ODROID-C1 from Hardkernel is a $35 Development Board powered by AMLogic S805
Yes mouse is now turned off by default, my personal preference that one. I will add it to the release notes to prevent further questions Wink

I don't think the Kernel coded, SoC temp sensor function on the S805 is entirely accurate.
Codesnake from WeTek actually removed it from the AMLogic S812-H Kernel he is using in the WeTek Core due to these inaccuracies.

If anyone has a IR Heat sensor gun can they take a reading of at least the Heat Sink and report back.
I see about 150 F or 65 Degrees during Normal Ops reported in Kodi as well.

I config the C1+ with these OE releases to extract every bit of Performance possible. Smile
Never had any heat related issues at all running the C1+ damn hard.


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RE: ODROID-C1 from Hardkernel is a $35 Development Board powered by AMLogic S805 - by wrxtasy - 2016-01-24, 21:22
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ODROID-C1 from Hardkernel is a $35 Development Board powered by AMLogic S8051