Win Is it possible to have cache go to an external drive of my choice?
Hello everyone,

I apologise in advance if my question has already been asked and answered but I have not been able to find any answers on google, youtube or this forum. If anyone knows of a good easy to follow answer a link would greatly be appreciated!

I have a laptop with an SSD installed and I have just enabled 0 caching on Kodi through maintenance tool. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that cache now freely accumulates on my c drive to give a better experience whilst viewing content (no more lag/buffer/cache filled issues). I am also aware that SSD's tend to wear out after a fair amount of writing data to them, as a result I would like to have kodi storing cache to an external which I can keep plugged in at all times.Is this possible? Another question I have is if it is worth it to do what I am suggesting? Will the 0 cache setting contribute a lot to my SSD's longevity if I want it to last?

Thank you for your time and effort, it is greatly appreciated.

I use a ssd in every computer I have including my HTPC's.

I have not had any problems due to writing to much to the drive. Some of my SSD's are 4 years old.

My opinion is not to worry about writing to much to an SSD.

In regards to using the cache on the external drive it would be much slower than internal and not sure if it would be worth it. But i do not know if there is a way.
Ok I'm new to the whole ssd ownership as this is my first one. So would you say you write to these ssd's a whole lot and that they have endured more wear and tear than your average drive? Also have you been running the 0 caching setting?

I would say I have written to them more than a normal drive.

I just started using kodi for my HTPC's and used mythtv before so I dont currently using that cache option.

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Is it possible to have cache go to an external drive of my choice?0