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Kodi Animation thread
Just a couple of simple ideas, no special effects or 3d, just for inspiration Smile



Simpler is indeed sometimes better Wink

Top one is quite effective (my fav of this batch) Second fav is the 3rd though somehow the x > k is lost in all of these.

I like the 3rd animation that looks like post-it notes, or paint being applied. I wonder if you could create the X, then move half of the left-square up to join the top square to make the K. Kind of like an "oops, now it's correct" type feel.
(2014-12-11, 14:12)321liftoff Wrote: ... create the X, then move half of the left-square up to join the top square to make the K. Kind of like an "oops, now it's correct" type feel.

Yes, start from X, then slide or flip (origami-style) into K. That could maybe work as a waiting-animation also : X->K->X->rotate90°->repeat..?
Personally I think the middle (2nd) of those is the best Smile
(2014-12-11, 11:53)samfisher Wrote: Image
I think that this one would look really cool if you have a Philips Ambilight, AmBX, or DIY Ambilight clone.

Note to self: Build that Adalight or Amblone based DIY Ambilight clone soon!

Reminds me a little bit about the very beginning of the intro to Futurama
I know I'm late to the party, but @samfisher, you have some serious tallent there. Thanks for doing these.

Would it be possible to create a version of your first animation without the part where the logo rotates and turn into trianges. I'd like to see if the increased speed of just having the left square turn into a tirangle while the top square unfolds would be worth it over the extra visual effect.

(2014-12-11, 11:53)samfisher Wrote: Just a couple of simple ideas, no special effects or 3d, just for inspiration Smile
The rays in the first one might be a bit over the top, but I really like the mirror effect.
ASUS Chromebox M004U (LibreELEC 8.2/Aeon Nox SiLVO)--->HDMI--->Onkyo TX-NR646--->HDMI--->Panasonic P65VT30
(2014-12-11, 10:55)Piers Wrote:
(2014-12-10, 21:32)topfs2 Wrote: The discussion on the settings is highly offtopic but I can say that its very unlikely that we will let power users dictate it. I.e. I'm guessing it will be on by default but possible to disable.

Well that makes the Kodi team opinion of users very clear, think that's the first time I've heard that feedback from users is not welcomed.

No, we listen to our users. However we don't want the 1% of our users to select the default which isn't representative of the vast majority. Which is what I questioned on your, very strict statement on how the setting should be.

My words may have come across a bit harsher than anticipated, for that I'm sorry.

My point was that I suspect you want it off as your a power user and just want to go into the program as fast as possible. And that I think that the majority of the users would welcome an animation on the cost of it taking a few more seconds to load (as they wouldn't' mind spending those seconds as they only do it once a day at most). As a power user you may start and stop the application far more often.
So for the average user it make sense to have it on by default, but allow power users, as yourself and me, to turn it off when we don't' want it.

EDIT: I hope with this there are no hard feelings and that we can leave the discussion out of this thread. And let it be about the awesomeness of the animations instead!
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
Here's a thread for technical(ish) discussion about boot animations specifically:
@321liftoff & @t4_ravenbird: nice suggestion, here it is Smile

Gotta love that X --> K play!

Sam, you're the man!
(2014-12-12, 01:23)samfisher Wrote: @321liftoff & @t4_ravenbird: nice suggestion, here it is Smile


WOW! I like the slowness leading up to the X, but what I actually had in mind is after the X is formed, wait just a tad more for suspense, then have half of the left square, very quickly, break off and slide to join the top square, thus forming the K. Then when the K is formed, quickly have the rays of light shine out (similar to #1 in the latest triple) as if the puzzle was unlocked, then maybe with some backwards zoom, and show the word KODI.

To save time, you may need to shave off the beginning fly-in of the squares and simply have the "roll-on" effect in-place.

And a big, THANK YOU, for inspiring the whole creative process with your talent!
(2014-12-12, 01:23)samfisher Wrote: @321liftoff & @t4_ravenbird: nice suggestion, here it is Smile


Now we getting somewhere, Smile and the zooming back and forth is finally gone. Slap a little lipstick on this gorilla and you should be getting closer.

I think the X thing should not linger in fact ist should be as there but even more subtle. Its rather slow though.

Personally I preferred a mix of the first idea and this last idea without the zooming and excessive rotation.
(2014-12-12, 01:23)samfisher Wrote: @321liftoff & @t4_ravenbird: nice suggestion, here it is Smile


The ending of the folding process from X into K looks odd to me.

I thinks it the early rectangular post it folds which are something like


doesn't fit for me with the final fold out from X into the K.

Something fitting more in with this final fold out from X into K might look better, so the post it effect is on same axis as final fold out


So as they come come, left diamond folds all the way left, and top diamond folds all the way up

Hope you follow despite my crap graphic skills.
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Kodi Animation thread8