16)jpichie Wrote: what is the speed of your internet?

Speed is OK (100Mbit/s).

Problem is: It does not buffer at all when paused. Which is a bug imho.
Which addon are you using for your online streaming?
The buffer is always filling. The codecinfo screen doesn't seem to update anymore when the video is paused, so it doesn't look like it is buffering, but it is.

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