[AFTV] SOLVED: Kodi 14.0 Stable fails to start on
I have a Fire TV where I've just gone through the lengthy process of installing the pre-rooted SW version
Everything else works fine, but Kodi 14.0 stable crashes immediately after startup. After this, the process table still shows kodi running in the background, and the Fire TV is extremely sluggish.

The top running processes when this happens are:
User 17%, System 5%, IOW 28%, IRQ 0%
User 106 + Nice 1 + Sys 37 + Idle 300 + IOW 177 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 0 = 621

  PID PR CPU% S  #THR     VSS     RSS PCY UID      Name
3006  0   7% S     21 565700K   44340K fg system   com.amazon.tv.settings
  327  0   5% S    11 128780K   9584K  fg system   /system/bin/surfaceflinger
  697  0   1% S   100 587448K  49820K  fg system   system_server
3837  1   1% R      1   1516K    776K     shell    top
2604  1   0% S      1      0K      0K     root     khidpd_054c05c4
  116  0   0% S     1      0K      0K     root     kworker/u:2
  330  0   0% S    10  43200K   9336K  fg media    /system/bin/mediaserver
3757  1   0% S     17 561204K  42284K  bg u0_a5    org.xbmc.kodi
  952  1   0% S    20 488900K  22036K  bg amz_a16  com.amazon.device.logmanager
1493  1   0% S     1       0K      0K     root     ksoftirqd/1

Things remain sluggish until I "Force stop" Kodi. Has anyone else seen anything similar ? SPMC 13.4.0 runs fine, both as a laucher and "regular".

As far as I can tell, there isn't anything in the log that indicates anything is wrong, it just stops doing anything....

Full log here: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=385477
After removing SPMC and wiping cache via the recovery screen, I was able to get 14.0 running. Works now.

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[AFTV] SOLVED: Kodi 14.0 Stable fails to start on