Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Addon discontinued.
Looks great, if you need help with time shift let me know, I dabbled in using rtmpdump as a "buffer".
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Well I mostly watch Portuguese and Uk channels (we're in the same timezone) so I made it to suit my needs. Later I realized some epg's didn't match what was being broadcast (eg. spanish) and that might be something related to the time in EPG. Hadn't got the time yet to look at it but will do soon.
The code is pretty simple, just some threads to download and merge the files. Of course you're free to modify it and contribute back Smile


I really like your tool , very useful !

But i have some problems when I shutdown Kodi , due I think to it :
See log , it takes more than 2 min to stop it :
01:39:32 T:4124   ERROR: CPythonInvoker(9, C:\Users\Htpc\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.pvrtools-service.pvrtools-1.0.0\ script didn't stop in 5 seconds - let's kill it
01:41:49 T:4124  NOTICE: stopped
01:41:49 T:4124  NOTICE: destroy

Could you check ?
Thanks !
Yeap I noticed that too. That's because I'm dumb enough to set a sleep time of 15 minutes inside the loop lol
I'll fix it tonight.
Looks great! Will give it a go!
I tried your program today. But it seems not to write the output file.
here the logfile after I got a success notification, but the new merged file isn's created:

PHP Code:
22:16:12 T:1702631056  NOTICEstarting download...
22:16:12 T:1811142552  NOTICEstarting download...
22:16:14 T:1702631056  NOTICEdownload finished...
22:16:14 T:1702631056  NOTICEelapsed time:2.15774488449
:16:19 T:1811142552  NOTICEdownload finished...
22:16:19 T:1811142552  NOTICEelapsed time:7.23809790611
:16:19 T:1794335320  NOTICEStarting extraction process...
22:16:19 T:1794335320 nao e um zip...skip
:16:19 T:1794335320  NOTICExxxxx nao e um zip...skip
:16:19 T:1794335320 nao e um zip...skip
:16:19 T:1794335320  NOTICEExtracting done
:16:19 T:1794335320  NOTICEmerging starts here....
22:16:19 T:1794335320  NOTICEXmltvs have been merged
:16:19 T:1794335320    INFOCPythonInvoker(19, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.semperpax.spmc/files/.xbmc/addons/service.pvrtools-service.pvrtools-1.0.0/lib/ script successfully run 
First, many thanks for this!!

Time shift per xmltv would be GREAT!

Great! But, then, the final merged list doesn't get updated because it's local? Or does this local list get updated when the initial separate (remote) lists get updated?
Tried the tool and i have got the same problem as Kuki77, i dont get an output file to use.
This plugin won't be developed any further, to be honest I made it to merge epg's and not lists. There is no reason for merging lists. You can simply made an addon to read them or use Kodi itself if they are local.
What a pity :-(
(2015-08-02, 14:29)enen92 Wrote: This plugin won't be developed any further, to be honest I made it to merge epg's and not lists. There is no reason for merging lists. You can simply made an addon to read them or use Kodi itself if they are local.
wow, can you reconsider?

pvr iptv simple client allow only one list. how can we make an addon to merge two+ lists?
There is no reason to use multiple lists in iptvsimple...
It supports channel groups which basically do the same
(2015-11-05, 21:07)enen92 Wrote: There is no reason to use multiple lists in iptvsimple...
It supports channel groups which basically do the same

maybe there is, just looking this thread i see people asking
or if you it google you will find people installing a second iptvsimple as workaround.

anyway, cheers!

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