RK3288 crashes when fast forward
Anyone have a RK3288 processor that crashes when you try and fast forward. If so anyone heard of a fix/work-around or a stable kodi version?
Yep, same here.........
Im haveing the same problem. Do you have the mali-t7 gpu?
A way to solve it is to turn off the hardware acceleration and turn on the software. but with that, im trying to find out if i wont have the same video quality.
Yep..... same issue.... posted this thread with not much interaction....one recommendation was turn off hardware execration which does seem to help but when playing back 1080P recordings it is too bad of a performance.


I am now using MX Player Free as an external player....not as good as the internal player but it doesn't crash when skipping.

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RK3288 crashes when fast forward0