Serious Newbie Needs Help. New Version of XBMC wont work?

My apologies in advance as I am one of the least tech savvy people on this board....Any advice/help greatly appreciated.

Was running an older version of XBMC (Eden?--old version now deleted)--no issues with playing content. Recently began getting messages that this version was no longer supported and a new version was available. Downloaded XBMC 13.2 Gotham, off of kodi official site, and now I have no volume and when watching content, screen constantly freezes. Also when I try and exit system, I can't but have to force closure.

Here is as much as I know (very little).
Computer=HP G72 Notebook. intel i3 processor, 2.4 ghz, 64 bit operating system, windows 7 home premium,
Control Panel, Device Manager, Sound, Video, and Game Controllers: Intel Display Audio, Realtek High Definition Audio
Content is extracted from a portable hard drive (T drive): Western Digital 2 TB, 156 GB free as of today, File System: NTFS
Content is shown not on computer but on Samsung flat screen TV via hdmi cable, audio comes from Pioneer receiver to home theater speakers (5.1)

Computer running XBMC is:
System Settings>Video>.Playback=Preferred Audio Language=Original stream's language, Play the next video automatically is unchecked, Adjust display refresh rate is unchecked, Sync playback to display is checked, A/V sync method is video clock (resample Audio), Allowed error in aspect ratio to minimize black bars = none, Display 4:3 video as normal,Activate Teletext is checked, Scale Teletext to 4:3 is checked, Playback mode of stereoscopic videos: ask me. Disable stereoscopic mode when playback is stopped is checked
Setting level is set on expert

I have scanned both the computer hard drive and the external hard drive and both came back error free. I think it might be a setting, but have no clue what issue is......Nothing else changed except changing versions of XBMC.........All other functions of computer work fine....

Please let me know if further info is needed?

If you could please explain any solutions/advice in the most simplest step by step terms, I would greatly appreciate it Big Grin

Thanks in advance,

Any help/suggestions greatly appreciated.................
How is the laptop connected to the Pioneer receiver?

Surely the setup should be the laptop to receiver, then receiver to TV??

Are you re-sampling the audio before it gets to the Pioneer as opposed to outputting the digital stream?

Also, perhaps since you upgraded from a really old version to a much more recent one, the userprofile settings are corrupt/not supported. Perhaps running the first setup for 13.2 would help.

To do that, close down XBMC
In a 'Run' Windows (WIndows key + R) enter %AppData%
Rename the XBMC folder to XBMC_OLD
The start XBMC again and set all the options as you want them, then see if that helps. If not, you can always delete the newly create XMBC folder and rename the XBMC_Old back to original.

Hope this helps
Thank you for responding. Your assumptions are correct regarding audio. Nothing in my set up changed. The only change made was running newer version of XBMC. Movies will not play they just freeze. No audio either. I assume it is a setting, but have no idea where to look or how to fix ..............frustrating.
Debug Log please

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Serious Newbie Needs Help. New Version of XBMC wont work?0