SFTP/SSH Problems
Hey folks,

I am running Kodi RC3 (XBMCBuntu HTPC) and Final (on Fire TV). On my HTPC I can setup an SFTP/SSH network source for videos just fine. The remote machine is a internet server.
Trying this on my new FireTV box with Kodi final (and also on my Samsung Tab S) results in errors, Kodi tells me that it can't connect to the server, which is btw on a non-standard port for ssh, meaning other port than 22.
As I said it works perfectly fine from Linux, but not from Android.
SFTP/SSH in general seems to work, since I could connect to a local ssh server in my home network just fine, which runs on port 22 though. Anyway either there is a problem with the android versions ssh support for non-standard ports, or something is wrong when it tries to connect via ssh/sftp to machines somewhere on the internet ....

EDIT - SFTP on Kodi Android doesn't seem to play well with current openssh packages according to debug log:

18:55:44 T:1456306168 ERROR: SFTPSession: Failed to connect 'kex error : did not find one of algos diffie-hellman-grou
p1-sha1 in list [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-gro
up-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 for kex algos'

Could somebody help me here?



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