Black Screen After Wake
I've noticed now quite a few times that KODI opens a black/blank screen after wake. My setup is:

Windows 7 (KODI) + GT730 GPU to Yamaha 3040 AVR to Sony TV (or Sony projector)

When the blank screen is up if I flick left or right on the remote control I can hear the skin "click" as it moves between tabs or movies. If I'm lucky enough the land on a TV show or movie and click play, I get a "scene changed" message or something like that on the TV and the show starts playing so I now have full audio and video. If I stop the show I can now see all the menus, skin etc. If I don't land on a show only a PC reboot fixes.

So going from blank screen to playing a show back to full visuals.

I'm guessing that some sort of handshake or sync is not happening when the PC wakes back up. Perhaps when I play a show the screen resolution changes and forces a handshake or something like that.

Any ideas how to fix it? Maybe configure a button on my remote to kill KODI and open it again?
Maybe give baijuxavior's Kodi Launcher a try?
You can configure it to shutdown Kodi if a standby is triggered and give it a fresh restart after waking up.

There also is a tool called 'HDMIyo' that forces a HDMI handshake if executed - have used it years ago, but then it became obsolete for me.
Kodi v17.6 with shared MariaDB v10.3 | HTS Tvheadend 4.2.6 on RPi2 | running on:
Windows 10x64 | Nvidia Shield | FireTV4k | FireTVStick4 | Android 5 | RPi3 with OSMC

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Black Screen After Wake0