Kodi logo variation and pack
here's how it looks with grey http://mirrors.xbmc.org/
think blackish would look better. kinda how it's now on our website http://kodi.tv/ (but including the watermark). perhaps also some slight gradient to break it a bit

We also had some christmass/newyear banner but i doubt any one would bother changing them Smile
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might need brightening up of the right part...

If you want I'll do them. no prob.

here's a slightly lighter one

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Looks so much better than the light grey Smile

Unless you feel it needs changing i think we can keep it. Many thx
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(2014-12-07, 14:31)Martijn Wrote: kinda how it's now on our website http://kodi.tv/ (but including the watermark). perhaps also some slight gradient to break it a bit

just read this,

one more sec.

I agree looks better, but then I'd change the bottom too,

what do you think?

let me post bottom and top closer to website one so you can test them out.



wesitelike test <<< w.t.h. did I write? ahahahahah

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that would require some css changes as well for the footer as the text would be gone. also the images don't fit really well any more
i'll pull it onto the server and ask the other guys what values we need to pick/change
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(2014-12-07, 15:04)Martijn Wrote: that would require some css changes as well for the footer as the text would be gone. also the images don't fit really well any more
i'll pull it onto the server and ask the other guys what values we need to pick/change

the header or the footer?

on my side I still see light footer and seems like everything fits.. (Safari 8.0)

I did realize the header is bigger that the space it fills, but I left it nonetheless, since being rendered first it gets nicely cut by the outside image.

let me know if anything is needed.

I'm working on the Xmas /NYear ones atm.
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I meant the footer. changed it back to the light footer.
we don't need the xmass/NY ones Smile I just found them and they haven't been used in years
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shame.. I was enjoying them ahahahah
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hehe nice. oh well why not Tongue
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maybe with more fireworks?
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I'm for #3 in your first post with the header suggestions. And now I'm off to NZ - cya next year guys.
(2014-12-07, 16:48)da-anda Wrote: I'm for #3 in your first post with the header suggestions. And now I'm off to NZ - cya next year guys.

Happy Holidays & Have a nice everything!!!!
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Love the Santa hat. Kinda want that for the Facebook profile pic.

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